Qin Yue's class teacher in Xinghai is called Luo Lizhong. He is said to be the class teacher. In fact, he is not responsible for any courses. He mainly arranges students' course selection, score statistics, activity notifications, psychological adjustment, make-up notifications, and distribution of rewards.

Just a great steward.

I don't know if it was because of the arrival of the Tianquan Fleet, but all the students who usually arrived at 7:30 were in the classroom at 7 o'clock.

But Luo Lizhong, who came in with a book in his arms, was shocked.

"Huh, it seems that Zhou Qiong's charm is really great! When I usually inform about things, how many times have you all come together!" Luo Lizhong is also an old teacher, so of course he knows why the students come together so much.

"Is there really Zhou Qiong?" After hearing Luo Lizhong's words, everyone suddenly became excited.

"That's for sure. If it weren't for her, then you wouldn't be able to rebel?" Luo Lizhong chuckled!



"real or fake!"

There was an immediate commotion in the classroom.

"Quiet, quiet!" Luo Lizhong knocked on the table and looked at the excited teenagers below. He actually understood it very well.

If a person is just beautiful but not good at business, she will only attract some superficial lickers, and no normal person will like her.

If you do something illegal or have any moral stains, you will be chased and scolded by tens of millions of people.

But if you are a beautiful person with excellent professional skills, your ability to attract fans will be quite terrifying!

Don’t you see those beauties of the older generation, even though they are getting older and have less appearances, they can still be called wives on some websites for decades because of their youthful camera performance!

Zhou Qiong is the latter, still young!

"I have been notified!" Luo Lizhong said: "On our side, everyone can enter the fleet to visit, but for safety reasons, we have to go in batches. We were queued this afternoon, and yours in the morning It’s time to get ready, get a haircut, take a shower, change clothes, get ready! Okay, let’s break up!”


"Qin Yue, do you want to go shopping?" Wang Yuanli flipped his hair: "Go buy a bottle of gel water! There are so many handsome guys in the army, but Zhou Qiong has always been single. I think she might like me, a boy with a strong sense of youth!"

"Uh, I'll forget it! Come on!" Qin Yue shook her head, all her efforts were in vain!

He is obviously short and still looks young~~

As for what type she likes, will I tell you that Zhou Qiong will never marry?

Qin Yue has always suspected that Zhou Qiong's natural mental power may have been very close to 2. If she had not entered Xinghai early and allowed her to grow up to 18 years old naturally, there might have been a second chosen one in Xinghai!

People like her look at their peers and even their superiors as if they are fools. They don't even have the ability to communicate on an equal footing, let alone fall in love.

However, the appearance of Tianquan Fleet may be an opportunity for some people, won't they take action?

No, no, no, Zhou Qiong should not be taken seriously by them now. Their most important thing should be to prevent China from entering the Baima Star District.

Therefore, they will not take action against Tianquan Fleet now.

Qin Yue shook his head, looked at the street sign, and then turned to the meteorite market street.

Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen alone can do a lot of things. In a certain civilization, a special technology tree has even been formed to solve all four elements: offense, defense, and detection.

Of course, the development potential of this kind of civilization is not very great.

Therefore, Qin Yue felt that his preparation was not enough. He didn't know what the Zhongyuan would encounter. The more trump cards, the better!

And his trump card is all kinds of materials. The more materials he has, the more things he can do.

Therefore, he does not need to buy ready-made electronic equipment, he can only visit the meteorite market.

People are coming and going on the streets. Currently, there are no large-scale commercial companies settled in the Star Sea, but after all, there are tens of millions of people, and two star districts and hundreds of star systems have been developed. There are simply not too many various products.

But there are only a few places where trades can be made, just a few space stations.

Therefore, the commercial street on the space station is really lively.

Qin Yue squinted his eyes, as if he was looking around randomly, but his mental energy had been silently integrated into the ubiquitous electromagnetic waves around him.

In his mind, Tomoko's information stream passed by one after another.

"Iron tire stone, main components: iron 73%, manganese 11%, sulfur 4%."

"Phoenix Blood Gold, main ingredients: 37% iron, 22% aluminum, 17% silicon, 8% calcium, copper"

And so on.

"I want this!" Qin Yue pointed to a meteorite on the ground.

This looks like an iron lump, but it is actually an iron sheet with stones inside.

But what Qin Yue wants is stones. There are many metals on the space station, but stones are rare.

Qin Yue has been picking up paper trash for several days, and there is a little shortage of rare earth materials.

"Here you are, 20 yuan!" The boss handed the stone to Qin Yue.

The boss of Panjiayuan hasn't come in yet. Most of the people setting up stalls here are soldiers and they are very honest.

After scanning the QR code to pay, Qin Yue picked up the stone and weighed it twice in his hand. After leaving the stall, he threw it into the trash can next to him.

At the same time, the clothes on my body gained another pound.

Now, I'm afraid it must be 170 kilograms.

Fortunately, this is a space station and it’s not actually that heavy.

At the next stall, he followed the same pattern, starting with an ore, and then throwing it away after he couldn't walk dozens of meters.

Next stall, continue, throw away again!

Until the subtitles flowed in front of Qin Yue's eyes, and a green message suddenly appeared!

"Crimson Source Stone, main ingredients: crimson titanium, crimson copper, cyclic nitrogen."

"Huh?" Qin Yue turned her head in shock and looked at a stall next to her.

There are still various kinds of meteorites displayed on the stalls. Some are iron meteorites that can be easily seen from the outside, while others are wrapped in stones so that the condition cannot be seen.

In fact, it feels like gambling on stones, but the speculators haven't come in yet, so even if there are stones, the price is not high.

"Boss, what's the price of this stone?" Qin Yue pointed to a dark red stone.

This looks like an iron meteorite, with traces of iron melting after being burned red.

"80!" The boss said impatiently while looking at his mobile phone without even raising his head: "All the stones are 80, no bargaining!!"

"Okay!" Qin Yue scanned the code, paid, and then grabbed it, eh?

"Little brother, can you give me this stone?" A gentle, sweet and slightly hoarse voice sounded beside him.

Qin Yue looked at the hand that was already grabbing the stone, and took a quick step to grab the stone, which was as big as a volleyball, in his hand.

Then he turned his head and saw a very beautiful face with straight eyebrows and an expression that was either angry or happy!

This is a woman, her age is unknown, she looks about 18 years old, she has a single ponytail, wearing a white T-shirt and a short blue denim top, and her short shoulder-length hair is dyed blue-gray.

She also wore a white earring on her right ear, and wore black shorts on her lower body, very short, which exposed all her straight thighs.

Not only does she look very beautiful, because she is 1.75cm tall, the word "slim" immediately comes to Qin Yue's mind!

The ancients were so amazing, they could invent such vivid words, unlike me, I can only say shit!


"I can't give you this stone!" Qin Yue shook his head.

"It's just an iron meteorite. Can't you just buy another one? Or, if you bought it for 80 yuan, I'll give you 100 yuan?" The young lady took out her mobile phone: "Here, give me a QR code!"

"This is not just a matter of an iron meteorite!" Qin Yue looked at the girl's mobile phone, gently rubbing the meteorite with her hands, while shaking her head: "The key point is that the meteorite looks like a potato I planted when I was a child, so , it is no longer a simple iron meteorite, it also expresses my grief for that potato!”

"Holy shit!" The girl almost cursed. She even grew potatoes. Can you still remember the potatoes you grew when you were a kid? ? Also, why have I never seen a potato the size of a volleyball!

But after thinking about it, she suppressed her anger and showed a pitiful smile.

She is very skilled at this trick. When she was 1 year old, she discovered that as long as she acted coquettishly, any request could be met. She was in elementary school, junior high school, and high school. This trick has been tried and tested many times. None of those stupid men can endure it. Stay for three seconds!

"Please, how can you sell this meteorite to me?" the girl said pitifully.

"Hmph!" Qin Yue pointed to the meteorite: "These are my beloved relatives and friends when I was a child, brothers and sisters. I have to pay more!"

He raised his thumb and index finger again: "At least eight hundred!"

"Okay, I'll give you eight hundred!" The girl took out her phone angrily, scanned the code, grabbed the meteorite, turned around and left!

But before she was ten meters away, she suddenly turned around and said, "Take your money and go to hell, trash!"

"Haha!" Qin Yue shrugged and said softly: "Load the map!"

A three-dimensional map of the Central Plains Space Station slowly unfolded in front of him.

A green stationary dot represents itself.

And another red, moving arrow

Crimson Titanium, Crimson Copper, these are not things that a first-level civilization can use!

Unexpectedly, I would find your tail just when I went out for a walk!

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