The Emperor Tianyue was very polite.

He has a very good attitude, even as a high-ranking emperor, he dare not call himself an elder or senior.

Mu Qing is now Heaven’s Chosen of Supreme forces, at least in his eyes.

There are eight temperings, even nine temperings!

This is not far from Supreme!

Ten times of tempering is equivalent to having the potential to reach Supreme, although it is still a question of whether it can reach Supreme in the future.

But at least there is hope!

For Heaven’s Chosen like this, Emperor Tianyue didn’t dare to offend, he knew from the bottom of his heart that this one was no longer a dísciple of the Taiyue Palace.

“Junior Brother, Junior Brother.” Holy Spirit didn’t seem so polite. It was a long time since I saw him, and I didn’t have any career points. He came forward to say curiously, “You joined the Supreme force? Which one?”

In the eyes of everyone, only by joining the Supreme forces can they be qualified to touch the tempering of Dao Ze.

Because the New Moon Palace itself still has some of the remnants of the Taiyue Palace, many dísciples have also tried tempering many times.

“Supreme power?” Mu Qing stroked his chin.

He is actually reluctant to join the Ancient Immortal world, but prefers to develop outside.

Even more how, Three Great Influences in the Ancient Immortal world are not so easy to integrate into, and he never thought about which party he would join.

Perhaps he can put his name under the gatekeeper of the Ancient Immortal world of heavenly punishment?

In the world of Ancient Immortal, Heavenly Punishment and Emperor Tianlu didn’t create or join the Three Great Influences, but after all, they are extremely powerful and belong to the high-level.

The Emperor Tianlu was not born in Three Great Influences, but as an extremely great emperor, he was a high-level emperor as soon as he joined the Ancient Immortal world.

Mei Third Young Lady is the dísciple of Tianluo, and he is not a member of Three Great Influences.

“I joined the Ancient Immortal world.” Mu Qing thought for a while and responded.

“Ancient Immortal world?”

Holy Spirit was slightly surprised, apparently he had also heard of this Supreme force.

The Emperor Tianyue was shocked in his heart. He knew the Ancient Immortal realm even more. He was once integrated with the Celestial Court, and then half split to form the Ancient Immortal realm.

Compared with the domineering Celestial Court that was born some time ago, the Ancient Immortal world is quite mysterious, but the strength is definitely not weak!

The attitude of Emperor Tianyue towards Mu Qing is better, this is Heaven’s Chosen from the Ancient Immortal world!

“This is my newsletter rune. For the time being, we cannot repay you for saving the Holy Spirit, but if there is something, we will definitely help!”

God With a solemn expression on his face, the Great Moon handed the communication rune to Mu Qing.

He is also blushed with shame, thinking about it, everything on his body seems to be too low-level, and it is of no use to people like Mu Qing.

Ordinary heavenly materials and earthly treasures, Mu Qing’s powerhouse with eight or nine temperings is bound to look down upon.

Because of this level, it requires extremely high-quality and huge energy to make it possible to move forward and impact the higher tempering.

Ordinary heavenly materials and earthly treasures are useless!

Emperor-level heavenly materials and earthly treasures are good for the Imperial Capital, but the Crescent Palace is not much.

Most of them are used by Holy Spirit.

Emperor Tianyue is embarrassed, what Mu Qing can admire in him is his Emperor Treasure.

But that is the high-ranking Emperor Treasure. You still need it for your own battle. How could it be given to others?

In the end, Emperor Tianyue only gave Mu Qing a communication rune.

Even if Mu Qing had a fellow apprentices relationship with Holy Spirit before, but this favor still needs to be written down!

The New Moon Palace will not be stingy in this regard.

The Emperor Tianyue allows Mu Qing to go to the Blue Moon Realm at any time. There are a lot of heritage left by the Taiyue Palace in the New Moon Palace.

“Maybe it will help you to achieve ten tempering in the future!”

The Emperor Tianyue opened the mouth and said.

Mu Qing was slightly surprised.

He has been tempering nine times, but he has reached the limit. Ten tempering requires extraordinary resources!

Mu Qing wants to become an emperor, but he is not an ordinary emperor.

He wants to tempering ten times, the perfect way will become the emperor!

Not only him, but also the many Heaven’s Chosen in the Ancient Immortal world and Celestial Court!

Inheritance Land and his party, Xiao Xuan, Purple Gold Yuan, Xuan Mu and the others have all gained a lot of benefits, and they also have combat training.

I must have been tempering nine times after I went back!

They are all staring at perfect tempering, just like Mu Qing now!

I have come to this step, how can I give up easily?

Mu Qing doesn’t have much resources anymore, too ordinary things absorb refining, and there is no benefit to perfect tempering.

But what Tianyue Great Emperor said right now caused him some interest.

Mu Qing hurriedly thanked him, said with a smile: “Many thanks Tianyue Great, Tao Ze tempering is really important!”

When Tianyue Great saw this, it was also relaxed.

Mu Qing is satisfied.

There are some backgrounds of Taiyue Palace in the New Moon Palace, which can indeed be helpful for the ten times of tempering.

“By the way, I remember that Xinrui seemed to have a good relationship with you, but I had some news from him before.”

The Emperor Tianyue seemed to remember something.

He said: “Xinrui has gone crazy recently, slaughter all sides. He has destroyed several races in the Hunyuan realm, which has offended many people.”

“He became very cold-blooded, carrying a coffin on his back, and I don’t know how many stars he killed, it is frightening!”

The Emperor Tianyue recalled the scene of seeing Xinrui before, and couldn’t bear it in his heart. Live a tremor.

too terrifying!

The strength of the opponent’s lower emperor made him feel astonished, because the Qi of Slaughter on Xinrui’s body was too rich, like a god of murder.

“Xinrui is also wanted by Celestial Court. He is the remnant of the Star Empire.”

” And the races of creatures he slaughtered were also some of the races that encircled and suppressed the Star Empire. “

The Emperor Tianyue said solemnly.

He and Yueya created the New Moon Palace, dísciple naturally has many dísciples from the Taiyue Palace.

The Emperor Tianyue approached Xinrui and wanted to pull him into the New Moon Palace, but found that Xinrui’s image had changed drastically. The past is no more elegant and easygoing, only violent.

Xin Rui is also wanted by Celestial Court. If he joins the Crescent Palace, it will cause a lot of trouble to this new force.

Even more how, Xinrui himself rejected the Emperor Tianyue.

“Wanted by Celestial Court?”

Mu Qing was stunned, and then couldn’t help but let out a wry smile.

The senior and junior brothers are really a bit similar, and they were both wanted by Celestial Court.

However, Mu Qing was wanted just for fun.

At that time, Celestial Court and Ancient Immortal were about to go to war. Heavenly punishment and Ning Feng Zhenjun and the others also helped Mu Qing stop Celestial Court.

So when the Celestial Court wanted Mu Qing, there was basically no who really wanted to chase Mu Qing.

Even at the end, Celestial Emperor illusory shadow also stated that Mu Qing would be removed from the wanted list, just to allow Mu Qing to grow up and become his stepping stone and whetstone!

Xinrui is different.

Xin Rui is the Star Emperor, who has lived a lifetime again, and is the remnant of the Star Empire, the remnant party!

You can imagine how much pressure the other party is carrying!

“Xinrui is in the Bina tribe in the Hunyuan realm. This tribe is attached to the Titan Race. Back then, it encircled and suppressed the Star Empire. If you want to see him, you can go there.” Tianyue Great Emperor Tao.

Xin Rui is not killing innocent people indiscriminately!

At the time Celestial Court wiped out the Star Empire, but a lot of things remained. Later, under the leadership of many Peak races, a large number of cosmic races went to the Tianchen Realm to search for the remains of the Star Empire.

What Celestial Court doesn’t want, but Peak races and higher races need them, and even many middle races participated in it back then!

Xin Rui slaughtered these races!

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