"I think you all know that the country has allocated a batch of genetic drugs to high schools. In order to allocate this batch of drugs, we held a joint examination, and you 100 students are the top 100 in this joint examination!" On the rostrum, an official named Li Zheng began to speak.

This should have been exciting news, but now everyone is very hungry, and no one cheered, just some sparse applause to show politeness.

Li Zheng didn't care, and continued: "I think everyone is also very hungry. In fact, I can understand how you feel now, but unfortunately we can't provide you with food, and you have to continue this hungry state for at least 4 hours!"

"Ah!" Everyone was confused. Does this mean that there is no breakfast or lunch, and we will eat together in the afternoon?

"Please be patient, I will explain the reason. The reason for this is that when the gene drug is first developed, a large amount of nutrition needs to be injected. We have specially studied a nutrient solution with balanced elements, which is easy for the human body to absorb and can make the gene drug reach the theoretical limit of effect. This nutrient solution requires the human body to be hungry to achieve better absorption effect!" Li Zheng explained slowly, dragging time.

"So that's it!" All the students were not angry at once. If it was for the purpose of absorbing the gene drug, it would not be impossible to be hungry for a while!

Although the feeling of being hungry is really uncomfortable!

Only Qin Yue felt sour, too sour!

When I was in college, there was no instruction. After the injection, I was so hungry that I could only go to the snack street next to me to eat fried noodles!

This first batch actually has nutrient solution!

No wonder the progress of the genius gene development is always faster than ours!

This is the country's treatment of geniuses!

What? I am also a genius in this life?

That's fine.

"Wait!" Qin Yue suddenly felt something was wrong. It is impossible for people to take nutrient solution home!

So the same should be said for gene medicine!

Then, can I only use this medicine myself?

I originally wanted to send it to Bai Langlang!

"Well, forget it, I'll use it myself first, and then find him another one later!" Qin Yue leaned back in his chair, looking at the PPT unfolded above.

Although he is a reborn, the convenience of rebirth is in the Star Sea. Most of the various resources and medicines needed in reality are in the hands of the country.

At least in the early stage, they are in the hands of the country.

So he still attaches great importance to the country's training resources for a special batch of geniuses.

"First, let's talk about what the Star Sea is"

"Then, the composition of the Blue Star Corps!"

"Finally, the country has given you several development routes!"

"Arrangements after entering the Star Sea!"

Li Zheng spoke slowly for more than an hour on the 40-page PPT.

Then, he came to the point.

"Everyone, come and join a group face to face, and then I will send this courseware to the group, and everyone can download it by themselves. Let me introduce the following person. He is Captain Liu from the Tianquan Fleet!" "Hello, my name is Liu Quan, the captain of the Rongguang ship of the fourth formation of the Tianquan Fleet, and the rank of major general. I will tell you about the welfare, promotion mechanism, ship composition, and of our Tianquan Fleet." The door of the conference room was suddenly opened, and then two soldiers in military uniforms walked in, looked around the venue, and finally came to a teacher and whispered to the teacher. The teacher was stunned at first, and then his face became helpless. Then he found a student he was responsible for, and soon saw that the student's face was sluggish, and tears flowed down instantly. Then he wiped his tears and stood up, followed the teacher out, and halfway because of his emotional excitement, he almost fell down the stairs. During the whole process, Major General Liu Quan did not stop talking and continued to talk about himself. "Is this, something happened at home?" Wang Yuanli looked at this scene curiously. As for what was said above, he was so hungry that no one would really listen! Anyway, there will be courseware later! Just download it.

"No..." Qin Yue shook his head: "But it's almost the same."

His mental power is strong, although the distance is far, he still heard a few key words.

For example, political review.

It's because the political review failed.

"I always feel that the whole process is rushed. Can't we do the political review first, and then call the qualified ones to the meeting? What does it mean to get rid of people in the middle of the meeting." Qin Yue touched his chin and recalled history.

What happened in this timeline that made the Blue Star Corps so short of people?

It doesn't seem to be a big deal.

However, Qin Yue couldn't be sure. The habit of the Celestial Empire is to hide. Even if something happened, it is possible that it would not be made public.

Because there are too many internal ghosts, even when the earth civilization is destroyed, there are still a lot of information that has not been decrypted, so he doesn't know many things.

For example, the circumference ruins, he only knows a few famous technologies. How many technologies are there in the entire circumference ruins, and how much benefits that family has gained, in fact, he doesn't know.

"Do you want to join the Tianquan Fleet?" Wang Yuanli asked again.

"What about you?"

"If I have a choice, I want to go to Tianxuan..." Wang Yuanli rested his chin on the table: "After all, Tianxuan has Zhou Qiong."

As the saying goes, who doesn't like Zhou Qiong!

"Don't be like that, Yuanli, I thought you wouldn't be a licker!" Qin Yue said.

"But that's Zhou Qiong."

It's a pity that no one from the Tianxuan fleet came to recruit students. The only people sitting on top were people from the Tianquan and Tianshu fleets.

After Liu Quan finished speaking, it was the turn of Major General Zhou Kang of Tianshu Fleet.

After Zhou Kang finished speaking, he was followed by a doctor from the Academy of Sciences named Roger. He hoped that everyone could participate in scientific research after entering the Star Sea.

During the follow-up conversation, two more students were taken away, and until 3:30 in the afternoon, the entire conversation ended and no one was taken away.

"Okay, students, that's it for today's briefing session!" Li Zheng's words finally made the lifeless venue lively.

"The hospital's car is already down there. Let's go for a physical examination first. If you pass the physical examination, you can inject medicine. If nothing goes wrong, everyone can enter the sea of ​​​​stars tonight!"


The entire conference room suddenly became a sea of ​​joy.

The remaining 97 people were divided into 10 groups of 10 people each. They got off the elevator in groups, had their blood drawn on the medical cart next to them, and then waited for the results in the conference room next to them.

Qin Yue naturally drew blood. He was not worried that the secret of his mental power exceeding 2 would be exposed. This mental power was not detectable by low-level civilizations. No matter how much blood he drew, it would be useless.

Because of Xinghai, China's medical technology is also very advanced. Only half an hour later, the physical examination results began to come out one after another. This time, no more people were screened out, and all the students passed safely.

Finally, there is only one step left!

Inject genetic medicine!

The male and female students were divided into different areas, and the injection process was also very fast. Intramuscular injection, lavender injection, an injection in the arm, and then a bottle of nutrient solution, and that was it.

Although it is said to be a stick, the nutrient solution is actually as big as a large Coke bottle. It is a brown-black viscous substance, like a paste, and the taste is not very good, and it is a bit bitter.

But everyone is almost starving, and with the genetic medicine taking effect, people are even hungrier. They don’t care whether it’s painful or not, they just pick it up and pour it into their mouths!

Qin Yue is no exception. He has the memory of taking genetic medicine in his previous life, but these are two completely different feelings.

In his previous life, he was not taken seriously. He only got the injection after eating. Although he was hungry after the injection, he was not that hungry. Three large bowls of fried noodles were enough.

This life is different. First of all, his mental power has reached 2 or above, and his control over his body is not what it used to be!

Secondly, his injection method is correct, which can maximize the power of the genetic medicine.

He could keenly feel that a cool gas was emanating from his arms and spreading throughout his body.

Everywhere he goes, his whole body screams: Hungry!

The effect of the nutrient solution is indeed extraordinary. There is almost no loss after entering the stomach, and it is completely absorbed by the small intestine, quickly nourishing the earth that has been developed by genetic medicine.

"I actually have the feeling of inner vision!" Inner vision is a condition that only occurs after the spirit exceeds 10, that is, the spirit begins to sense every cell in the body. At this stage, people can subtly control the cells. Actions and changes, such as targeted removal of necrotic cells, cancer cells, cleaning of toxins in the body, etc.

However, the human body itself is very powerful at this stage. They can do these tasks by themselves and do not need to mentally direct them.

Qin Yue's mental power is only a little over 2 at this time. After completely absorbing the genetic medicine, it may reach 4~5. At this time, he will have the ability to see inside. This is entirely because his spirit is too strong and his body is too weak.

"Huh" Qin Yue opened her eyes and looked at the empty bottle in her hand.

In just a short period of time, such a large bucket of nutrient solution was drank up!

He still feels a little hungry, because his spirit is stronger than others, so the effect of genetic medicine is better.

But seeing that others didn't ask for more after drinking, Qin Yue didn't want to be in the limelight. Anyway, it wasn't much different, so he could just go back and buy a few buns as a cushion.

"Everyone, be quiet!" Seeing that everyone had finished drinking the nutrient solution, a young officer walked in, clapped his hands, and signaled everyone to be quiet.

"The development of genetic medicine for the body cannot be completed in one step. In the next six months to one year, it will slowly optimize our genes and strengthen our spirits. However, because we earthlings have such a poor foundation, we usually do it first The spirit will be greatly improved.

You can meditate tonight to see if you can sense the sea of ​​stars. If you can, then enter the sea of ​​stars. To log in, choose this sector, the Zhongyuan Space Station. We have dedicated personnel there to train you, and we will also distribute spaceships to you for free. If you go to the wrong place, there will be no spaceship!

If you can’t sense it, it doesn’t matter. It can take as little as three to five days, or as late as one or two months. Everyone can enter! "

However, one day later, the level of attention received would be different!

Tsk tsk, last time I went for an injection, the one in the hospital was not the one I got, so it didn’t work.

I have to go again today

But this is in the morning. I set it to post at eight o'clock in the evening. I should have finished typing by this time.

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