Star's Malice

2 An unfamiliar place

Not knowing anything about the local environment, rules, laws and the standard of local civilization, the first thing he had to do was to find out the language, currency and laws. Then he could care about other things such as what is this place, where is it and a method to make money. Walking over to the only piece of furniture other than the bed, the wardrobe, he opened it and looked what was hidden inside.

He was clothed in some medieval age clothing with a loose, linen shirt with a strap at the neck, and a pair of black slack made of some kind of rough leather. The only thing he lacked now was some kind of weapon to protect himself in case of emergency. From the clothing he wore he assumed that the level of civilization advancement in this world was somewhere in the middle ages so he was hoping to find a knife or something like that. And bingo. When he opened the wardrobe, he saw a leather belt made of the same leather as his pants, a simple somewhat worn out knife in a tattered scabbard and a satchel with loops to strap it on the belt. Below laid a simple recurve bow with a loosened chord and a quiver with fifteen arrows inside. Besides that there was also a big waterskin. With that he was almost set.

He looked inside of the satchel and found there a couple of small and thin coins made out of copper. When he was on earth he has read a couple of hose "webnovels" to know what that exactly is so he could already assume that he was in some kind of medieval kingdom and the currency was copper, silver and gold coins. The only question now was how much was a copper coin worth here. Would he be able to even buy himself a good meal with what he got here?

Stopping his pondering he reached out to pick all this stuff up and only then did he finally see something strange. There, on his wrist was a small list written in red ink. Until now the unusually long left sleeve of his shirt covered it so he was unable to see it, but as he was bending over to gather the things in the wardrobe it moved up, reviling this phenomenon. He looked closer and read what was written there.

Name: Mark Class: None Level: 2

EXP: 3/20 MP: 4/4 SP: 9/9

Strength 4

Agility 6

Constitution 3

Intelligence 4

Skills: [Precise Shot], [Beginner bow mastery], [Beginner dagger mastery].

[Precise Shot] - Slight correction of fired arrow. Cost 1SP.

LVL 1 EXP 9/10

[Beginner bow mastery] - Better handling of weapon: Bow.

LVL 2 EXP 2/20

[Dagger Mastery] - Better handling of weapon: Dagger.

LVL 1 EXP 9/10

It was strange, he would never think that so much information would fit just on his wrist, but the moment he looked at it, the letters somehow enlarged and the list rolled down when he read further and further down. Also, he figured that it was some kind of his status. He was curious if it reflected the true condition of his body. And these skills. What are they?

Do they help at using given weapons and at aiming or are they just a reflection of what the user is capable of. What is this experience thing? Does he get it by killing things and repeating some actions endlessly, like in games? And what happens if he levels up? Does he gain more knowledge of the subject, does he become stronger. So many questions, that he is incapable of answering. Deciding not to bother with that, he went on and picked all the things out of the wardrobe. Looking at the slightly elongated left sleeve of his shirt he somehow had a hunch that he is not supposed to show it to anyone else.

Not bothering with anything anymore he took the blanket off his bed and went out through the only door in this room. Behind them was an even smaller room, with the floor being a simple dirt floor. There was a fireplace in the middle of the room with a cooking stand above it. A the rooms corner there was a small sack that after checking turned out to contain a couple of potatoes, for at most two more meals, and some carrots. There was nothing more in there. He grabbed the sack and tied it to his belt, then went to the only other doors. This time he was finally out of the small house, that he assumed was his, looking around he found it standing on a small clearing in a forest, with nothing but trees around with a small gap between them hiding a small path.

After confirming that besides the three Alpacows and him there was nobody else in the surroundings. Not knowing what to do next he sat down and started thinking while looking at the nearby Alpacows. First he needed to decide if he is going to stay here or go out in an attempt to find a city, town or even a village or something. It would be wise to stay here for some time to adapt to the rhythm of life here, maybe hunt some wild animals and scout around for any signs of human civilisation.

"That's decided then, I will stay here and find out how exactly this system thing works, find a way to level up, and also slightly train this body, but first he needed to find a source of water, as he didn't see any well or stream on the clearing, and somehow the Alpacows had a wooden container full to the brim with water."

With this in mind he decided that he can first check the small path leading away from the clearing. He didn't feel this instantly, but after moving for some time he felt it. This body was uncomfortable. It was slightly shorter than his original body and was much slimmer, and even though it was fit, nut was still far from his standard. It was weaker, slower, and didn't exactly react how he supposed it would react.

Deciding to do something with it later he carefully went along the path cautiously looking around in search of any possible threats. After walking for about ten minutes he found himself at the crossroads. There was a path leading left and right, and along them there was a stream flowing. Finally with the water problem out of his mind he slightly relaxed his mind. He walked over to the stream and looked around to see if there were some animals nearby, what he was most wary of were the predators, as he wasn't certain how lethal were this worlds animals. He was afraid that if he lost his vigilance some couple meters big wolf is going to swallow him. In the end, humans' greatest fear is of the unknown.

But after a couple minutes he found that besides some traces of small animals there were none that looked threatening, and to his joy most of them looked like the traces of animals that he knew, squirrels, racoons and some beavers. He took the waterskin and submerged it in the water. After filling it he took the river water in his hands and drank a couple of mouthfuls, marvelling at the fresh taste. He splashed his face and, got up to leave. Now with the water source problem off his head he decided that it was time to do something about his body.

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He was already planning how to most optimally get his body into a proper shape. Even though he was thinking about different sets of exercises, that didn't mean he was neglecting his safety. While he was thinking he was also constantly on the lookout to avoid being ambushed. He knew that if he was suddenly ambushed, his recurve bow would be useless, that is why he was constantly holding his hand at the hilt of the dagger at his hip. And maybe only because of it, did he notice a little almost unnoticeable presence closing on him from the left from behind. The moment he discovered it, he slowly at to not attract attention to his movements, checked if there are any other hidden presences, and found two more on his right. One was couple of meters ahead of him and one was in the same distance behind him as the one on left. With that he knew that he was surrounded. Cursing at himself for walking into such an obvious ambush he tensed his muscles and mind in preparation for the incoming fight. He had no doubts that he would need to fight, if it were just some animals, they wouldn't try to hide their presence and wouldn't have surrounded him.

He knew it would be a hard fight. No matter who were his opponents, there was three of them and he was alone, and wasn't even able to completely control his body.

Finally the one at his right back lunged toward him.

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