Starship Troopers: I Become Stronger When I Kill Bugs

Chapter 155 A Smooth Evacuation, A Lot Of Harvest!

"Fool, you asked for this!"

Aiwen frowned, and jumped off the raised metal floor sideways.

next moment.

Aiwen replenishes the pack with the Ammo Source, instantly pulling Gatling's ammo.

When the high-frequency mode is turned on, it will be a set of "Magic Penetration Light Killing Cannon"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

As soon as the tank beetle came out of the ground, it ate Gatling's total destruction calendar.

Under the high-frequency mode Gatling's firepower, it can't even spit out ultra-high temperature corrosive liquid.

In just two or three seconds, its mouth completely disappeared, and Aiwen punched a bloody big hole in its head.


Aiwen put away Gatling, and threw the last grenade on his body towards the gap in the head of the tank beetle.

Then he rushed into the transport ship in two or three steps.

The swarm of insects outside the protective wall "083" has exploded, and the soldiers and insects climbed up the protective wall along the corpse ladder, dripping into the base like the tide.

If the transport ship doesn't leave, it will be overwhelmed by the insect swarm.

"call out!"

When the transport ship lifted off, Aiwen stuck on the hatch sensor and fired a tactical nuclear bomb at the area directly in front of the base.

Another tactical nuclear bomb was detonated by him at a time of ten seconds and dropped into the base.

Tactical nukes can't be wasted!


Two tactical nuclear bombs exploded one after another, razing the entire base and the area around the base to the ground.

But at this time, the transport ship was already far away from the explosion area, and the shock wave of the explosion did not affect the evacuation of the transport ship at all.


Aiwen felt extremely comfortable, and opened the metal protective curtain to look down.

The bug swarm, like the base, was bombed to pieces by tactical nuclear bombs.

The only pity is that the scale of the bug swarm is too large, two tactical nuclear bombs are not enough to detonate, twenty bombs are not enough!

But there is no way, rescue missions are like this.

Rescue missions are no better than combat missions. It would be nice if a team could be equipped with a tactical nuclear bomb.

After he becomes the base commander of the major general, the tactical nuclear tank will be built casually!

"Alves, well done, you have established a cause!"

Not only Aiwen is watching, Amos is also beside Aiwen, looking down through the space window.

When he saw the scale of the bug swarm, his legs were a little weak.

However, after realizing that he was safe, he straightened his back subconsciously, and assumed the posture that the general should have.

"For the Federation!"

"Sir, this is your credit. You discovered the worm's conspiracy and led the communicators to successfully repair the communication server."

Seeing that Amos became angry, Aiwen quickly stood at attention and saluted with a meticulous attitude.

After saluting, Aiwen lowered his voice and gave a little flattery.

It is really impossible not to lower your posture to communicate with the soft-legged shrimp who are in a high position.

The generals of the strategic army have a lot of power, they are equivalent to human cerebrates, and they specialize in issuing orders.

And he didn't mean to make military achievements by saying that.

After returning home, the task report is handed in, and the collective strategic review of more than 100 people is done, how should military merit be counted or how should it be counted.

He just praised Amos, which would allow Amos to say a few more good words to him when he was reporting on the mission.

No matter which world you are in, worldly sophistication is essential.

"No, it's everyone's credit."

Hearing Aiwen's words, the corners of Amos' mouth raised slightly, and he sighed:

"After fighting with bugs for so long, I think you must be tired, take a good rest. y

"I also have to take a good rest for a while. It is not an easy task to stay in a leaking freezer for several hours."


Aiwen understood in seconds, and exclaimed: "If it were me, I wouldn't have the confidence to survive that desperate situation."

Amos didn't speak any more, but the smile on his face got bigger and bigger, and he patted Aiwen on the shoulder appreciatively.

After dealing with Amos, Aiwen found a place to sit down.

Host: Aiwen Xia Alves

Age: 19

Status: Colonel of Tough Guy Force

Attributes: Strength 58, Spirit 58, Speed ​​58, Stamina 58

Skills: Melee combat 15, gun use 15, starship driving 15

Abilities: Telepathy 28, Power Control 23

Items: multifunctional nano armor, silver wing destroyer, dark heart frigate, bionic dragonfly helicopter, ammunition source supplement...

Life energy: 3.283 million

"Nuclear bomb, eternal god!"

After seeing the balance of life energy, Aiwen subconsciously laughed...

He remembered that when he came to Star P, his life energy was 2.66 million, and it rose to 3.28 million when he left.

Ten tactical nuclear bombs, Gatling attack, team mode, social mode.

All kinds of gains add up to 620,000 life energy!

A mission of 620,000 yuan is so exciting!

He was right in thinking before, this mission is completely a welfare mission, life energy and military merit can be fully utilized.

And that's just an appetizer!

As soon as the battle report between him and Amos is handed in, the command center will immediately realize that there is a wisdom bug hidden on planet P.

After the bug-hunting operation starts, he will be able to do a special brush again, and catch a cerebrate worm by the way, making a heavyweight strategic contribution!

The good life is not far away!

Below is Major General Alves, the head of the federal XX base!

Five minutes later, the transport ship returned to the large transport ship.

Aiwen greeted the team members to go back to the dormitory area and waited for the reviewers of the strategic forces to ask, while he followed Amos into the command area.

The mission report has always been like this, the commander should report all the details during the mission process, and the team members can simply make a battle report 1.3.

Because Amos is a lieutenant general, the one who received the report was a general.

During the mission report, Amos and Aiwen cooperated fairly well.

What they said was the truth, only slightly exaggerated to highlight the danger of the situation at the time.

They were one inside and one outside, one discovered the worm's plot, the other shattered the worm's plot, and led the team to successfully evacuate in a desperate situation.

As soon as he heard the worm's plot, the admiral's eyes lit up immediately.

He asked in detail if there was anything unusual about the Aiwen bug swarm, and then asked A.S. about the more specific process of being trapped.

Aiwen didn't say it too carefully, but the implication is all:

The bug swarm is very wrong, they seem to be tactical, I feel like there are intelligent bugs directing them.

Amos is also similar to Aiwen, and the words are full of words:

I found the wit bug. .

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