Five o'clock the next morning.

All 120 members of the Tough Guys left the No. 9 training ground, divided into ten teams, boarded ten small transport ships, and were received by a large transport ship.

Aiwen could never have imagined that he just reported yesterday afternoon and is about to carry out his mission today.

Although it was a bit too much, it was just what he wanted.

"Hey, Alves." Hannah walked to Aiwen, pointed to the equipment at Aiwen's feet, and said, "I suggest you change it, the big guy is not a wise choice."

"Thanks, but I'm sure."

"I took it to kill bugs, not to die."

Aiwen shook his head with a smile, and patted the equipment at his feet.

After training yesterday, Zarak chatted with him for a while, and only then did he know why he was assigned to the tough guy unit.

The tough guys participated in the Cecilia star battle a month ago, and then participated in the Federation's revenge against the Zerg.

After the two battles, the tough guys suffered a lot of casualties.

When Zarak was picking a new recruit, he transferred him from the First Legion and made him the machine gunner of the First Squad of the Tough Guys.

The tough guy unit is divided into ten combat squads, and the first squad is also directly under Zarak.

As a rookie who has just joined and is about to take part in missions and act as an important machine gunner.

After yesterday's training, the team's vice-captain, the black girl Hannah, gave him some team tactics and helped him choose a set of equipment.

He chose a conventional 18-series rifle, a G-type machine gun, and attached a rear-mounted chain barrel with 3,000 rounds of ammunition.

G-shaped machine gun, that is, the light Gatling in Aiwen's understanding.

A machine gun and a rear-mounted chain barrel weighed 50 kilograms in total, and the weight of the fully equipped weapon directly reached 80 kilograms.

That is to say, the Federation's technology is much stronger than in the previous life, and heavy steel materials have been eliminated in weapon manufacturing, otherwise this set will be doubled.

"I guess you grew up eating Hercules."

Hannah complained, and stopped trying to persuade Aiwen.

When I saw Aiwen pick up this set of machine guns yesterday, she originally wanted to scold directly.

But after seeing Aiwen running five kilometers in full gear, she had nothing to say, but felt that Aiwen's physical fitness was unreasonable.

Eighty kilograms is not light, but in the final analysis, it is the weight of a tall and strong man, and everyone in the tough guy army can carry it on their backs.

The difficult thing is to carry a load of 80 kilograms all the time, and even run and fight.

She now knew why Lieutenant Zarak beckoned a rookie to the army. This rookie's physical fitness was indeed frighteningly strong.

"Maybe it's talent."

Aiwen raised the corner of his mouth, shrugged and smiled.

Because of the breakthrough of genetic technology, the physique of the human beings in this world is generally stronger than that of the human beings in the previous life.

In addition, he has a system, one of the physical attributes has reached the peak of human beings, and the remaining three are also close to the peak of human beings, and the weight of 80 kilograms is acceptable.

And after going to the battlefield, he can add points while fighting, and the more he carries the less weight, he will only become more and more relaxed.

He has a lack of firepower phobia!

If it weren't for the fact that the back-mounted chain barrel with 5,000 rounds of ammunition is too big, and it will affect the combat action after being carried on the back, he would want to fill up the ammunition directly!


Five minutes later, Zarak arrived late and finally boarded the transport ship.

After counting the number of team members, Zarak said: "Today we are going to Pluto."

"Pluto is occupied by bugs, a scientific research team is trapped there, communication is completely cut off, and the first team is targeting them."

"If they're alive, bring them back, and if they're dead, bring back their research."

"They are researching new alloys, manuscript paper, storage disks, samples, etc., as long as it is related to data, nothing can be omitted."

"We will depart at 5:30 on Earth Day, go to the outer space of Pluto, and then be dropped near the research center."

"Now, get dressed immediately, and then sit where you should sit."

"Yes, sir!"

Everyone responded and began to prepare for the battle.

"This is the equipment..."

Aiwen fastened the Gatling gun to the breech barrel and began donning the armor.

This set of armor is the best one-piece armor on the face of the Federation. Its performance is like a super-high-end portable spacesuit, and it looks like power armor.

It has a series of functions such as bullet-proof, explosion-proof, oxygen-generating and constant temperature. If the new barracks had this equipment, Breckenridge would not be headshot.

After being fully armed, Aiwen sat on the chair and fastened his seat belt, feeling very at ease.

Wearing a body armor, with a high-energy grenade pinned to his waist, holding a grenade-mounted shotgun in his hand, and Gatling lying at his feet...

At this moment, he even felt that he could rush to Klendasu star to kill the worm god.


very beautiful!

The main soldier is incense, this is the romance of a man!


(Whether it’s a movie or an animation, it’s all from 25 years ago. There are a lot of bugs, and the author doesn’t understand technology, so please take it lightly.)

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