Walked around the college for about half an hour.

Aiwen walked out of the school gate with Carmen in her arms, and walked towards the nearest commercial street.

Their high school careers are over here.

There was a prom at the college that night, but he and Carmen didn't plan to attend.

It is not so much that he does not want to participate, but that Carmen does not want him to participate.

Every time there is such an activity, Carmen will use the "Victoria's Secret" tactic to keep him around to prevent him from being caught by the elementary school girl.

He also enjoyed it.

With Carmen's superb figure, she is simply a natural hanger, she can wear any clothes, and she can also wear them with taste.

How can it be fun to applaud for love at a dance party, let alone a dress-up session!


Happy hour runs so fast, it's midnight in the blink of an eye.

After a three-hour fitness exercise, Carmen was so tired that she was almost blurred.

She was lying in Aiwen's arms panting, and she didn't even have the strength to speak.

"Join the Mobile Force, save the world, enlist and get citizenship!"

"Come on, let's fight for the future of all mankind!"

Aiwen turned on the TV, and immediately heard two familiar lines.

The high school graduation season is also the conscription season for the Federation. All major TV stations are broadcasting conscription videos, including those of the three major armies.

"Honey, I'm going to sign up at the conscription point tomorrow."

After a short rest, Carmen finally came to her senses, hugged Aiwen's neck and said.


"There are troops stationed in Area L, and you can report directly after you pass the registration."

"It's you, the starfleet academy freshman in the West War Zone, who should go to the Polaris Starship base."

Hearing that he signed up to join the army, Aiwen couldn't help being a little excited and apprehensive.

Half of the teachers in federal high schools are in the federal army.

Although those teachers will not explicitly encourage students to join the army, they will more or less focus on some good seedlings.

His history professor, Federal Lieutenant Jean Zarak, was one such person.

During his four-year high school career, he showed melee combat ability and firearm use ability far superior to his peers.

For this reason, Jean Zarac valued him very much.

Every year during the holidays, he can take the seed channel to participate in training at the Mobile Force base in Area L.

In addition to basic infantry combat training, there is also insect killing training in the mobile unit.

In the four years of high school, he had killed three soldiers and insects.

Adult soldier insects are about three meters tall, and they look like praying mantises without stomachs and with their sickles turned into claws.

It looks fierce and terrifying, but in fact, it can be given a second by a shuttle.

This is the case with the Arachnis Zerg, their carapace absorbs energy damage, but not basic bullets.

100% magic immunity, 0% physical immunity.

Knowing the fighting power of soldiers and insects, he was already a little hungry and thirsty.

Go to the battlefield, brush soldiers and bugs, and the attributes are full!

"Polaris base..."

"After graduation, I will definitely become an official pilot!"

Carmen suddenly became refreshed, and while watching TV, she talked to Aiwen about her expectations for the future.


The next day, after having lunch, the two went to the conscription site in Area L hand in hand.

"Honey, that looks like Johnny and Carl, and Tizzy is there."

Entering the registration hall, Carmen pointed to the registration area on the left and asked with some uncertainty.

"It's the three of them."

Aiwen turned her head to look and nodded.

The two men and one woman were classmates of him and Carmen, and they had a good relationship.

Johnny Ricko, the protagonist of the Starship Troopers movie, the future general of the Mobile Force.

Carl Jenkinson, the hero's best friend, the future general of the strategic forces.

Tiz Flores, the hero's second girlfriend, will be killed in a rescue operation in the future.

But that's just the original storyline.

In the original plot, Johnny and Carmen were still their first love, and they broke up after enlisting in the army. The reason for breaking up was that Carmen was too realistic.

Now look again, Johnny and Tiz are together ahead of schedule.

And Carmen, who originally had the potential of Zhalang green tea, was so obsessed with him, it would not be too much to say that she was a dog licking before dating him.

Make it right!

He doesn't care how the original plot develops, after he comes to this world, he is the protagonist!

As soon as Aiwen and Carmen approached the registration area, they were seen by Carl who turned around.

"Wow, wow, wow!"

"Someone didn't go to prom yesterday, but I won't say who."

"But I think they must have had a good night."

Carl gave a strange laugh, and made a gesture of shooting with his index finger to the two of them.


Hearing Carl's movement, Johnny and Tiz also turned around and said hello to Aiwen and Carmen.

"Guys, are you done?"

Aiwen laughed, took Carmen's hand and walked to the registration desk.

"It's been decided long ago, Department of Strategic Theory."

Carmen shrugged and showed a registration form.

His high school graduation examination results are better than Aiwen, and he is the first in L district with full marks in all subjects, and he also has telepathy ability.

Like Aiwen, he also showed extraordinary talent in his first year of high school, which attracted the attention of the theater.


ps: For niche topics, I beg you all to vote for some flowers and comments, thank you! ! !

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