Starship Troopers: I Become Stronger When I Kill Bugs

Chapter 44 Another Second Tank Beetle!

The speed of the bug swarm was very fast, and the bees swarmed into the range of the base's defense line.

"Free fire!"

With the appearance of the offensive order, the lakeshore defense line was fully fired, and it was like a frying pan for a while.

Gunshots, cannons, explosions, all the sounds that can be associated with war are heard by everyone.

If you look down from the sky, you can probably see an extremely depressing scene.

A lighted island in the center of the lake is surrounded by surging darkness. The darkness tries to cover the light, and the light rises up to resist. The tug-of-war begins.

But in Aiwen's eyes, the pressure on the battlefield is actually not that great.

The last thing humans are afraid of fighting is a prepared defensive battle.

Not to mention the elite troops of 10,000 people, the defensive facilities such as automatic forts, automatic heavy machine platforms, and power grid protection walls on the defense line are enough to drink a pot of insect swarms.

The difficulty of this Ocean Star operation has never been to survive.

The hard part is how to catch the Arachnis transport bug hiding on this planet while staying alive.

"Shet, it's all adults!"

"I'm sure Ocean Star has long been occupied by bugs."

Rex shouted while manipulating the heavy machine gun. He felt that the scale of the bug swarm he encountered this time was even more exaggerated than that of the Pluto base defense battle.

It's really a sea of ​​insects that can't be seen at a glance.

"Just right, we can have a good time."

Aiwen replied, the heavy machine gun in his hand continued to shoot at the front row of the bug swarm.

The soldiers and insects were very crazy when they charged, no matter how many guns and cannons there were in front of them, they couldn't stop once they ran.

This kind of scene is quite frightening, and those who are not strong enough will feel weak at the first glance.

That's why the First Legion didn't send Johnny's recruits into battle during the battle for Pluto, because the recruits might be frightened and held back.

In such a comparison, Aiwen feels that her luck is relatively good.

He wanted to kill insects while driving, but he joined the tough guy army as soon as the recruit period was over, and then participated in several important missions one after another.

The increase in life energy and military rank is simply perfect.

In three more days, the event day of the mall will come.

He happened to take advantage of the opportunity when the swarm of insects attacked the defense line, and poured out a large amount of life energy.


At this moment, the ground suddenly trembled violently.

"Run!" Aiwen and Rex looked at each other, picked up the standing machine gun on the ground, and jumped off the sentry tower.

The Tank Beetle is here!

When the engineering soldiers established the defense line yesterday, they drilled a large number of induction mines inside and outside the defense line.

This kind of induction mine is anti-tank beetle, and it will explode as long as it is slightly impacted.


Almost the moment the two jumped off the watchtower, the ground below the watchtower was arched up, revealing a huge black head.

"Big beetle!"

There were bursts of exclamations from around, and countless muzzles were aligned, blasting the bullets on the tank beetle.

The left abdomen of this tank beetle had a big hole opened by an induction mine, but its vitality was very tenacious, and it survived even if it persisted.

"Rex, slap it in the mouth!"

With a roar, Aiwen didn't even have time to carry the large chain barrel, and hastily lifted Gatling, aiming at the tank beetle's mouth to turn on the high-frequency mode.

The 'Magic Light Killing Cannon' is here!

A high-frequency hand-held Gatling with 5,000 rounds of ammunition.

The moment it was turned on, a halo of light sprayed out from Gatling's rotating gun barrel, bombarding the tank beetle's mouth.

"Puff puff!"

As the carapace of flesh burst and flew, the movement of the giant tank beetle instantly slowed down.

Its chrysanthemum mouth disappeared in an instant, replaced by a deep pit of flesh and blood.

Seeing that the tank beetle was not in good condition, the surrounding teammates also rushed over, blasting the tank beetle's head violently.

In less than ten seconds, the tank beetle's head disappeared, turning into a huge headless corpse.

There was no danger, no casualties.

The combat exploits of this tank beetle were only to overturn a sentry tower.

"Guys, stop fighting!"

"It's dead, don't waste ammo!"

Seeing the life energy of the tank beetle entering the account, Aiwen yelled at his teammates, and at the same time wiped the beetle's flesh and blood on his face in distaste.

This is the case with killing insects at close range, it's disgusting.

"Alves, you are a genius at killing big bugs!"

The master refilled the tank beetle again, and gave Aiwen a thumbs up.

This is the second time that Aiwen has killed the Tank Beetle. If Aiwen hadn't reacted quickly, their line of defense would definitely be in trouble.

"No, it is!"

Aiwen frowned, and patted his Gatling with a smile.

To kill a tank beetle, you need weapons and combat experience.

And he has both of these things!

There are a lot of weapons here, and he can brush up his combat experience in the virtual training cabin, and it only costs 10 life energy after opening it for an hour.

He has fought countless rounds with tank beetles and knows how to kill tank beetles more efficiently.

After a few words of conversation, the crowd dispersed again.

The battle situation waits for no one, and everyone has their own defensive position to wait for.

As for Aiwen and Rex, after replenishing the ammunition of the standing machine gun, they boarded the nearest protective wall.

Their sentry tower was overturned by a tank beetle, but the engineers have already brought the module truck over, and it will be repaired in a few minutes.

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