Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 282 Duoyu’s inference

"These three people are actually on par with me!" Qin Yue was not surprised to see the people coming.

After all, he had just become the king of the newcomer area, just like being promoted to the sixth grade in elementary school. Compared with junior high school students, you must still be lower!

But the good news is that these three people are not much stronger than him. When he scanned them with his immortal consciousness, these three people only had a vague sense and thought it was caused by the star beast's gaze.

The three people were very active. They took out a spherical thing with a pointer suspended in it, something similar to a recording pointer, and began to scan around.

Then the pointer quickly pointed in a direction.

"What is this?" Qin Yue saw the three people passing in the direction of the pointer, and he hurriedly followed them.

Of course, it was not him who followed, but the star beast.

The star beast did not follow all the way. As long as he arrived at a new area, he would immediately switch to the star beast to follow. Anyway, all the star beasts were his eyes and ears.

Following the direction they were moving, Qin Yue was surprised to find that there was a civilization at the end of their route!

"Can this thing detect the location of civilization? What's the principle? That civilization is hidden in the microcosm!" Qin Yue was a little curious, but his immortal consciousness was not strong, so he could only watch from afar.

The civilization was quickly pulled out by the three people. Civilization takes survival as its top priority. If it is not a crisis of extermination, it will generally not fight to the death.

The three people also knew this truth, and did not choose to kill, but promised to only ask questions, not kill, and finally got the answer they wanted!

"What? It turned out to be raising star beasts and harvesting four-dimensional particles?" The three were shocked. Is there such an operation?

They walked along the way and didn't take the star beasts on the roadside seriously at all. They just thought that there were more ants on the road.

I didn't expect these ants to have such an effect?

"That's it, immortal. We came late and have only harvested for thirty years. The civilization that discovered earlier next to us has been collecting for more than a hundred years!" This new civilization took out the Qiong elements harvested in the past thirty years.

The three people asked disdainfully: "Is that all?"

It's really not much. They only need 3 years to extract this thing by themselves in the crazy war zone!

"It's a little less, but it's safe. We hide here. No one can find us except the immortals. Everyone is raising star beasts. They are afraid that others will attack their own star beasts, so they will not attack other people's star beasts. So this environment is still very good!" The newbie explained.

The three people understood that their collection speed in the War Zone was fast, but it was not safe. This method was not suitable for newbies at all.

And the newbies had this way to collect four-dimensional particles, so they were naturally unwilling to fight with the big guys in the War Zone. After all, everyone was for four-dimensional particles, not for fighting.

You know, most of the leaders of civilizations are scientists. Even if they are not scientists, they are politicians, military strategists, and the kind who command warships.

How could they like to fight with people like barbarians? They naturally have a kind of rejection of the combat rules of the fourth-level civilization.

"What should we do? Go back and report?" The three discussed.

"Can this method be popularized in the War Zone?" another person asked.

"It probably won't be popularized. Our territory in the War Zone is not big. People come and go. Star beasts are easy to be snatched away. They don't follow the code of conduct," said the third person.

The War Zone is much smaller than the Rookie Zone, but the number of civilizations is much greater than that of the Rookie Zone. This environment is only suitable for fighting, not farming.

"Then we just sit back and do nothing?" The first person asked: "But without newcomers, who can we rob? It's just refining the four-dimensional particles in the air, which is not a lot!" "Maybe, we can rob them!" The third person said: "Isn't it said that many people in the newcomer area raise this? Let them offer it to us!" "That's right!" The second person nodded: "Let's first find out how many newcomers there are here and where they are, and then go back and report!" Then he said to the newcomer: "I'll take away your four-dimensional particles. Do you have any objections?" The newcomer felt wronged, but didn't dare to say anything, so he could only nod: "No, no objection" "No objection is good!" The three nodded with satisfaction and left with the four-dimensional particles that the newcomer had collected for thirty years. "Ah this..." Qin Yue looked at the newcomer. His territory was not big, and the lifespan of the star beast was very long. He spent the first thirty years on infrastructure construction for the star beast, and basically didn't get anything. As a result, it was robbed now. This newcomer is too miserable! Thinking about it again, it turns out that I took away nine-tenths, so it's okay. However, Qin Yue felt that he was doing this for the good of these newcomers. The current output of star beasts can only satisfy the newcomers. The masters in the War Zone will definitely not take them seriously. They are useless and it is a pity to throw them away.

But if Qin Yue does not take any, and leaves all of them to the newcomers, the people in the War Zone will definitely be tempted by the tenfold output.

So Qin Yue said that you newcomers can't grasp these four-dimensional particles, so why not let me do it!

"If the people in the War Zone also come to intervene, it will definitely affect the enthusiasm of the tenant farmers to farm!" Qin Yue pondered.

Originally, the tenant farmers could only harvest one-tenth, which was not much more. It was a little better than going to the War Zone to rob in terms of psychological threshold.

But if the people in the War Zone come and ask for a commission, then raising star beasts is not as profitable as going to the War Zone to rob

Even if you die...

Unless Qin Yue exposes herself and covers these newcomers.

But he doesn't have the power yet.

"Take it one step at a time. Anyway, as long as the star beast is still there, my Qiongzi will not be missing!" Qin Yue narrowed her eyes and continued to condense the immortal body.

Duoyu has received the news and obtained the investigation report of the three people.

"By raising star beasts, each civilization can earn an average of 2 Fang Qiong elements every 40 years?" Duo Yu was shocked. Who came up with this idea? Why didn't he think of it back then?

He looked at the star beasts captured by the three men again. The genetic sequencing of these star beasts was not complicated. He could understand it at a glance, and felt that if he was the one to do it himself, he could also transform such a star beast.

Unfortunately, he didn't think of this method back then. Instead, he refined and fought step by step.

A narrow escape from death.

Duoyu felt that his IQ was inexplicably crushed.

"What do you mean, do we charge rent from those newcomers?" Duoyu asked, "How much is appropriate?"

"Ninety percent!" The three said the number they had already discussed.

They are not newcomers. The four of them have a huge demand for four-dimensional particles. If they want less, they cannot satisfy their appetite at all!

"Ninety percent, yes!" Duo Yu nodded: "However, the problem is that we can go, and so can other civilizations. This tax collection power may not be in our hands!"

Duoyu sighed. Due to the decrease in the number of newcomers on his side, there were no extra forces among the various forces, so they could only rob each other.

Frictions are gradually increasing. Everyone is already ready to take action, but now they have another tax collection power.

This tax collection power is amazing. It’s not just that one force only collects taxes from one family. How can a newcomer start a civilization in the War Zone?

One force wants to conquer many families!

Although the entire newcomer area is so big, it may only be able to support a few hundred bosses, but in the mad war area, a force of the size of Kuomen Civilization must have at least tens of thousands!

Who will accept it and who will not accept it? Who decides?

Moreover, what Duoyu is most afraid of is whether the deeper civilizations, the civilizations on the peak battlefield, will come to collect their taxes!

If the upper world continues to collect taxes from the peak battlefield, then the entire Immortal Tomb will become the one-spoken hall of a certain upper world force, or be unified into two or three country-like forces. By then, the civilized individual as a unit will The war will evolve into a war based on civilized groups. At that time, the civilizations that have just entered the fourth level will be small soldiers. Those in their frenzied battlefields will be squad leaders, and those in the peak battlefield will be generals?

If such a war occurs, the situation will be extremely tragic!

What’s even more frightening is that low-level civilizations will never be victors, because they and the civilization of the upper world do not belong to the same civilization. The civilization of the upper world can kill them at will without any psychological pressure.

Duoyu suddenly felt that the future of Immortal Tomb was bleak!

"No, we can't stay here any longer!" Duo Yu immediately said: "Let's exit the Immortal Tomb!"

"What?" The three of them were stunned. Didn't they say they wanted to collect taxes? Why do you want to withdraw from the Immortal Tomb!

"We can't stay in the Immortal Tomb for ten thousand years in the future. We don't miss this time and will come back in ten thousand years!" Duo Yu said and immediately started collecting things!

The three of them were speechless, but Duoyu was the boss, so they couldn't resist and could only pack their things together.

Most of the things are in the small universe, and a few of them are outside. With the power of an immortal, they can be put away quickly, and the total time only takes a few minutes.

Immediately afterwards, the entire Kuomen civilization turned into a small door only an inch long and wide, and then left the Immortal Tomb.

"Ah..." Seeing that Kuomen Civilization was about to leave, Qin Yue immediately withdrew his spirit.

"How could there be such a stable civilization? It was just a speculation and you just ran away?" Qin Yue was a little surprised, but following Duo Yu's train of thought, Qin Yue felt that the probability of that situation happening was quite high!

In the past, higher civilizations did not rule lower civilizations because they did not have the means of production. It was like a person who had nothing. What do I need from you?

But things are different now. Lower civilizations can cultivate star beasts, and people who have nothing suddenly become people who can be exploited!

And when people who can be exploited appear, the exploiting class will naturally emerge. Those crazy war zones, peak battlefields, and the civilizations of the upper world will naturally become the aristocrats of the Immortal Tomb World.

The key point is that this place is not like the Star Alliance. There is no revolutionary soil here. No matter how these newcomers resist, together they are no match for higher civilizations and cannot even hold up a finger of others.

They can only accept oppression

"But what does this have to do with me?" Qin Yue thought for a while. He felt that since they were both at the fourth level civilization, they should not be able to see through the relationship between themselves and the star beasts, but this was not necessarily the case for the fifth level civilization!

It should take some time before the things here reach the ears of the fifth-level civilization.

In other words, it will never reach the ears of the fifth-level civilization. The fourth-level civilization will jointly block the news. Qin Yue only needs to try his best to condense the immortal body during this period, and his mental power will naturally transform along with it.

As long as your realm is high enough, your talent will naturally be more hidden. Even a fifth-level civilization may not be able to discover you by then!

Keep growing!

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