The No. 2 boarding ground was full of people, but the command area of ​​the fortress was the complete opposite.

The atmosphere here is very tense, as if the air has frozen.

Eleven people sat around the long conference table, and the one sitting at the head was the highest officer of the Ares Fortress, Marshal Baron Gracia.

Of the remaining ten people, five are generals and five are admirals.

They are the highest level of the Ares Fortress, in charge of all operations of the Fortress.

At this moment, they all said nothing, and stared at the wall screen intently. On the wall screen was a photo of the Arachnis starship.


After a long silence, Gracia patted the table.

The generals and generals present all looked over, waiting for Marshal Gracia's decision.

"Gentlemen, the war has taken on a whole new dimension."

"The intelligence sent by the strategic forces is correct. The transport bugs may carry the Zerg's advanced intelligence bugs."

"Moreover, the advanced intelligent bugs must have a way to contact bugs across stars, otherwise it would be impossible for so many bug swarms to erupt at the same time."

"What do you think this means?"

Gracia tapped the table screen, and holographically projected the intelligence of the strategic forces on the table.

An admiral tapped his finger on the table and said slowly: "It means that they have really evolved, and we need to get the secret of their evolution."

"I'm applying to join Operation Ocean Star, and it's enough to bring only my Sixth Army."

"I object!"

As soon as the general finished speaking, a general spoke immediately.

"We have a lot of planets where bugs have broken out. The current focus is to stop the damage from expanding further, rather than gathering on a small planet to find a bug."

Hearing this, Albert frowned and said, "This is the closest we've gotten to a smart bug, and I think it's worth paying the price."

"That's right!"

Gracia nodded with a smile at this time, and continued: "For the future, we can pay the price, but the situation is not too bad."

"Our fleet has blocked Ocean Star, and the transport bugs cannot break through the encirclement."

"Do as the strategic troops say, let the tactical troops catch the bugs, and the legion clears the pests."

"Whether it's the territory or the secret of evolution, we want it!"

"For the Federation!"

The ten generals stood up abruptly and saluted Gracia.

"For the Federation!"

Gracia also got up to return the salute, and watched everyone walk out of the conference room.


Ten minutes later, a large transport ship carrying many independent troops left Ares Fortress and sailed into the starry sky.

Shortly thereafter, Ares Fortress activated the shield generator and disappeared in place.

"let's go!"

"It is estimated that I will stay on Ocean Star for a while this time."

Feeling the slight shaking of the transport ship, Aiwen knew that the transport ship started to speed up.

Ocean Star has a land area of ​​7 million square kilometers, which almost catches up with the land area of ​​his previous homeland.

If 10,000 people want to find a bug that is sure to hide on such a vast land, the difficulty is no less than finding a needle in a haystack.

But for him, this kind of long-term mission is actually quite good.

Because the energy is constantly brushing life energy.

When the shopping mall event day comes, if the life energy is not too bad, you can still find a way to make up for it on the spot.

"Attention all, we will land on Pluto in five minutes, now start to issue a battle plan, watch the screen carefully."

After sitting for about an hour, Zarak came out from the cockpit.

Everyone looked at the screen quickly, and a topographic map appeared on it.

The whole terrain looks like an island in the middle of a lake, with a small land in the middle surrounded by an oval lake.

"The transport ship will land on the land in the middle of the lake and become a temporary base for our operation."

"Before the transport ship lands, we will be dropped around the lake to cooperate with the bombing group to clean up the nearby bugs."

"The tactics are very simple, have you heard everything clearly?"

"Understood, sir!"

Shouts sounded, and everyone left their seats one after another and began to engage in combat arming.

"Baby, I miss you so much!"

Aiwen carried the bullet barrel on his back and held a light Gatling, with a satisfied expression on his face.

A month passed, and he almost forgot the pleasure of using Gatling to kill insects, and this time he finally had to relive it.

This time, he was carrying a chain barrel with 5,000 rounds of ammunition, which had been modified by the Armament Department, and carrying it on his back did not affect his movements at all.

After these bullets are finished, he can cut the rifle.

There are rifle magazines for sale in the system mall, and you can still buy the ones on your body after you finish shooting them.

During the battle, no one would notice him. Even if they saw him take out magazines in his arms, they would only think that he had too many magazines.

"Guys, we're leaving."

"Another piece of good news for you, the bombers have already started bombing, and you won't face too many bugs."

After waiting for a while, the pilot's voice sounded from the screen.

Everyone grabbed the handrail above their heads and adjusted their status.

Almost at the same time, the metal protective curtain of the cabin was opened by the pilot.

Everyone saw the transport ship break away from the starship and descend rapidly.

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