The battle between the three forces and the Holy Spirit universe has entered a fierce stage.

Too terrifying, so that this star is stained with blood everywhere, countless Heart Demon roar, the blockbuster is annihilated.

The army of three hundred thousand god emperors roared into the sky, like a hot knife through butter, but inevitably fell, there was a roar of the emperor, self-destructed body.

The two sides are enough to contend in a short time, but after a long time, it will definitely be the tripartite forces who lose.

Because they found that after entering this dark gray star, they could no longer deliver any news.

There is currently no way to get out, only with the Holy Spirit universe powerhouse!

And that means…

They have no reinforcements!

On the Holy Spirit universe, although there is no way to defeat the three forces for a while, the cosmic channel is always in reinforcements, a powerhouse has come out, and the endless Heart Demon.

On consumption, the Holy Spirit universe has a huge advantage!

Ji Lun’s face is cold, he is not satisfied!

According to the original plan, it should be that they smashed the three forces, rather than stalemate like they are now.

“hong long long!”

On the cosmic channel, one after another powerful breath came out again.

There seems to be a terrifying existence about to come, making all around Heaven and Earth change color.

After Nine Headed Snake sacrificed his Divine Soul, the universe channel began to burn a large amount of Divine Soul in an attempt to bring the Holy Lord of the sea king to come!

However, even if it is such a Divine Soul of the tenth-order emperor, there is no way to directly let the entire existence of the sea king Holy Lord come through the universe.

Only part of the power that the Sea King Holy Lord can descend.

Even if it is only part of the power, it will take a certain amount of time to completely pass through the Holy Spirit universe.

It is extremely difficult for the Holy Lord to cross the universe!

“Hold it first! Wait until the power of the Sea King Holy Lord arrives!” Ji Lun loudly roared.

They have an absolute advantage, that is the power of the Sea King Holy Lord!

Once the power comes, Ji Lun, as the descendant of the Sea King, is fully capable of being a carrier and mastering the power that belongs to the Holy Lord.

When the time comes, the three forces will naturally fall apart under the power of the sea king Holy Lord, even if there are those who are behind, it is useless!

When it comes to the power of Supreme, it is not at the same level as the power of the Holy Lord, which is the Supreme level!

“I hope those Little Brat will be fine…” There was a trace of worry in Zhenjun Ning Feng’s eyes.

He wants to help Mu Qing and the others get out of trouble, but now he is held back and cannot get away.

However, the reason why the Ancient Immortal world would allow the younger generation to participate in this operation is also confident, and some methods are left to them.

Although this operation failed, as long as the enemies who were not too terrifying attacked Xiao Xuan, Purple Gold Yuan and the others, they should not be too surprised.


“How about, have you found anything?” Purple Gold Yuan looked towards Tianyin and Mo Sen.

The three teams separated, and they almost searched the underground all around, but still did not find the so-called Land of Death.

“Do you think it’s fun to brush us around?” Tianyin looked at Purple Gold Yuan coldly.

He believes that Purple Gold’s source is wrong.

Tianyin took Celestial Court’s Heaven’s Chosen away. They wanted to find out the whereabouts of the Land of Death by themselves.

Of course, if you cannot find it or are in danger, you can simply leave via Space Transmission Array.

For those Divine Soul who were taken away by evil gods, there are indeed many powerhouses in Celestial Court among them.

But Tianyin thinks they can’t afford to lose their lives for this!

Including the Temple of Ruthlessness and even Purple Gold Yuan, this is also the idea!

If there is a danger that is difficult to hostile, Purple Gold will definitely let everyone pass the place where they came from the beginning, through the power left over by the Space Transmission Array, and send it back!

Even, they still have some back players, even if they don’t use the legacy of Space Transmission Array, they can still bring everyone back together.

After Tianyin took the people from Celestial Court and left, Mo Sen also left with the people from the Ruthless Hall.

This place is too big to be touched by the margins.

They would rather move towards the distance to explore more than stay here to dig holes and burrow, just like a fool.

“Is there something wrong with the heart pocket watch?” Little Fatty couldn’t help but wonder.

Everyone has been searching for so long, but they haven’t found out where the so-called Land of Death is.

“You take out the heart pocket watch, I will ask a question.” Mu Qing had an idea at this time.

Little Fatty took out the heart pocket watch that had just been hidden and reopened it.

The heart inlaid in the pocket watch is still beating in an orderly manner. This Emperor Treasure looks like an evil thing.

Mu Qing instilled demonic energy into the heart pocket watch and asked a question at the same time.

“Where are we?”

Different from the previous question, Mu Qing asked where they were!

Mu Qing guessed that maybe they are not in the realm of fantasy, but they may be some special realms, so they have not been able to find the Land of Death, nor can they find the boundary!

“Holy Spirit Kingdom, Death Formation.”

“Formation is endless, holding sacred relic can enter and leave.”

A bunch of messages are passed out, let Mu Qing was surprised.

The people around were also taken aback, and only then reacted.

No one had ever doubted the place where they were before.

Especially in the heart pocket watch to get the answer, they are not in an illusion!

Formation is somewhat different from illusion, illusion is more weird, countless changes, one inadvertently walks into illusion, it is difficult to detect.

Formation is traceable, even naked eye can be seen and touched.

Moreover, the scope of Formation is also limited.

They moved towards all around and explored for so long before, and they didn’t notice anything. Naturally, they ruled out the probability of Formation from the bottom of their hearts.

However, the conclusion given by the heart pocket watch is that they are really in a Formation!

Death Formation!

“Holy Spirit Kingdom… should refer to the power of evil gods, so it seems that the death Formation should be arranged by evil gods!” Mu Qing’s face was solemn, said solemnly.

The situation is a bit bad now.

They are in Formation!

Heaven knows how big is this Formation?

Heaven’s Chosen, who is comparable to the great emperor, has been exploring for so long and has not found a margin. Doesn’t this mean that the large and small competition of Formation is even bigger than a large star?

“This is troublesome. It seems that this Formation is not something we can break open…” Genmu frowns.

Purple Gold Yuan coughed a few times, and after being silent for a while, he said, “Go back to Space Transmission Array.”

He had a bad feeling.

After making a choice, Purple Gold Yuan chose to let everyone go back to avoid casualties.

Everyone present is Heaven’s Chosen from the Ancient Immortal world. If they fall, it will be a huge loss to them in the Ancient Immortal world.

Purple Gold Yuan, as a Captain, naturally has to consider other people.

Although they did not do anything when they came here for this operation, it is obvious that there is definitely an accident in the plan!

No one opposes the idea of ​​Purple Gold Yuan. After all, it’s a bit weird right now. They are still in a huge Formation, maybe they are in danger of falling.

“You leave…I won’t go back.” Mu Qing’s eyes were firm.

He clenched his fists and his body was tense.

The Divine Soul of his parents has not been rescued yet, he will never leave here!

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