Starship Age: I can deduce technology

Chapter 48 660 Million Bionic People

Infants, average length: 22.4cm, average weight: 6kg.

Average height of adult males: 3.2 meters, average weight: 170kg.

Average height of adult females: 2.8 meters, average weight: 120kg.

The average height of males over 150 years old: 3.0 meters, and the average weight is 164.2kg.

The average height of female elderly people over 150 years old: 2.722 meters, and the average weight is 116kg.

Because of the high copper content in the blood, the skin appears light blue, with hair growing on the skin. The hair style is similar to that of a cat. It is mainly white, with a small amount of brown, black, and solid colors. Most of them are genetic mutation individuals.

Hair grows continuously all over the body. Each individual needs to replace their hair 77 to 145 times in their lifetime, with an average of once every 1.5 years.

There is a tail with cartilage in the tail, a separate network of nerves and therefore less directed by the brain.

Qin Yue looked at the 3D creature image in front of him. This kind of thing didn't look like a monkey as a whole, because they walked with a bow and the front and rear limbs were the same length. They looked more like a strange-looking lion or raccoon.

These are the humans of the Yuanzhou Civilization. Qin Yue restored their appearance based on the videos and image data left by the Yuanzhou Civilization, and based on the principles of taxonomy, he created 122 representative body models, such as child models and strong men. Modules and the like will basically wipe out all human civilizations in the circle.

Unless they are congenitally deformed or have strange looks, the appearance of all human beings in the circumferential civilization should be here.

However, he was not used to looking at human beings who walked on their stomachs and had hair. Moreover, if he copied the appearance of circular civilization people, they might attract their enemies, so he adjusted the position of the bones, the size of the pelvis, and shortened the length of the forelimbs. , increased the strength of the hind limbs so that they could walk upright, removed all the hair, and then adjusted the arrangement of the lower facial features, and finally the above sets of data were obtained.

This is a new civilized human being designed by Qin Yue based on the appearance of Yuan Zhou civilized human beings. He hasn't had time to think of a name yet.

Next, Qin Yue began to search for a personal name, family composition, personality, and hobbies in the vast sea of ​​text information, and then created files one by one.

Among them, the National Archives of the Circular Civilization gave him a lot of help. In this archive, not only the information of the last group of people of the Circular Civilization was retained, but they also each wrote down their own information, personality, hobbies, and likes. , the person you have a crush on, the things you hate, your dreams

Qin Yue has created 660 million such files!

Because one fort can only carry 220 million people, he has to build three such immigration forts!

While the fortress is being built, 660 million new humans will also be built.

Similar to the previous situation of creating one's own clone, they are all bionic robots with only a fake brain and controlled by a control chip.

However, new humans need to save a lot of materials, because their muscle density is very small and they do not need to use too harsh materials. Although they are taller, in conversion, a person needs less materials than an earthling.

These new humans are much easier to design, and Qin Yue also has sufficient experience in manufacturing robots, so it only took 2 days to complete the entire design, and then designed an adaptation plan to automatically adapt to different modules. Okay, so all 122 modules can be adapted with one click.

122 modules, combined with 660 million files, finally generated 660 million new humans with different looks, looks, and temperaments!

Well, it's still just a blueprint, it needs to be mined slowly, and then built slowly.

After all the fortress and characters are designed, Qin Yue has to design a fleet to match this immigrant fortress!

Which civilization only has refugee ships when fleeing, and does not deserve a fleet?

In fact, there may be such a situation, but the refugee ship in this situation cannot cooperate with Qin Yue's plan, so Qin Yue will naturally not choose such a combination.

Also for the sake of confidentiality, Qin Yue could not use the warships designed by the imagination of netizens on the earth. In the end, in order to maintain a unified style, he still used a flying stick-style warship.

It is a straight stick, 200 meters long and 20 meters in diameter, but its power cannot be underestimated. The stick is full of external weapons, such as laser cannons, electromagnetic cannons, etc. It is fast and can dodge flexibly.

If all the protective shields of the second-level civilization are equipped, then it will be a super excellent battleship!

Even if the position generator is not installed yet, if such a battleship appears on the earth, the entire earth will bow!

As for such warships, Qin Yue thought about it and couldn't build too few. There must be at least 300 ships.

In addition, there must be someone who can make the final decision!


Qin Yue designed the flagship into a cigar with a length of 480 meters and a diameter of 48 meters. Such a warship is not as big as the flagship built by the Blue Star Corps based on size alone. But in the interstellar era, warships cannot be judged only by size. For example, the Neutron Battle Star has It may not be as big as a basketball, but do you dare ignore it?

On this battleship, the structure of certain parts is also quite conspicuous. If an expert sees it, they will definitely understand.

Number of flagships? 30!

"This construction plan is a bit exaggerated. What is this for?" Bai Langlang looked at this scene. He didn't think it was exaggerated to build dozens of warships, but he felt that building 660 million dummies was a bit exaggerated.

Could it be that he wanted to change the world, create a new civilization, and become the God of Creation?

He had been busy fighting four million before, and he had just come out of the Circumference Ruins. Qin Yue's construction process was on the Jialan Star. Bai Langlang saw the dummies walking down the assembly line one by one.

Because of the uncanny valley effect, Bai Langlang had a creepy feeling when he saw these living creatures.

"Is the fight over?" Qin Yue actually knew, so he just asked casually.

"Yeah!" Bai Langlang nodded excitedly. This time it was really addicting. There were four million enemy ships. He had a super logistics nanny. He could build whatever warships he wanted. He could test his conjectures and theories at will. , and then practice the application of the art of war in interstellar warfare.

Although he suffered defeats, he still won the battle after all due to his unlimited logistics and leading technology!

His stunning skills have indeed increased a lot, and his use of the art of war has become much more proficient.

Well, he has always felt that even in interstellar wars, Sun Tzu's Art of War and Thirty-Six Strategies are useful. Such art of war is close to Tao.

And Tao, that will never go out of style no matter where you go!

"Then you have completed the most basic commander training!" Qin Yue said: "Now, how about I tell you the first goal of our organization?"

"Just tell me!" Bai Langlang was very excited. Four million battleships have been destroyed by me. What else is there to be afraid of?

Is it an attack on the ruins? Or develop a star area?

Qin Yue opened Zhizi's interface and said: "Next, our task is to kill Wallow!"

Bai Langlang was speechless. Is this task a bit too much?

It's a bit like I just learned Go for a month, and you asked me to play chess with Ke Jie. I just learned table tennis for a week, and you asked me to play with Zhang Jike.

Although I know that we are going to fuck Valo, why don’t we develop it first?

If you build 660 million battleships, that's fine, but if you build 660 million dummies, how can the dummies defeat Valo?

"Well, let me ask you this, is this Valo you are talking about stronger? How is it compared to the four million?" Bai Langlang asked cautiously.

He's not a coward, he just wants to know, is Valo actually weak? Can thirty warships be killed?

Qin Yue smiled and said: "That's a good question for you. He who knows his enemy and himself will never be in danger in a hundred battles. Although we are not soldiers, our status is similar. When doing strategy, we must have this attitude!"

"I often see discussions about the Valor civilization on the Internet and in the media. Everyone seems to agree that Valor is stronger than us, but only to a limited extent. As long as we work hard, improve technology, and increase the number of people entering the star sea, You can defeat Valo!”

"No, isn't it?" Bai Langlang asked hesitantly.

After all, he had also watched the previous live broadcast. It seemed that Valo's technological leadership was not outstanding.

He thinks so too!

"No, not only is it not true, it's totally wrong!"

"Since our target is Valo, of course we must have a comprehensive understanding of Valo. You were too fragile before, so I didn't tell you. Now that you have experienced the baptism of war, then, I will I can tell you about it!”

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