"Riko, your call has been transferred."

Before Tizzy could figure out how to persuade Johnny to stay, Sergeant Boyd, who was in charge of the communications of No. 2 Battalion, walked into the third class dormitory.

Boyd handed Johnny a bag containing the items he had turned in when he enlisted.

Johnny took the bag and nodded, and turned on the communication screen on the bedside.


"My dear son, are you all right?"

The screen switched on, and Johnny's mother appeared on the screen.

She was in a good mood because the army just called her and said Johnny was going home today.

"Hi Mom, I'm fine."

Johnny's face became unnatural, and he forced a smile.

"My son's phone is connected?"

At this time, the voice of Johnny's father Bill came out on the communication screen, followed by a picture of Bill.


Johnny was even more embarrassed. At that time, he had a big fight with his father about joining the army. His father even said that he would never go back.

But now that the recruiting period has not passed, he is going home..

"Son, it's good to meet you, how are you?"

Billy didn't mention the retreat, but greeted him with a smile.

Johnny took a deep breath, summoned up his courage and said, "I'm sorry Dad, you're right, I really don't fit here."

"I'm wondering...wonder if I can go home now."


Bill nodded without thinking, and said with a smile: "If possible, I really want to see you now."

"There are a lot of rats sneaking into our old manor. Those bloody bastards are almost taking over our garden."

"In order to kill them, I bought a lot of guns two days ago. It's the best if you can come back and help. Maybe you can teach me how to use a gun."

"Okay, Dad!"

Bill's tone was very relaxed, and what he said was like small talk, which made Johnny's face relax, and he responded with a smile.


At this moment, there was a burst of electrical noise on the communication screen.

"Bad signal?"

"Johnny, it looks like it's going to rain at home, and it's dark outside."

The light in the picture dimmed instantly, as if all the curtains in the room had fallen, and then the call was cut off.

Johnny didn't pay much attention to it, just thought it was a problem with the signal.


"Oh, Shit!"

"Fack, damned Arachnis bastard!"

Just when Johnny was about to continue packing his luggage, there was a sudden noise outside, with exclamations and curses everywhere.

Johnny and Tizzy looked at each other and rushed towards the door.

The two ran out of the dormitory only to find that the No. 2 Battalion was in chaos, and all the recruits were crowded in front of the public screen in the camp.

A row of public screens were so tightly surrounded that Johnny couldn't squeeze in even if he wanted to.

"Aiwen, what happened?"

At this time, he saw Aiwen standing alone outside the crowd, and immediately stepped forward to ask.

"The war is about to begin!"

"Johnny, I don't know how to speak, you'd better see for yourself."

Aiwen said something in a low voice, and patted Johnny on the shoulder twice.


Johnny was puzzled, could it be that the life star was captured by the Zerg?

At this moment, a voice sounded from the public screen.

"This disaster is unprecedented. According to preliminary statistics, at least 8 million people were killed and a city was completely destroyed."

"The Zerg launched a plasma cannon from the Beta star closest to the earth to smash an asteroid into the earth, causing this disaster."

"Buenos Aires, once known as Latin Paradise, has completely disappeared."

"Just one minute ago, the Federation Council voted unanimously to mobilize the entire Western Theater to carry out a devastating blow to multiple worm stars and detonate the beta star."

"Buenos Aires?"

Johnny froze on the spot, his eyes began to turn red.

Only now did he know why the communication with his parents was cut off just now, why the sky over there suddenly darkened, and what Aiwen's words meant.


Seeing Johnny lost his mind, Tiz wanted to comfort him, but he didn't know what to say.

She couldn't feel the pain Johnny was going through, and it was useless to talk about it, it would only make Johnny feel worse and noisier.

Johnny clenched his fist and rushed directly towards the military building.

He shouldn't have left, he is now in the mobile unit, until the day he dies in battle!

"Let him handle it himself."

Seeing this, Aiwen stopped Tizzy who wanted to catch up.

"Damn bug!"

Tizzy cursed viciously, turned around and ran towards the dormitory. It was time for her to help Johnny hand in the communicator again.

"The recruit period..."

Aiwen shook his head, feeling uncomfortable.

Before the recruiting period is over, unless all the star fields near the earth have fallen, recruits will not be able to go to the battlefield anyway.

Now it's time to see how long this revenge will last.

The ancestral planet of the earth was attacked, and the federation became really angry this time, and even said such cruel words as detonating the worm star.

I'm afraid that by the time his recruit period is over, this revenge war will be over.

He is too difficult!

The system has not been played for a long time, and readers, like him, have long been hungry and thirsty!

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