The battle strength displayed by Mu Qing shocked everyone at once.

Generally speaking, nine tempering is comparable to the fifth-order lower emperor, able to contend, but it is still a bit difficult to kill and requires some means.

And like Mu Qing, with no difficulty, he killed two Tier 5 lower emperors. This battle strength is simply too strong!

Xiao Xuan couldn’t help but was taken aback. At this moment, he wondered if Mu Qing was the same as the curse spirit of Celestial Court. He had been tempering ten times.

Jian San also noticed the situation on Mu Qing’s side, a sword forced back the curse spirit and the others, and then the sword in his hand trembled, the wolf howling all around, a Heavenspan sword light turned into moved towards Mu Qing cut away.

The curse spirit let this sword light pass by without paying attention.

Faced with the blow of the next emperor Peak, Mu Qing’s eyes condensed, twelve rays of light suddenly appeared behind him, a Demon God stepped into the body, and suddenly the imposing manner exploded!

Twelve Demon Gods are in one, Mu Qing is now considered to have come up with real skills!

He reached out and grabbed the terrifying sword light!

The terrifying sword qi came out wantonly, as if countless sharp swords were slashed on Mu Qing’s body, one after another scarlet wound opened.

With Mu Qing’s fleshy body, it is also difficult to resist the leakage of the sword qi of this sword light.

Especially Mu Qing’s palm is already bloody and bloody, and his arms are trembling.

Mu Qing’s mouth twitched slightly, and he shot with all his strength. His strength was about the same from the sixth rank lower emperor to the 7th grade lower emperor. Compared with the tenth rank lower emperor, it was a bit far-fetched.

The demonic energy on his body rushes into the sky, forcibly crushing the sword light, turning it into a light spot and extinguishing in midair.

next moment, Mu Qing’s body injury heals at the speed visible to naked eye, and behind the void there is a dark ancient tree illusory shadow half-hidden and half-hidden, gently swaying.

Compared with other people, he has a huge advantage, that is his ability to recover!

The Black Wing Great Demon and the body recovery ability brought by the ancient dead tree can be called Undying Body.

For the ordinary god emperor, this kind of resilience can already be called the undead divine ability, and it can’t die.

Even if the fleshy body is wiped out into nothingness, a single thought can quickly recover.

Other people’s fleshy body is destroyed during the battle, and it needs to spend energy to re-condense, but Mu Qing does not need it, which is very cheap.

You know, this is even better than the body of the angel of the Holy War.

Of course, the only drawback is that this abnormally extreme resilience does not work on Divine Soul. Once Divine Soul is gone, it will be useless even if the Fleshy body is against the sky.

“The Twelve Ways…”

Jian San saw Mu Qing crush his sword light, his face moved, and a trace of astonished expression appeared in the depths of his eyes. .

He now has Holy Spirit, his body structure is different, and he follows the path of the Holy Spirit universe, so he has no principles.

But this does not mean that he knows little about Tao.

“God Sovereign Realm… Twelve Ways…” Jiansan took a deep breath.

He finally knew why the Holy Lord would like Mu Qing’s body.

The God Emperor condensed the Taoist rules in advance, there is only one, but Mu Qing has a full twelve!

It is no wonder that the other party can take over his a sword light.

Or, the reason why Mu Qing is special is that the Holy Lord Remnant Soul was on him?

“You can’t do it!”

Mu Qing blasted away, cast a Heavenly Tribulation seal and killed another Tier 4 lower emperor of the Holy Kingdom, facing the sword three ways: ” Even if you take refuge in evil gods, it’s useless. If you don’t rely on yourself to find opportunities and hone in life and death, how can you become a genius?”

“You just rely on the power of evil gods, no more Evil god, you are nothing!”

Jian San’s expression became a little ugly.

Mu Qing’s words hurt him deeply.

All around, the powerhouses of the holy kingdom hurriedly shouted, “We can’t hold it anymore, this guy is too terrifying!”

If there is no Mu Qing, then they, the great emperors, are completely Crush, because Jiansan one person is enough to hold too many people, they slowly cannibalize other people, and soon they will besiege Purple Gold Yuan and the others.

But now there are some problems.

Although Mu Qing’s strength is not as good as Jiansan, but it is more powerful than the powerhouses of other holy kingdoms. These great emperors are just ordinary great emperors, and they are not necessarily Heaven’s Chosen in the Peak race.

These big Imperial Capital rely on the power of evil gods to have this realm, which is slightly insufficient in strength.

Heaven’s Chosen present, if it is the same realm, any one can play ten of these!

Now, Mu Qing’s strength is beyond imagination, he is like Jiansan, he can also contain many people by one person, and even kill them one by one!

The emperors of these holy kingdoms have no hole cards.

Jian San can suppress Purple Gold Yuan and the others, but if you want to kill them, it is impossible to do it, because these Heaven’s Chosen all have hole cards on them, and they all have back players.

As a result, the emperor of the holy kingdom will be slowly killed by Mu Qing, and eventually everyone besieged the Sword Trinity!

“Let’s hold it!” Purple Gold Yuan and Xuanmu looked at each other, and they could see the joy in each other’s eyes.

They didn’t expect that Mu Qing could be so strong that he could easily kill the fifth-order lower emperor in seconds.

Tianyin’s complexion has a complicated face. After looking at Mu Qing, he feels a little bit shocked.

He is not Mu Qing’s opponent!

After that, he looked at the cursed spirit, relaxed, secretly thought: “Fortunately, our Celestial Court also has a pervert, and the strength is stronger than that of Mu Qing.”

Jian San His face became gloomy, looking at the group of Heaven’s Chosen from the three forces in front of him.

It’s all very difficult!

The strength of Peak, his next great emperor, was held back. He thought he could kill one by one, but now he found that he didn’t have that strength at all!

The curse spirit, after cooperating with the curse flower, caused him a lot of trouble.

Mu Qing also easily killed two lower emperors of Tier 5!

Even if these people rely on faith in the Holy Lord to gain power, they are all genuine emperors anyway!

As a result, Mu Qing with no difficulty killed two people in seconds, which was enough for him to take it seriously.

“Is this the Heaven’s Chosen of the Supreme Force?”

Jian San couldn’t help being a little bit hit. The Heaven’s Chosen of the Supreme Force was more powerful than he had imagined.

At this moment, the void was distorted, a silhouette suddenly appeared, one after another powerful aura rolled out.

This man has long blue wavy hair and a Trident in his hand, driving a huge Sea Beast.

He just appeared abruptly, without any aura floating.

Everyone present didn’t realize how he arrived.

The blue-haired man’s eyes fell on Mu Qing, and a fighting intent appeared in his eyes.

“He gave it to me.” The blue-haired man licked his lips, as if the hunter was excited when he saw the prey.

Mu Qing frowned, the blue-haired man in front of him brought a certain threat to him, this guy is very strong!

“7th grade lower emperor? Or eighth grade lower emperor?” Mu Qing speculated in his mind.

After that, he had some ideas.

Jian San and the blue-haired man both appeared suddenly, and according to the heart pocket watch, it takes a sacred relic to get in and out of this so-called death formation!

Perhaps Jiansan and the blue-haired man have sacred relic on them!

Suddenly, a strong murderous intention appeared in Mu Qing’s eyes.

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