Starship Troopers: I Become Stronger When I Kill Bugs

Chapter 38 New Bug? Biological Starship!

"Emergency assembly!"

"Put on basic attire immediately, and assemble at boarding ground 2 within five minutes!"

"Get moving, now!"

Zarak shouted at everyone with a serious face, and then left in a hurry.

"The major has never been so anxious. It seems that something big has happened!"

The investigator Vernon of the adjacent store was surprised, and said to Aiwen while dressing.

"Then we'd better hurry up." Aiwen nodded, just judging from Zalak's face, he knew that this task was not easy.

The basic attire is the kind of suit that boot camp wears.

It's just that the ones used by the tough guys are much better than those used by the new barracks. They are full-body bulletproof high-strength fiber clothing, and there are armors on important parts.

A lot of information can be seen from this set of equipment alone.

To put it bluntly, this set of equipment is a full-body body armor. It has no functions such as oxygen production and constant temperature, and can only be used on living planets.

The living planet refers to an oxygen-rich planet with a dense atmosphere like the ancestor planet Earth, which can just breed and support life.

"Is it impossible..."

"The Cecilia incident happened again?"

Confused, Aiwen finished dressing and rushed out of the dormitory area with the large army.

Turning his head, he saw a large group of people running out of the two training grounds, No. 8 and No. 10, all of whom were wearing basic attire.

Obviously, this time it's an all-out action by the tough guys.

After arriving at No. 2 boarding ground, he found that the situation was really serious.

The boarding ground was crowded with people, it looked like there were thousands of people.

In addition to the Tough Guy Troop, there are also Lucky Star Troop, Victory Troop, Flying Tiger Troop and other teams that specialize in special missions.

"Quick, quick, board the ship directly!"

"After boarding the ship, find the transport plane belonging to the troops and arm them immediately!"

The staff at the boarding site were more anxious than the boarding staff, and they kept urging.

No one dared to be negligent, they squeezed into the crowd and boarded the large transport ship.

"Oh, my, God!"

"The fortress actually dispatched all the tactical teams!"

"Guys, I suspect that the bugs may have attacked the ancestor star!"

When looking for the exclusive transport ship in the flight area, the commando master in the team kept talking.

"Master, shut your mouth!"

Quentin punched the master, and blocked the master's words behind him.

He is now the vice-captain of the first team. Hannah, the original vice-captain, transferred to the second team of the tough guy unit and became the official team leader.

"The ancestor star cannot be attacked!"

"Since the Buenos Aires incident, the Federation has strengthened the defense of the ancestor planet."

"Now the extraterrestrial space of the ancestor star is guarded by four defensive fortresses, which are the safest places in the entire solar system."

Aiwen also interjected a few words, refuting the master's idea.

If the ancestral star was really attacked, then the Ares fortress would have jumped back directly, how could it be possible for them to take the transport ship to the mission.

Besides, the defensive battle is not the turn of the western theater, and the eastern theater will handle it.

During a burst of discussion and speculation, everyone rushed to the exclusive flight area of ​​the tough guy army.

Whether it is a legion or an independent force, each has its own exclusive flight area and exclusive transport ship.

The reason why it is exclusive is because it saves time.

Taking the transport ship as a unit, the armament department will register the soldiers' armed forces on the entire ship, and then put the armed forces on the transport ship in advance, and make up for each operation.

When there is an emergency mission, the soldiers only need to rush to the flight area as quickly as possible.

"I finally don't have to wear armor."

After boarding the transport ship and inspecting the guns and ammunition, Aiwen sat on the seat and stretched.

To him, the weight of a body armor is nothing.

But when going to the battlefield, it is definitely the best to wear comfortable clothes, which are convenient for movement.

After waiting on the transport ship for about two minutes, Zarak also arrived.

"Listen up, everyone!"

Zarak held down the communication headset, and said in a deep voice: "Today we are going to Ocean Star, and the target is a bug that has never been seen before."

"I'll send you a picture of that bug in a minute, so remember what it looks like!"

"The order of the fortress is to capture alive. If necessary, it can inflict serious injuries, but it is absolutely not allowed to kill. I would rather let it run away than kill it!"

After speaking, Zarak knocked on the hatch of the cockpit.


The next moment, the bulkhead screen of the transport ship lit up, and a photo appeared in it.

It was a photo taken in a meteorite field.

In the photo, a huge bug is traveling through the meteorite belt.

Its shape looks strange, like an evolution of the giant plasma worm, only bigger and flatter.

From the perspective of the photo, the head of the bug cannot be seen, only its flanks can be seen.

The problem lies precisely in its flank.

On its flanks, there is a row of more than a dozen grooves, which spray out dazzling energy, like some kind of special plasma.

Combine photo content with photo backgrounds.

This is not a fucking bug, this is a biological starship!

Moreover, it can run rampant in the meteorite belt. The first layer of defense of this biological starship is much stronger than that of a human starship!

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