The old man observed in the vicinity for a long time, and suddenly found an incomparable gigantic ancient tree in front of him, with vigorous and powerful roots and glowing rays of light in the leaves.

You can see that densely packed fruits grow on the old trees. These fruits are golden, like pouring gold, exuding an irresistible temptation!

The old man shook his body and his face showed ecstasy.

Although he has never seen Divine Tree, he can be sure that Lei Ming Young Master encountered it on this mountain range.

The tree in front of you is so strange, it must be the one that Lei Ming Young Master has encountered!

The old man didn’t think much, and immediately moved towards Divine Tree and ran away.

Just as he was about to approach the Divine Tree, his figure suddenly stopped.

The old man pupil shrink, he felt an extremely terrifying breath fleeting, and that breath was like countless killing swords hanging on top of his head!

His body trembled wildly and his back was chilly.

At this time, the old man realized something was wrong.

“Lei Ming Young Master is Heaven’s Chosen of Celestial Court Thunder Palace. Even he can only win a fruit from the Divine Tree. This Divine Tree must contain a crisis!”

The old man is nothing but a Peak who tempering once, while Lei Ming is tempering four times, mastering a thunder-shattering method.

The opponent can only bring back one fruit, which shows that the danger here is no small thing!

He is a tempering god emperor, I am afraid there is a risk of falling at any time!

The old man hurriedly backed away…

Unfortunately, it was too late. The divine light shining old tree did not appear when, but four daoist sect households appeared all around.

Every daoist sect has a fairy sword hanging on it, lore, slaughter, punish… all kinds of terrifying sword qi are permeated.

The old man stared wide-eyed. He found that there were three silhouettes in the place where Divine Tree was. Before he could see clearly, wisps of sword light rippled down, severe pain…invaded the whole body!

The head fell to the ground, and the blood was dotted all around, and then the hot blood slowly flowed out.

The old man didn’t know until he died, he simply didn’t meet Divine Tree, and he didn’t even know when he was hit by Mu Qing’s Moon God Dream!

He thought he had met Divine Tree, and he was very excited and joyful. He felt that he would finally be able to break through before the end of the day!

Unfortunately, there is no Divine Tree here……

Everything is just a dream, that’s all!

All the mental activities of the old man in the dream territory turned into dream talk in reality, and he said it in a low voice.

This gave Mu Qing three people some information.

“Nearby, there seems to be a powerhouse called Lei Ming, possessing the power of Dao Ze six tempering.”

Mu Qing used the old dead tree to absorb the old man’s corpse. Qi of Death, one side opened the mouth and said.

“The Lei Ming he said was a member of Celestial Court Thunder Palace. I have seen each other several times. He was only capable of tempering four times. Didn’t expect it has been tempering six times! “

Little Fatty explained to Mu Qing, but his eyes burst out, and the halazi almost came out of his mouth!

The old man unconsciously hit Mu Qing’s Moon God dream, saw Divine Tree in the dream, and all thoughts turned into dreams, letting everyone know.

There is a lot of information here!

Celestial Court has dispatched a large number of powerhouses to the Inheritance Land. Lei Ming is not the first batch. Obviously he entered later. Of course, correspondingly, there must be a lot of powerhouses in the Ancient Immortal world. .

In this mountain range, there is a Divine Tree. Lei Ming got a fruit from the Divine Tree, and he went directly from four tempering breakthroughs to six tempering!

You must know that even Xiao Pan has only five temperings. Earlier he harvested more than one hundred colorful lotus roots, which is enough to support the energy needed by three people to impact the Great Emperor Realm, but he thought To perform the sixth Thunder Tribulation, but it was still a bit close.

Lei Ming got only one fruit of Divine Tree, and he continuously broke through, reaching six temperings, which shows how amazing the energy contained in the fruit of Divine Tree is!

“Since that Lei Ming was able to be active on this mountain range only with four tempering strengths, it means that the crisis on this mountain range is not too terrifying.”

Little Fatty eyes brighter and brighter.

When he first arrived in this mountain range, he really didn’t dare to walk around!

Xiao Pandao evolved into Eight Trigrams Mirror. All the treasures within five hundred miles could not hide from him. As long as he walked around, he would definitely find some good things.

However, the blood crocodile Old Ancestor I encountered before really scared him. Even if the blood crocodile Old Ancestor is imprisoned, he still has the strength to suppress and kill him, so he didn’t explore the reality. Before, he didn’t dare to walk around.

But now, I have got some useful news!

Lei Ming was only capable of tempering four times at first, and the other party could walk in this mountain range, so he could be the same as those who tempered five times, not to mention that there was Mu Qing beside him. The fierce man of two ways!

Xiao Pan looked towards Mu Qing, including Mei Third Young Lady as well.

This is a great opportunity!

Lei Ming’s strength in tempering four times can get a fruit, and then his strength skyrocketed, indicating that the danger in this mountain range is not high. If they can find Divine Tree, they may get a lot of fruits!

Xiao Pan wants to survive the sixth Thunder Tribulation, and the Third Young Lady also wants to quickly improve their strength. They don’t want to miss this opportunity.

Lei Ming is now a powerhouse of tempering six times. If he wants to take the fruit of Divine Tree from him, he can only rely on Mu Qing!

Mu Qing put the expressions of the two into his eyes, chuckled lightly, and said: “I also want to improve my strength. Naturally, this Divine Tree is going to compete!”

Little Fatty hearing this, there was a burst of excitement on his face.

Don’t even think that they have only three people, but if they cooperate well, even if there are a large number of Celestial Court gods around Lei Ming, it is useless!

“The daoist robe on my body was given by the Ancestral Master. It is invincible.”

“Although Mu Qing has only one tempering, he has twelve principles, which is a fierce one. People, Lei Ming is probably not his opponent even if it is tempering six times!”

“Mei Third Young Lady has a lot of talisman on her body, even if it is the mobile talisman she has condensed, it can be thousands of miles away! “

Little Fatty’s eyes are getting brighter and brighter. After thinking about it carefully, he found that the combination of their three people is simply an almighty small group!

There is defense, battle strength, and means of escape!

The most important thing is that there are only three of them. When they want to retreat, they flee immediately after moving the talisman together with the Third Young Lady, very flexible!

Mu Qing has taken back Immortal Beheading Sword Formation. He is now so powerful that his body has twelve principles, all of which are tempered at once, and the black hole physique of the body of Holy Spirit has also been Small Accomplishment. The ability of black hole transmission.

He can’t wait to find an opponent to try his strength now!


Before leaving, Mu Qing cast a parasitic soul seed on the headless corpse of the old man.

Unfortunately, nothing happens!

Mu Qing’s eyes suddenly appeared sharp, and he had some guesses in his heart.

The parasitic soul seed can be used as long as there is no Divine Soul in the body of the target. This old man’s corpse meets the requirements even without a head.

According to the description in the Super Secret Scroll, the Parasitic Soul Seed can be used for multiple targets. If the Divine Soul is powerful, it can even rely on the Parasitic Soul Seed to condense a huge army!

However, when Mu Qing cast the Parasitic Soul Seed on the old man’s corpse, he failed!

It is not that his Divine Soul is not strong enough, but that this parasitic soul of his cultivation is incomplete!

“Sure enough… the super secret scroll of my cultivation, or the super secret scroll passed down by evil gods, has all kinds of divine abilities left, which is not complete!”

Mu Qing is frowned, he has already noticed something wrong.

The divine abilities in the Super Raw Secret Volume are very powerful in description, but in fact they are not that powerful.

For example, this parasitic soul-seed of his cultivation can control tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of targets according to the description, but Mu Qing can only control his own body. If he wants to control the second body, he cannot Do it!

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