“Eldest Senior Brother, what’s the matter?”

The surrounding Xuan Fire Dao disciples have started, and they have never seen Xuan Mu’s expression.

“Go! Leave immediately and head to the mountain range to the west!”

Xuanmu’s eyes are as bright as the sun, but he knows Little Fatty’s ability. Although this guy has only strength Five tempering, but his position in Heavenly Master Path is quite high, because he has the treasure hunting ability against the sky!

Before Little Fatty and Mu Qing left the team, he knew that this guy must be holding Mu Qing’s thigh to hunt for treasure.

Didn’t expect, at this time Xuanmu sent a message that a large number of immortal flowers and immortal weeds were found!

What the immortal flower and the immortal grass are, as the mysterious wood of the eight tempering powerhouse, it is naturally clear.

In the world of Ancient Immortal, these heavenly materials and earthly treasures that contain immortal power, only the powerhouse of the Great Emperor Realm has the opportunity to contact, they are precious!

“Everyone, go to the west mountain range immediately!” Xuanmu’s grandiose voice whirled over the heads of thousands of Xuan Fire Dao disciples behind him.

Subsequently, Xuanmu took out the communication rune, but it was to inform Heavenly Master Path and Heaven’s Chosen of Dolly Palace.

Heavenly Master Path and Touzi Palace, but Heaven’s Chosen powerhouse is no less than his strength, even if his strength is not as good as him, it is not much worse!

In the outside world, it is circulated that he is the leader of the younger generation in the Ancient Immortal world. He is the most talented and powerful, but in fact, the two Peak Heaven’s Chosen from Heavenly Master Path and Dousekong are no worse than him. !

After receiving the news from Little Fatty, Xuanmu’s first thought was to call the two of Heavenly Master Path and Dousigong.

Because according to the message, there is already a Celestial Court powerhouse guarded there.

Heavenly materials and earthly treasures, which contain immortal power, are of great importance. They will never allow the Celestial Court people to obtain them!

Five days later, not far from Golden Lake, Celestial Court gods gathered together. There are always more than 700 people, one of them is Peak Peak, many of them have one and two tempering, even There is no shortage of five tempering powerhouses!

At this moment, each of them has a gloomy face and a rather ugly expression.

Originally, their Celestial Court dísciple gathered here can have a thousand people, dozens of people as a team, guarding the golden lake all around.

It’s not to prevent other people. They have already explored all around. At present, the large mountain range in the west seems to have no other people besides them Celestial Court Thunder Palace.

Therefore, they guard the golden lake, mainly to prevent the alien beasts in the mountain range from approaching.

If these treasures can be used by the alien beasts, they are really reckless waste of natural resources.

However, they guarded against the alien beasts for a long time, but they were disturbed by the three Ancient Immortal guys!

Be aware that their Thunder Palace originally had a thousand people gathered here!

Now there are only more than 700 people left!

Almost three hundred people were killed and died in the hands of three Ancient Immortal world god emperors!

You must know that these three hundred people are not three hundred Heavenly Gods, but three hundred god emperors! !

Among them, I don’t know how many tempering and tempering are twice. Several tempering and five tempering have died!

It doesn’t matter if the tempering is performed once or twice, it is stronger than the ordinary God Emperor Peak, but the God Emperor Peak who tempering four or five times, even in the Celestial Court, is not much, these are all geniuses. character.

“Just now, fifty more people died!”

Lei Ming’s face was terrifying gloomy. He just received the news that a team of the emperor was destroyed, and the other party is still It’s those three hateful Ancient Immortal people!

His chest rises and falls, and his eyes are red with anger.

Lei Ming is unusual in the inner sect of Lei Palace in Celestial Court, known as Young Master, and his sister is the most powerhouse of younger generation in Lei Palace.

Now, he got a fortuitous encounter, ate an immortal fruit, breakthrough to six tempering!

This strength is already very powerful in Thunder Palace.

Plus the golden lake was discovered by him, this time his contribution is quite big!

But now, the thousand thunder palace dísciple he led has lost 300 people in just a few days. Even if he discovered this golden lake, his elder sister and thunder palace executives are indispensable. Of accountability.

After taking a few deep breaths, after calming the anger in his heart, Lei Ming looked around all around and asked a four-time tempering subordinate: “Are everyone here?”

The subordinates looked solemn and said, “All the Thunder Palace dísciples in the mountain range are already here, and the Big Senior Sisters have already rushed here immediately after receiving the news.”

Lei Ming Nodded, looking at the woods in front of me, the killing intent rises in my heart, and I can’t help but step on a rock under my feet.

He really wants to kill Mu Qing them now.

But reason tells him that the other party’s flexibility is beyond imagination, even if they are many people, don’t want to catch it in a short time!

And his sister sent him a message, telling him that the top priority is to protect the golden lake. As for the three god emperors of the Ancient Immortal world, when the time comes, they will naturally clean up!

Thinking of this, Lei Ming’s face looked good.

The emperor dísciple who came in from Lei Palace can count as many as five thousand. Although he folded three hundred in his hand, when his sister rushed over, there would be nearly four thousand of the emperor’s reinforcements immediately!

What he is afraid now is that the three Ancient Immortal world god emperors have notified the rest of the Ancient Immortal world.

When the time comes, it’s troublesome. It takes a bitter battle to get this golden lake down.

Lei Ming gritted his teeth, a burst of anger in his heart.

Originally these immortal fruits, immortal flowers, immortal grasses… should have been exclusively owned by their Celestial Court Thunder Palace!


“They seem to be alert, they are all gathered together.”

Somewhere in the mountain range, Mu Qing sighed, Killed almost three hundred Celestial Court emperors.

Every time they make a move, they are extremely fast, and Little Fatty also plays an important role in it. The nine Heavenly God dragon shields derived from daoist robe are not only invincible, but also extremely strong for trapped people.

Little Fatty goes under the cover, trapping dozens of emperors, and the breath inside does not leak out, and people outside are basically imperceptible to what happened inside!

Following, Mu Qing and Mei Third Young Lady made a shot, adding a lot of thunder talisman to the Moon God Dreamland. Under the violent bombing, even the powerhouse of the God Emperor who had been tempering five times could not hold it.

There are nine Heavenly God dragon covers of Little Fatty. They solved a batch of Celestial Court god queens and retreated immediately, silently, no one could notice.

In contrast, Little Fatty also asked for some spoils of war.

Although he has the strength of tempering five times, but sadly discovered that his battle strength is not as good as that of the Third Young Lady.

A total of more than 300 Celestial Court gods were killed, all spoils of war were raided, Mu Qing and Mei Third Young Lady had a lot of harvest, and they had a lot of heavenly materials and earthly treasures. And Divine Item.

The three of them are eager to improve their strengths, and these spoils of war are not reserved. You can use as many as you have. You can see the transpiration of Mu Qing on the three of them at all times, and the mist is enveloping them. , While speaking are strong energy fluctuations.

Little Fatty looked excited, he felt like he was going to break the limit!

hong long!

Suddenly, Little Fatty body trembled, a cloud of robbery appeared above the head.

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