Starship Girl Express

Chapter 15 Summary of Bai Moxie's Team Structure

The situation on the sofa is complicated to describe in words, and the scenes on the scene are really chaotic. It takes a bit of effort to distinguish the ownership of hands and feet, but the human body structure lines are seen through scanning and the human body is traced in the field of view with AR After the frame, it is very clear, and everyone is open to the social system, open the character information, the name will be directly displayed on the top of the head in AR, who is who is at a glance, so it is very strange how these people get together.

Looking at the visitor, Dragon Girl Guanyue smiled and answered their question: "They are doing joint gymnastics..."

Ms. Pei floated around very helplessly: "You two should be regarded as the most popular performance art recently."

Bai Lingling cheered: "Fashion is the most fashionable!"

Five minutes later, the group of people separated, but due to various reasons, they were still squeezed on a sofa. Fortunately, the sofa was big enough, Bai Moxie kept sitting on the front edge of the sofa. Leave a lot of space for girls and girls to fight...

The two new women who came to the meeting were Du Fei and Ya Lisa. They were the captain guards of the Dragon Girl watching the moon. They were the bodyguards of the princesses appointed by the military. Although they were all elite fighters of the Empire, they were only due to the nature of their work. The relationship between their two majors is naturally only individual combat. After joining the Golden Knights, they began to conduct space fighter and battleship training.

Du Fei giggled, complaining that he hadn't come and kicked up early.Alyssa was serious, and first told Ms. Pei that their work at the planetary warehouse was mainly due to the unsatisfactory progress of the ecological planetary transformation.

Due to her resume, Ms. Pei’s most important job in the team is business. All economic-related matters are handled by her. In addition, she also leads the research on computers and calculation equipment, involving research at the artificial soul level. Because of--

Ms. Pei controlled the office and flew to Bai Moxie’s face. She lifted her feet and walked directly to the young boy’s not spacious shoulders. After standing still, she began to talk face-to-face: "Head, I have been thinking about something since I came out of the battlefield. , Just now Alisa reminded me..."

"We are not in a relationship for a day or two anymore. Let's just talk about it. Everyone knows that your cosmic environment is poorly adaptable. You also have a post-war syndrome?"

Miss Pei lifted her little foot and kicked Bai Moxie's earlobe: "Seriously! Don't think that I am like the girls around you, I can just play with you!"

Ignore Xue Kelan's clamor: I am not doing it casually.Bai Moxie had a serious conversation: "Miss Pei, please speak."

"I want to integrate my'Auspicious Goddess Technology'..."

Her remark caught Wang Ruoye’s attention and she leaned forward to help and asked in detail: "What Ms. Pei meant by saying this, can I understand it as-under the name of Peyersedas, the "Auspicious Goddess of the Galaxy Wanqiang Enterprise" The production and technology organization will become a branch of Bai Moxie's Baishi Interstellar Logistics Company? This cross-industry merger will affect the credit ratings of both parties."

Bai Moxie also thought to himself: this is the trouble with the world without the concept of "currency" in modern times. In ancient times, as long as you have money, who cares what your old business is doing... But in this future world, it is different. , Merchants and customers are linked by "mutual trust and mutual assistance." The number of users involved in Wanqiang enterprises is in units of billions.

I don’t know the specific number of people. It’s because of personal privacy protection, but according to the big data given by credit rating agencies every year, orders of magnitude and the like can still be calculated by statistics... Do you want to start entering the field of smart technology?

Ms. Pei corrected Wang Ruoye's words: "Not joining a logistics company, but with the mercenary company "Golden Knights", and we merged with the mercenary company based on technology."

In the de-armed galaxy, it is naturally impossible to openly drive private warships to fly around. Therefore, outside the galaxy, the Golden Knights are a mercenary group whose strength is comparable to that of a country, while in the galaxy, the Golden Knights Disclosure of corporate identity is a "security service dispatch company", which provides solutions to various security issues for individuals and corporate customers.

Alyssa: "The logistics business has much more customers than our preservation business...Before, thanks to Miss Pei's suggestion to separate the two companies, otherwise we will have to drag each other down..."

The meaning of this is actually asking why she wants to merge her own technology company now. Ms. Pei’s answer to this is: "The main reason is that I need to move my research institute. I am joining this guy in my own name. The soldiers of the Corps signed various agreements to take risks with everyone, and you...I am not the same as you. I am just an ordinary person, regardless of entrepreneur and scientist. This is the crux of the problem. ——

I have the qualifications to apply for the freelancer, but I can’t pass the medical examination, so I can’t be...but I joined other freelancer and left the galaxy, the empire opened its eyes and closed its eyes..."

Everyone looked at the Dragon Girl watching the moon.

"...Look at what I am doing, it's not my final decision... I know what Miss Pei means, don't mention the people who came out of the war world over the cemetery. Others came from the galaxy, not like me. The military background is the girl who sneaked out of the royal family, hey..."

Speaking of the sisters of her family who sneaked out, Dragon Girl Guanyue had a headache.

Ms. Pei continued: "That's it. Your mercenary group has the nature of a cemetery and battlefield. It is said to be free to recruit members of the mercenary group, but according to my observation, it is only allowed to recruit in the cemetery. I want you to take it directly. The military ranks of the soldiers in the galaxy... everyone knows the hidden secrets of the royal family on the side of the dragon girl watching the moon, so I won't say more here."

Bai Moxie secretly said in his heart: In fact, it is the issue of inheritance to the throne that has not been escaped since ancient times. Even if the emperor is now in power for hundreds of thousands of years, this issue is still taken seriously by some people.

As for the soldiers with military ranks, they refer to Dragon Girl Guanyue, Ya Lisa, Du Fei and Wang Ruoye. Among them, Dragon Girl Guanyue and Wang Ruoye have not graduated from military academy, but due to their outstanding results, they were early Awarded the military rank, the Dragon Girl Guanyue was not only included in the reserve service, but even directly appointed as the captain of the Empire-class battleship as a student—worthy of the emperor’s relatives.

However, due to a conspiracy, he was eventually deprived of the warship, and in order to avoid political disturbances, he was given to Bai Moxie by the emperor, and took them into the graveyard world together. The game term describes it as "an alien copy of the Eternal War" "...So now she came out from the cemetery, and Dragon Girl Guanyue has been nesting here, and she has no plans to return to the Milky Way.

Ms. Pei started kicking Bai Moxie’s earlobe again to ask the other party to listen. The small voice was directly in Bai Moxie’s ears, and the office Bobo Ball played her voice to everyone: "What do you want? You laugh so disgustingly. …Anyway, let’s not talk about the empire, let people not join the mercenary group casually. My researchers… Even if they just join it in form, they don’t necessarily want to. You know, everyone is gathered together because of interest. . So I directly join the company and let them continue to stay in the company under my name, there will be no problem."

Bai Moxie nodded, Miss Pei quickly grabbed her hair to prevent her from falling, Bai Lingling also guarded her by guarding her.

"I understand what you mean... let them come here to increase research power, right..."

Movii: "Do not let outsiders come into contact with phase shifting technology."

Ms. Pei: "I understand this. I will continue to do artificial intelligence... before I joined the mercenary group to collect various data. After all, there is no more advanced calculation system than the computer array on the battleship, but now ...Not that I can solve the problem with the data. I realize that I must rely on and depend have a stronger material foundation to complete the research...for now, there is no more suitable choice than here."

Bai Lingling smiled: "Giggle, of course it's appropriate, because I'm here!"

Wang Ruoye thoughtfully: "...because there is a fleet here."

Without the protection of forces, everything researched is no good, especially some things involving core strategies. Soul-level artificial intelligence is naturally classified as military research and kept under the control of the royal family. There are technical barriers to prohibit private development and research-Ultrain Its strength as a strategic super military force is obvious to all... However, the Golden Knights have developed a more terrifying "phase shift".

If there are too many lice, I am not afraid of itching, just as a cover for my super artificial intelligence project.

Moweiyi and Bai Lingling are sitting on the back of the sofa, holding hands together. They look like they are in love with each other. They are actually engaged in contact information interaction-an incredible amount of information is transmitted between the two at high speed.

Bai Lingling passed all the first-hand data of this phase shift to Movie, and Movie gave his calculation conclusion for reference.The same data can get different results under different thinking and theoretical frameworks, which is very inspiring for scientific research...

Multithreading is trivial to Ultrain. The two are exchanging information at high speed, and at the same time, they do not delay listening to the conversation outside. Moweii looked up at this moment and said, "Ms. Pei joins. We are naturally very welcome. but……"

Ms. Pei grabbed Bai Moxie’s hair and climbed up her ears on top of his head: "I know I know... hey... only girls, right, so this is the reason why I propose to be independent. My team is not considered to be. People of the Golden Knights."

Xue Kelan forcibly separated Bai Moxie and Wang Ruoye, and said at this time: "I have always been surprised that boys are no worse than girls in combat. It should be said that there are genetic adjustments. Humans are no worse than omnics and Kang snakes. Is there any special significance for our company to accept only girls?"

Ms. Pei stood up straight and squatted with prestige, stomping and kicking her head: "You have to ask your grandfather."

Bai Moxie: "Ahem, I didn't pay attention to it at first, but the people around me gradually became sisters, I can't help it..."

Long Nu Guanyue squinted over: "Then let's recruit a few reliable men."

Before Bai Moxie spoke, Miao Ge Lihua spoke first: "Try not to differentiate in the team. It is okay to recruit asexual or omnic, but those with primary sexual characteristics..."

Du Fei: "Let's find some more boys, teasing the recruits should be cute..."

Yalisha pulled her companion: "I'm just afraid you are like this..."

Wang Ruoye, who continues to sleep in a lazy posture: "We are not an army, we are not forbidden to fall in love, are we—"

When she said that, she kicked her foot like she rubbed Bai Moxie's side, back, waist and eyes...Is separated by Xue Kelan, she still had a way to get Bai Moxie.First of all, the indoor environment in space is basically dust-free. As long as there is a bobo ball, even the atmosphere in the atmosphere can be spotless. Wang Ruoye walks around in pajamas without shoes, and now wears a full-body cartoon doll pajamas , The soles of the feet are fluffy cushions, squeezing squeezing on people.

Everyone knows that Bai Moxie has a habit of cleanliness, so indoor cleaning is the highest priority of the Bobo Ball's self-discipline system. In short, everyone wears shoes and jumps on the sofa, even on his head, Bai Moxie doesn't mind at all.

He just came back from the outside, he was very concerned about his shoes, even though he had already cleaned his whole body when passing the air gate, he still felt dirty psychologically... Bai Lingling took his shoes off the clouds.

Milidola: "Compared with the concept of'love', we Ohoran Elves pay more attention to the tea party. Everyone who joins a tea party is equivalent to getting married... Huh? Restriction? There is no restriction on joining a tea party... Don’t look at me like that, the cultural differences understand, everyone’s to explain...Anyway, I am very depressed, just ignore me first..."

Miao Ge Lihua helped round the field: "The greatest happiness of most people."

Moweiyi is very magnanimous: "I don't need to be in love if I have a husband."

Bai Lingling: "Lingling is very interested in the family structure of advanced intelligent creatures."

Xue Kelan: "Look at me, I'm still young! My mother told me, don't fall in love before one hundred years old, don't understand anything, don't know what you want, waste time and energy."

Opposite Du Fei had an aura of "I have a story, do you have a drink?" and sighed: "It is true, indeed, I have talked a lot, and I just have fun. They just can't let it go. People are troubled, hey, I'm such a sinful woman."

Alyssa: "Tsk--every time I am pulled out as a shield, people look at me with weird eyes--thinking that I am the scumbag who is obsessed with you!"

Du Fei: "Ha ha ha-don't be angry, don't you want to attend a cocktail party to take care of others... We all get what we need, after all, those guys like to hang out with you more than me. "

Julianne: "Hum, when it comes to popularity, although this adult is a fanatic, he is not interested in ordinary life forms."

Bai Moxie: "In short, it is indeed a military need on the silver Alei star battlefield. After all, war is a collective activity. Unity in various forms is necessary... But our war has ended. Our company is free to love... …This point should also be conveyed to those retired girls who are incorporated and placed by us." Miao Ge Lihua: "I will find the opportunity to tell them..."

Dragon Girl Guanyue murmured: "Are you in love..."

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