"Dax do you have a minute?"





Lux was currently witnessing something strange, no it could even be considered absurd under the circ.u.mstances. Dax, her superior, leader of the most elite force in the Galactic Empire and known as the living incarnation of death was sitting motionlessly in the warm sand, looking at Mare, the beastkin Lux had freed from the sick gladiatorial fights in the Rochdale kingdom. Mare also stood motionless looking back at Dax with her large brown eyes that darted around and inspected his face as her large fox like ears on top of her head were focused solely on him. After observing the strange spectacle for over a minute Lux decided to get Dax's attention by walking over to him, but stopped in her tack as Mare started slowly closing the gap between her and Dax.

(What the hell is going on?)

Judging that there was something more than met the eyes was going on, and decided to go with a wait and see approach, Lux planted herself in the warm sand and enjoyed the sunlight. 4 more minutes slowly passed that way. In that time Solaris and Terra also found the strange event unfolding and stopped to watch wordlessly, even Lilly that was clearly still upset with Dax also watched it all unfold at a distance. As Mare slowly approached Dax that looked silently at her she was on her guard, her one hand behind her back where she held a dagger drawn from its sheath. When Mare got within reach of Dax she stopped and planted herself down on the sand, then Dax slowly started extending his arm towards her. At first this started Mare, and she almost sprung at Dax with her dagger, but in the end she opted not to and just silently kept maintaining eye contact until he eventually placed his hand on top of Mare's head.

"What just happened?"

Not able to endure the silence and confusion any longer Solaris spoke up and asked the other 2 that were witnessing the spectacle.

"I have no idea… Normally that child would attempt to stab you if you attempted to touch her, the only one that can do that is Lux. Did you tell her about Dax?"

"Nope, and I only briefly mentioned her to Dax."


Still not understand what was going on Solaris started approaching the strange pair, but was stopped by Lux that grabbed her hand.

"Give them a minute more."

Meanwhile Dax continued looking at Mare, keeping his eye fixed on Mare's face as he slowly started ruffling her hair.

"I would definitely be stabbed in the chest if I tried that.."

Looking at her teacher in awe Terra added commentary to the situation as her respect for Dax only deepend. 2 minutes of head patting later mare dropped her dagger as she closed her eyes and a faint smile spread across her usually expressionless face and her bushy brown tail started slowly wagging back and forth in a rhythmic fashion.

"He tamed her…"

"That he did. Amazing.."

"No you don't normally tame a person do you!?"

With both Terra and Lux turning completely awestruck by Dax's pacification of Mare Solaris seemed to be the only person maintain her sanity.

"What's up Lux? Is it the scan?"

Only after observing Mare for a few more seconds did Dax turn his head to Lux and responded to her earlier question.

".. Yeah it is, the scan is complete so I wanted to know how you wanted to continue."

Taking a second to remember why she was there in the first place Lux delivered her report and informed Dax that the sphere had been scanned and they were ready to proceed with cracking it open.

"So what were you doing?"

Not able to accept what had just happened Solaris asked Dax what was going on.

"I had a nice conversation with this child. She has very promising instincts. What's your name?"

"... Mare."

"Okay Mare, wanna see something really awesome?"


"Then let's go. ICI prep beaching plan #4, crack it open."


Taking Mare by the hand Dax left the tropical beach and walked over to a pile of equipment next to the gigantic sphere.


"So what is it?"

Looking at the 75 meter high sphere made out of a mix of inactive graymatter and charred chunks of blast shielding Terra couldn't contain her courrisity any longer.

"A custom made GA-05 Spartan"

"And that is?"

"It's a heavy assault vehicle/lander."

"So like a spaceplane, like the Stinger?"

"Nah. The CAS-7A Stinger is a landing craft and light fire support vehicle."

"What's the difference?"

Seeing Terra's confusion Dax breathed a deep sigh and taught about how to best explain the difference.

"... Lux help me out."

Drawing up a blank Dax turned to his trusted subordinate.

"... That's kinda hard to explain.. I mean a heavy assault vehicle is just what is says on the tin. It's the first thing that's sent into a hostile situation after the drone pods, and usually the last craft that leaves a hot zone in the event of a retreat."

"I see.."

Still not being completely sure on the diffrence Terra looked at the sphere and wondered what it was.

"Well the easiest way to understand is usually to see it for yourself. ICI commence breaching procedure… Mare cover your ears."


Sitting out on the calm ocean about 2 kilometers away from the atoll the last remaining high caliber Guardian-G097 indirect fire railgun carrier AEHWP came alive.






The impact was almost instant. In under a split second the reentry proof protective shell was priced at the top as the 205mm armor piercing titanium sabot priced through the layers of armor like they were made of butter, poking a hole in the shell that had up until that moment prevented all outside communication.

"Establish data link please."


Hearing the crafts identification a smile formed on Lux's face.

"So it's the Jug'.. How long have you known Dax?"

"You assume I didn't know at any point?"

"That's mean, why didn't you tell me?"

"You never asked."

"You two are speaking in code again…"

Almost being used to being left outside the conversation when Lux and Dax started talking Terra still wanted to be included and therefore spoke up, with Solaris and Mare also wanting to know what was going on Lux explained.

"Its the Juggernaut, my own personal assault vehicle. This craft has completed more successful combat missions than any other lander in the 125th."

"That sounds impressive."

"You have no idea. It is a one of a kind custom made craft. Modified by Lazarus cybernetic industries with no budget limit it is a craft so well equipped that hostiles usually surrender after failing to kill it, that normally takes anywhere between 1 or 3 thermonuclear devices."

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