Aiwen walked in the front, and after seeing this scene, he tightened the rifle in his hand.

War is so cruel, either you die or I die.

Now he has to thank Breckenridge, after all, Breckenridge's death made him adapt to blood and death.

It's rude to say that, but it's true.

All the way down, the team quickly descended to the third underground floor of the scientific research center.

Starting from this floor, there are a lot fewer corpses of soldiers and insects. It can be seen that the defense force of the scientific research center has been completely defeated here.

So if you continue walking, you may encounter Arachnis bugs who like to be warm and use this place as a nest.

"Dum... da..."

When he was about to enter a corner, there was a commotion in the passage at the other end of the corner.

The sound was very crisp, the sound of the metal floor being struck.

"There are bugs!"

"The footsteps are not very dense, they are not many."

Aiwen slowly took two steps back and squatted down, pointing the muzzle of the gun at the corner.

"Hannah and Gotuo observe behind, and the others fire freely." Zarak raised his gun and ordered, his tone was very calm, obviously he had many similar experiences.


Three seconds later, several soldiers rushed out from the corner.

They don't fear pain, they don't know fear, they only know bloodthirsty and fighting, and they ran into the muzzles of everyone with a roar in their mouths.

At the same time, the team members all pulled the trigger.

Several rifles fired, and the bullets hit the soldiers and insects in front like a pouring rain.

In the blink of an eye, those soldiers and insects were beaten into sieves.

The broken flesh and shells flew, dyeing the corners black and green.

"Kill a soldier bug and get 10 evolution energy."

"Kill a..."

Aiwen glanced at the system, and the prompt jumped four times.

Of the six soldiers and insects, he counted and killed four of them, and the harvest was not small.

The system can barely be regarded as a conscience. Although there are many restrictions on the acquisition of life energy, it does not require him to kill the bugs alone.

As long as he can hit the bug's fatal point, even if his teammates give the bug the final blow, he can still get life energy.

Just like playing games and fighting BOSS, you can receive rewards if you participate in the output.

Although the efficiency is far less than that of starship bombing, and it is not as comfortable as being a high-ranking strategic official to order, but he is already very satisfied.

It doesn't matter if it's on or off!

His requirements are not high, as long as he has what others don't have!

"Speed ​​up, Go!"

Zarak stepped to the corner, glanced at the situation in the corner passage, and made a forward gesture to the team members.

When he shot just now, a message came from his communicator.

Squads from other forces spotted a large hive and blew it up with PORTT, causing the swarms to riot in the surrounding area.

Now that the bug swarm has formed, it is likely that they will pass by this area in a few minutes, and then eat their snacks along the way.

After Zalak's order, the team changed its tempo.

No longer cautiously probing, everyone let go of their steps.

In less than five minutes, the team arrived at the sixth underground floor of the scientific research center. This is the last and most important floor.

On the way forward, I encountered some soldiers and insects, but they were not many in number, they just bumped into them to send life energy to Aiwen.

"Sam, Phoebe."

Zarak stood in front of the last laboratory, raised his hand and pointed with two fingers.

The two team members called by Zarak immediately rushed into the laboratory with a large box.

The scientific research center was completely wiped out, and there was not a single survivor.

However, this situation was within everyone's expectations, and the higher-ups of the fortress must have known about it a long time ago, otherwise they would not have allowed them to rest for a night before setting off.

Arachnis bugs can sense radio waves.

There is no problem with small-scale communication, but once the large-scale server used by the scientific research center is turned on, it will be listed as a priority attack target by bugs.

That's why they came here, because the information sent back by the scientific research center was incomplete, and besides that, important things such as research samples had to be recovered.

Sam and Phoebe's looting is fast.

Before coming to the sixth floor, they had searched several laboratories.

In just one minute, they scraped the laboratory clean, and stuffed all the things related to the research into the protective box.

"Lieutenant, bugs are coming!"

"The swarm of soldiers and insects will hit the scientific research center in one minute. I have already notified the transport ship, and the transport ship will arrive in four minutes."

When the team evacuated to the second floor, Vernon's voice rang through the team's communication channel.

"Defend in place, we will be there soon."

Zarak responded and led the team to speed up.

When everyone returned to the surface, the movement of the bugs was already very loud.

The Taniguchi that the team had passed through earlier was already occupied by soldiers and insects, and the swarms of insects poured into the small valley one after another like waves.

"Hey, this life energy is not easy to get!"

Aiwen took two steps and walked to the front of the team. After putting away the rifle, he took off Gatling locked on the back-style chain barrel and held it by his side.

After finishing the preparations, Aiwen turned to Hannah and asked, "What do you think of my big baby now?"

"OK, I admit that the big guy is a wise choice."

Hannah laughed and hit Aiwen on the shoulder with a clenched fist.

(Today's update is late, sorry, I did something to help the elderly at home.)

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