Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 43 Say (hu) convince (you) to join

"This is Sihe Star, the mother planet of a civilization relic. I invaded and occupied the star gate!" Qin Yue said lightly: "But I am not close to taking over the entire relic by myself. Listen, Is there the sound of artillery? That's my robot army, clearing out the remaining ruins guards."

The corners of Bai Langlang's mouth twitched, what's going on with your tone, Versailles?

But wait, relics?

"You laid down a relic!?" Bai Langlang was shocked. He also knew about the relic!

The country has one in its hands, but how did it get the one in its hands? It took the strength of all civilizations, decades of accumulation, and the strength of several fleets to take down that ruin!

Are you alone?

"Don't be so startled. Haven't you heard that saying? He who has thunder in his heart and a flat lake in his face is a general. My expectations for you are very high!" Qin Yue patted Bai Langlang. Shoulder: "It's just a relic. If I told you that my battleship uses nuclear fusion power, would you still be shocked to the sky?"

"Ah this." Bai Langlang is not the God of War yet. He is 20 years old this year and is still a young man who has not experienced much in the world. How could he not be shocked when encountering such a thing!

And, wait, fusion power?

I remember that the country didn’t even have a ship with this kind of power!


What did you just say, your robot was fighting the ruins guards?

Can robots fight autonomously? So you have a thorough understanding of artificial intelligence systems?

"Did this nuclear fusion technology come from the ruins?" Bai Langlang was about to ask, but he shook his head. Impossible. Without nuclear fusion technology, how could he break through the ruins?

But if there are no relics, where did he get the nuclear fusion technology?

How is it possible for an individual to have technology that is more advanced than that of the country?

"The truth is what you imagined!" Qin Yue saw Bai Langlang's serious confusion and thinking.

He said calmly: "I have very advanced technology in my hands, which is more advanced than what the country has, or in other words, more advanced than you can imagine!"

"Antimatter bomb, gravitational wave shield, two-way foil, etc.?" Bai Langlang asked in surprise!

"Ahem, I still don't have a two-way foil. Let's continue talking about my technology." Qin Yue was speechless. I have a two-way foil. Why do I bother so much? I just threw a two-way foil over and wiped everything away. enemy.

Why is this kid so ignorant? Why can't he just let me show off?

And Da Liu, why do you write science fiction so well? Now any kid on the roadside knows about two-way foil, which makes me very stressed, as if it is not advanced without two-way foil.

"Have you ever watched Marvel's X-Men series and Transformers movies?" Qin Yue asked.

"Of course I've seen it." Bai Langlang nodded. These were all movies before 2010. At that time, America was still the boss on earth and was spreading his values ​​to the world.

"Then have you discovered what the X-Men and Transformers have in common?" Qin Yue asked again.

"They all have strengths beyond human beings, but they are not popular with humans?" Bai Langlang thought for a while, and then said: "By the way, they all have decent guys and villains. The decent guys want to cooperate with humans, and the villains want to rule humans!"

Thinking about it this way, why do you feel that these two series of movies use the same outline? They don't both have an editor named Tudou!

"That's right, that's the truth.

An organization enters an unfamiliar environment that is beyond its control.

In order to survive, they split into two factions, one integrated into the environment and the other hostile to the environment.

Then during the confrontation, some people in this environment begin to have goodwill toward the organization, others have ill will, and some are afraid of them.

Originally, what they had to fight against was the entire environment, which was a force. But now, that force was divided into three, and their pressure was naturally greatly reduced, and they finally succeeded in surviving! "

Bai Langlang's mouth twitched, wait, are we watching the same movie? How come the plot you told me is different from mine?

But if I think about it carefully, it seems that there is nothing wrong with the logic.

As long as humans unite as one, Cybertron and the X-Men may all be overturned by humans.

But because of Cybertron, the split within the X-Men has given humans other ideas, and naturally they cannot unite to deal with the outside world!

"You mean, there is also a villain here on Earth?" Bai Langlang already understood.

An organization: refers to the civilization of the earth.

Strange environment: refers to the sea of ​​​​stars! !

Of course, the star sea is too big, so for now, it can refer to Valo!

"But it's impossible for the Earth side to cooperate with Valo, me." He didn't want to attack the Earth, nor did he want to be a villain.

But he was on Qin Yue's territory, and he didn't dare to refute, otherwise he would suffer a mental breakdown if he was shot.

"Besides, this method is not suitable for use in the star sea at all. Aliens may not have the same moral values ​​as us. We might as well cooperate with the earth with these technologies and raise the level of earth civilization together!" He decided to persuade One advises Qin Yue.

"Then have you ever thought about the consequences if the earth rises rapidly?" Qin Yue asked: "A civilization that has entered the star sea for forty years and mastered nuclear fusion technology from scratch?"

"Ah..." Bai Langlang was silent, that's right!

It is a good thing to improve technology, but if it improves too fast, people will target it!

If nothing else, just look at the rise of China on earth. It has just changed from a fishing boat to an aircraft carrier. The gangsters next door have become anxious.

In the sea of ​​​​stars, what does it mean that your technological speed has increased so quickly?

It means that this is a super potential new civilization that may explode in technology at any time!

If you were the Valor Civilization, would you be assured that there would be such a civilization around you that would explode with technology, have unlimited potential, and might surpass yours at any time?

I'm afraid that by then we won't come to seize the Dark Island Star Area, but directly launch a full-scale attack!

"Then" Bai Langlang was silent for a long time, and suddenly he seemed to understand what Qin Yue meant.

"You mean to create a civilization that does not belong to the earth, and then wantonly climb the technology tree to bring hatred to the earth?" Bai Langlang asked cautiously.

If so, the sacrifice would be too great!

Qin Yue sighed.

It’s smaller, the layout is smaller!

Why am I trying to attract hatred, but I can't kill the boss in turn?

However, no one would believe this kind of thing. Qin Yue is now the boss of a start-up company. He can't tell people that my goal is to be a top 500 company, otherwise people will think he is a fool.

All he could say is, my goal is to get another Lamborghini next year.

So Qin Yue could only nod: "Yes, that's it!"

He pointed around: "Look, this is a ruins, but there is a star gate. This is a local star area. With nuclear fusion, this is already the configuration of a first-level civilization. In other words, we have initially developed established a foundation for civilization.

At that time, as long as they launch a crazy attack on Valo and then use some other banner, their attention will naturally be diverted from the earth, and the earth will usher in a rare opportunity for development.

When we encounter other civilizations in the future, we can do the same thing, if we are still alive."

Star Sea looks like a game, but it is not a game after all. There is no Blue Star Civilization written on the top of the battleship’s head.

Therefore, it is completely feasible to pretend to be other civilizations!

"Ah this!" Bai Langlang burst into tears. Listening to Qin Yue's words, a sad scene appeared in his mind.

The friction between Earth and Valor didn't last long. In fact, it was only the first time the two civilizations met.

But when they met for the first time, Valo gave the earth a show of strength, launched a direct attack, and crippled the newly built Tianji fleet!

Later, after negotiations, the two sides used a simulated war to decide the ownership of the Dark Island sector.

This is a star area that is already under the control of the earth!

As everyone knows, the Earth lost four out of four battles, and the star sector it gained was ceded.

What’s next for Vallo? Will they continue to attack? How many star sectors do we still have to cede?

This is the question lingering in everyone's mind, and it is also the reason why China has begun to produce large quantities of potions and is preparing to release people into the Star Sea on a large scale.

But if at this time, a strange civilization suddenly launches an attack on Valo, Valo will be diverted and will no longer have the energy to care about the earth.

Then the earth can develop comfortably, and have plenty of time to understand the legacy in the ruins, and then usher in the explosion of technology, and finally have the power to fight in front of Valo!

But at this moment, everyone had forgotten about the civilization that had been destroyed by Valo. It had madly attacked Valo, attracted Valo's attention, and brought space for development to the earth.

"It turns out that we are not Magneto, but this bearded uncle??" Bai Langlang understood and realized.

It turns out that this is what Qin Yue wants to do.

So, you brought me here because you want me to join?

"How about it, what do you think?" Qin Yue asked with a sincere face and a sincere tone: "I know that this matter is not easy. We will remain unknown and no one will remember us.

Maybe one day, we suddenly become an idiot, but the country does not have our information, so we will not even get a pension. We will only be regarded as speculators in the sea of ​​stars and be sent to a random family. Mental hospital.

With such an ending, I can understand if you refuse. You can leave now and take your grandma home. Just pretend that we have never met. Just pretend that I gave you the potion! "

"Stop talking!" Bai Langlang shook his head fiercely and stretched out his clenched fist: "It is our duty to rebuild the glory of China. It is my honor to fight for the rise of China! Even if I die in battle, I I also have this kind of awareness!”

That's right, although today's young people are unwilling to work overtime or work for capitalists, and would rather stay at home.

But if it’s a war with American imperialism, don’t tell me when the shots will be fired!

Qin Yue patted Bai Langlang's shoulder and nodded with satisfaction, yes, the military spirit can be used!

Although he deceived Bai Langlang, he was not embarrassed at all. After all, your stage here is definitely bigger than that in China.

For example, you can win the battle three hundred years in advance!

"Well, Bai Langlang, welcome to join the heavenly civilization. From now on, your code name will be Bai Ze!"

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