Mu Qing bleeds all over, his body is charred, and he walks out shamelessly.

The whole star burst at this moment, completely falling into the endless sky.

This star is inferior to the previous Earth. The stellar core is scarce and fragile. It was first subjected to blood sacrifice, and then subjected to the aftermath of the confrontation between Mu Qing and Thunder Tribulation, and finally ruptured. .

“Finally spent…”

Mu Qing corner of the mouth twitched, his whole body was in severe pain, like countless acupuncture needles on Divine Soul, uncomfortable.

This Thunder Tribulation not only can easily damage his fleshy body, but also Divine Soul!

If it wasn’t for his powerful Divine Soul, I am afraid that Divine Soul would have been hit hard at this moment.

“The Thunder Tribulation of the ninth tempering is also too strong. I don’t know how much it has been enhanced compared to the eighth tempering!”

Mu Qing exhales one breath saying.

This Transcending Tribulation is very difficult!

But the harvest is also great, all the twelve paths are tempered nine times, and the glaze is clear.

Fortunately, he successfully made it through, and his surface aura languished. In fact, his strength has been greatly improved.

Soon, Mu Qing tightly frowns.

He has reached his limit!

The ninth tempering is his limit, and the next tenth perfect tempering requires a huge amount of energy to impact.

Be aware that ten temperings are different from Little Fatty’s six temperings!

Little Fatty reached its limit during five tempering, looking for a lot of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and even with the help of immortal power, finally broke through to the sixth tempering.

Mu Qing’s limit is nine temperings. He wants to attack ten temperings. The demand for heavenly materials and earthly treasures is probably many times more than that of Little Fatty at that time!

Even the tenth Tempering Thunder Tribulation will be terrible!

But Mu Qing did not give up.

All have come to this point, only one step away from perfect tempering!

Little Fatty didn’t give up when he reached the limit, how could he give up?

Of course, Mu Qing didn’t know that Little Fatty wanted the ultimate motivation for breakthrough, but it was caused by being abused by Lei Ting.

“Sir Domain Lord…Luo Hua Young Master was killed by the man in front of you!”

The Heavenly God Peak of the Diluo tribe quickly opened the mouth and said .

He naturally doesn’t know what happened in the stars, but now in order to ensure his safety, he has to push everything on Mu Qing.

Moreover, the person in front of me is mysterious, suspected of a terrifying powerhouse, maybe Luo Hua Young Master’s death is really related to the other party.

The landlord hearing this, my heart sank.

He has endless anger in his heart, but as the domain master, he impossible to rush forward and fight the opponent desperately.

Reason tells him that this person is very strong in front of him!

But the territorial master of Terroir is hesitating at the moment, making a choice in his heart.

It is true that Mu Qing is stronger than him, because this star is broken, including the Sovereign level Divine Item he gave Luo Hua Young Master, which is also damaged.

If it’s normal, the territorial domain master will leave immediately and not touch him.

Or step forward to say hello, it’s good to get acquainted.

However, his most innate talent son may have just died in his hands!

Because of this, he is impossible to get along with each other!

The most important thing is that Mu Qing’s realm breath is unstable, giving people a very weak feeling, plus the other party’s injuries…

The realm of the land is really heart-warming. Up!

next moment, he clenched the teeth, his face was grim, shouted: “Encircle him!”

Even if the opponent is stronger than him, the realm is still Peak, even more how Now the opponent is seriously injured, it should not be his opponent!

I have a clear judgment in my heart, but the territorial domain master still let his subordinates try it out first.

Hearing the order of the territorial lord of the land, three god emperors took action one after another, and three huge god emperors world hong long long emerged and suppressed them.

The power of the Diluo cultivation is related to the eyes. That a pair of vision seems to be able to turn into a murderous divine glow!

Mu Qing complexion sank, this group of guys are just beside a fly like a fly, but now they dare to attack him?

His fleshy body was injured, yes, but it is definitely not something that this group of gods can offend in the late and mid-term!

The three god emperor worlds were crushed down with strong energy fluctuations.

Mu Qing remain unmoved, in the eyes of those Heavenly God Realm Di Luo people, it is like being frightened and stupefied.

However, the few god emperors of the Diluo clan have a bad premonition!

Three god emperors besieged Mu Qing with one sword, one punch and one palm, all with the blessing of the god emperor world. The flaming rays of light almost swallowed Mu Qing’s silhouette at once.

However, in this dazzling rays of light, three stalwart shadows suddenly appeared beside Mu Qing!

Three Demon Gods suddenly stepped out, roaring and shaking the earth!

A Demon God holds an endless thunder, holding up a thunder pool, and an endless thunder and lightning pours down in an instant!

Another Demon God palms a vast ocean, as Kunpeng jumps up, and the space trembles several tens of thousands of li!

The last Demon God, with the power of the black hole, has a weird shape and no breath, shuttles between the black holes!


A scream came out, and the three god emperor worlds collapsed in an instant and were forcibly blown up.

The strength of these three Demon Gods is too terrifying, and each of them is derived from Taoism, which is far beyond the ordinary God Emperor Peak!


The two god emperors were smashed by the thunder pool in the late stage, their bodies were shattered in an instant, and the Divine Soul died.

The god emperor’s mid-stage was even more unable to react. The destruction of the god emperor’s world caused him to be wounded, and the next moment was enveloped in a vast ocean. It seemed that a Kunpeng jumped up and forcibly shattered his body!

The powerhouse of the god emperor, in the Star Domain of Diluo, is the powerhouse of Peak, there are only a few in total, and every god emperor has great power.

But now, all the terro tribes have expressions of shock.

In their eyes, the powerful and powerful God Emperor Powerhouse is now like an eggshell, and it breaks at the touch of it!

The Five Thousand Diluo Heavenly God looked at each other in blank dismay, I don’t know what to do.

They turned their eyes to Sir Domain Lord.

Immediately, everyone was sluggish.

The place where Sir Domain Lord was originally located is empty at this moment, and I don’t know when it disappeared……

Many Heavenly God mouth opened wide of Luo people.

They were abandoned?

At this moment, the landlord of the land has appeared outside the hundreds of thousands in the blink of an eye, and fled at an extremely fast speed!

How fast can God Emperor Peak burst out without any force suppression?

The current landlord is the best portrayal, a million li!

Soon, the landlord has already surpassed ten thousand li!

This is obviously incomparable to the speed of spaceship in the universe, but it is also quite terrifying.

Sweat is all over the forehead of the territorial master of Diluo.

As a god emperor, but sweating, it can be seen how nervous and panicked he is now.

He was very fortunate that he let a few god emperors go down to explore the strength of the other party, otherwise it is him who is dead now!

“Damn! How come the great powerhouse appears in my Diluo Star Domain?” The Diluo domain master cursed secretly in his heart.

His cultivation base has reached God Emperor Peak for many years, and he can see clearly that the Demon God next to Mu Qing is clearly derived from Tao!

Although he does not know how many doctrines the other party has, even if there are only three doctrines, he can’t resist it!

The terrestrial domain master gallops in the starry sky, using space to move many times.

He ran away three thousand ten thousand li, and found that the other party hadn’t caught up with him, a trace of joy appeared on his face, a little slack.

After that, a black hole appeared in front of the Terro Domain Lord, and a stalwart Demon God stepped out and slapped it with a slap.


The power of horror was vented, and the body of the territorial lord was almost crushed into a pie, bursting with a bang!

Everything in this area was destroyed.

Including Divine Soul of the landlord!

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