“If you want the Holy Lord to cross the universe, you still need some Divine Soul of the Holy Emperor. You guys, I think you should be able to solve it soon.”

Demon Lord said with a smile.

He is quite confident in these powerhouses from the Holy Spirit universe.

And the Demon Lord also won the trust of the evil god, the original Holy Lord, and most of the things are arranged by him.

It takes a lot of Divine Soul for the Saint Emperor who is comparable to the tenth rank to come.

If you want to let the Sea King Holy Lord come to this main universe through the universe channel, in addition to the huge number of Divine Soul, you also need the Divine Soul of the powerhouse.

Divine Soul of the Holy Emperor!

Whether it is the First Rank Extreme Emperor or the Tenth Rank Extreme Emperor, at least some are needed!

The evil god slaughtered and did not know how many races, destroyed how many stars, and obtained trillions of Divine Soul.

Among them, some Peak races secretly trade Divine Soul with evil gods.

But in so many Divine Souls, there is no Divine Soul of the great emperor.

There is no Divine Soul, the Divine Soul, no matter how many other Divine Souls, the Sea King Holy Lord cannot come.

And Divine Soul…the group of extremely powerful emperors from the Three Great Supremes forces is the best target!

“Start hunting!”

Ji Lun chuckled.

tone barely fell, everyone around him suddenly rushed out, and the terrifying aura of the tenth order was swept away.

The giant punch towards the Ancient Immortal world, his goal is the astrological emperor, the weakest person at the highest level!

Ning Feng Zhenjun’s hands burst into ten thousand zhang rays of light, turning into a True Dragon, roaring out, roaring away.

a loud explosion sound.

A huge energy mushroom cloud rises!

The terrifying air wave swelled, and the whole earth was lifted up, leaving huge potholes in place.

The giant stepped back, a little surprised, and put away his contemptuous eyes.

But soon, a small silhouette rushed over in an instant, and it was the old man of the thorn monster who Holy Spirit was!

The huge thorns monster roar, each thorn tentacles like a whip, gently swiped it, and exploded a high-ranking emperor in the Ancient Immortal world.

Another roll of thorns took away the Divine Soul of the upper emperor.

The thorn monster did not stop, and went directly to the astrological emperor.

These powerhouses from the Holy Spirit universe are not too arrogant. They know that there are powerhouses of tenth-order emperors among them, so they plan to pick the weak to kill first.

The astrological emperor is very aggrieved, he is also an extreme position, he is considered a high-level in the Ancient Immortal world.

But now it is being watched by two powerhouses of order ten extreme positions, and there is a danger of death at any time.

In terms of strength, he is not an opponent at all!

The astrological emperor rushed to the extreme position, only the First Rank, I am afraid that he will be blown by a punch if he is careless!

Zhenjun Ning Feng breathes deeply, looked towards heavenly punishment, “Use some real means! Otherwise, there will be a huge loss this time.”

Heavenly punishment hearing this, his face is serious Nodded.

It’s not right to continue like this!

I thought that their tripartite Supreme forces had assembled a huge force that could directly attack the root of the problem and overthrow the evil god’s plan.

Who could have imagined that the evil gods had secretly opened the passage of the universe, and this time the three Supreme forces were in a rather unfavorable situation.

The army of three hundred thousand god emperors, surrounded by endless Heart Demon, even fell into a disadvantage, was eaten a little bit by bit.

Extremely high-level executives don’t have time to manage, because they all have opponents.

The three Supreme forces, the top eighteen have come!

Six people from each party came.

Among them, there are five powerhouses in the tenth rank, two in the Ancient Immortal world, two in the Celestial Court, and two in the ruthless palace.

But the Demon Lord, there are seven in total!

There are eleven more of them, but the difference in battle strength is too big, and two are missing from the tenth extreme position!

“It’s time for the people in this universe to see the power of our universe.”

Ji Lun smiled lightly, he stepped out of the void and strode out.

I saw the Holy Spirit appearing behind him, it was a huge silhouette, holding a silver white Trident, the sound of the wave came out, and the waves of cyan surged between Heaven and Earth.

At this moment, Ji Lun is incarnate as the sea king, Trident moved towards The astrological emperor pierced through!

Countless waves are surging along with Trident, and a random wave will be able to crush the body of the upper emperor.

The wave attached to Trident crushed a god emperor, and the screams continued.

Ji Lun’s face is full of indifference, and he has no mercy for any creature in this universe.

The Holy Lord let them come here to sweep the entire universe, to plunder and occupy!

Holy Spirit universe is running out of resources!

It can even be said to be exhausted!

Now that they have discovered a main universe ten times larger than their Holy Spirit universe, almost all Holy Spirit powerhouses are very surprised.

The most important thing is that the resources of the main universe are basically still abundant, and the Holy Spirit universe that has come to an end is like seeing a new dawn.

They don’t want to live with the creatures of the main universe.

Holy Spirit cosmic powerhouses, who have experienced scarcity and exhaustion of resources, are more eager to slaughter the creatures of the entire universe and take everything as their own.

Only in this way can the resources of the universe be used for a longer time!

“It may not be too underestimated that I am waiting.” Heavenly punishment One hundred principles emerged all over the body, the rays of light flickered, and the thunder suddenly appeared.

There was a burst of electricity from his palm, and a lance shrouded in endless thunder and lightning appeared.

The Spear of Heavenly Tribulation!

Heavenly punishment once Supreme Item!

Heavenly punishment was originally the Supreme powerhouse, and naturally has its own Supreme Item, the Spear of Heavenly Tribulation!

It is rumored that the road to heavenly punishment is Supreme strength of Thunder Tribulation, and it can even interfere with the Universe Rule to a certain extent, according to one’s own wishes, whether to lower Thunder Tribulation or to lower Thunder Tribulation to others.

After the heavenly punishment fell to the realm, the Supreme Item was naturally not destroyed, and it was kept intact by your side.

He is equivalent to rebuilding the Supreme Emperor, and if he breaks through again, he will reach Supreme.

Then heavenly punishment will have the second Supreme Item!

One person two Supreme Item!

It’s just that this method is not something ordinary people can do.

First falling from the Supreme Realm is not something ordinary people can do, and maybe you can’t go back completely.

Heavenly punishment Holding the spear of Heavenly Tribulation, the void thunder suddenly appeared, and the endless strength of Thunder fell down and enveloped him.

Lightning pierced through his eyes, and his whole body became extremely stalwart!

The spear of Heavenly Tribulation pierced through, and with the thunder and lightning in the sky, pierced all the waves!


One after another Thunder strikes down, the spear of Heavenly Tribulation and Trident collide violently, but Trident is invincible at all, and is directly hit to pieces!

Lord Xuan Fire Dao, although he is not in the tenth extreme position, he is not afraid at all, taunted: “The powerhouse of the Holy Spirit universe has this strength? You are still descended from Supreme!”

“If these two people are not blocking them, I only need three moves to kill you.”

Faced with the provocative taunts of Lord Xuan Fire Dao, Ji Lun remained unmoved, and the Holy Spirit behind him recondense a Trident. .

His face was indifferent, and a trace of jealousy appeared in his gaze looking towards heavenly punishment.

“You actually own the Holy Lord Supreme Treasure!”

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