Starship Troopers: I Become Stronger When I Kill Bugs

Chapter 5 Let's Go, Go To The Army!

"I go!"

The next day, Aiwen was awakened by a jolt.

When he opened his eyes, Carmen was pressing on him, looking at him with a smile.

"Honey, good morning~"

Carmen kissed Aiwen's face a few times, and then fell into Aiwen's arms.

"Good morning."

Aiwen hugged Carmen and rubbed her sore eyes.

The two names Tai Lun and Zeger made him think about it for most of the night, which caused his insomnia.

Otherwise, with his hearing and vigilance, he would definitely be able to react the moment Carmen opened the door.

"Why so early?" Aiwen glanced at the clock on the wall and asked Carmen.

Carmen pointed to the two large boxes beside the bed, and said helplessly:

"If you don't go out early, my dad will nag again, and he will let me take the whole room with me!"

"Also, if there is nothing in the refrigerator, I should have served you breakfast by now."

"We can go out and eat."

The corner of Aiwen's mouth raised, turned over and pressed against Carmen, and said with a low laugh: "But before going out, I should give the sensible little sweetheart a little reward."

"Aiwen, you never said that."

"You know what I want to hear, I want this reward!"

Hearing this, Carmen suddenly stopped smiling, and held Aiwen's face with both hands, making Aiwen look at her.


Aiwen was a little surprised, but at the same time blamed herself.

In fact, he doesn't like Carmen that much, or he only likes Carmen's body.

He lived for two lifetimes, and although he only reached puberty in both lifetimes, he still had many emotional experiences, from the unforgettable moment at the beginning to the numbness later.

He can still remember his first love in his previous life, remember that time, but he can't remember the full names of many ex-girlfriends in the past few years.

Now he has almost only desire for the relationship between men and women.

He never coaxes his girlfriend, and he holds the mentality that it doesn't matter. He will feel relaxed after breaking up, and he will not find another girlfriend until he has desire again.

I don't know if it's a mental illness or if it's really scum.

"I love you."

"Don't worry, I won't abandon you."

After a short silence, Aiwen gently stroked Carmen's cheek and said what Carmen had always wanted to hear.

Facing the girlfriend who has been in his arms for two years, love seems to have just been born.

"I love you too!"

Finally got Aiwen's promise, and Carmen felt relieved.

She is an actionist, and after an excited response, she put her arms around Aiwen's neck and raised her head to send a passionate kiss.


By the time Aiwen walked out of the house with Carmen, it was already noon.

"The delivery station will close in an hour!"

"Honey, we're going to speed up!"

When Carmen looked at the time, she immediately became nervous. There was always an inexplicable sense of urgency when driving.

"I warned you an hour ago."

"But what you said at the time was, let Starfleet Academy go to hell."

"Don't worry, we've already activated citizenship rights, and you can get to the delivery station in ten minutes by hovercraft."

Aiwen tidied up her clothes, handed her suitcase to Carmen, and then packed Carmen's two large suitcases.

Carmen nodded repeatedly and followed Aiwen's footsteps.

The two of them arrived at the federal transport station soon after they boarded a citizen-only flight.

"The train to Te Reisskawa will leave in three minutes, please get ready."

Just as the two of them finished checking their ID cards, an announcement sounded from a platform not far away.

"Go ahead, future Starfleet commander."

Aiwen hugged Carmen and showed an encouraging smile.

"Obey, my Star Marshal!"

Carmen saluted with a smile, then kissed Aiwen lightly.

"Star Marshal?"

"I don't dare to think about such a big official."

Aiwen helped Carmen carry the suitcase to the platform, and then pinched her face.

"You will do it, because you never want to be second." Carmen became a little serious at this time, putting her hands on Aiwen's face.

"Not necessarily, I have never won the first place in the biology assessment, such as anatomy and..."

"Oh, no!"

"Don't mention the anatomy class, I wanted to kiss you."

Carmen interrupted Aiwen's words, her expression became a little weird.

Her grades in planing were excellent, but she would always spit it out when planing worker bees, which made her feel embarrassed every time she thought about it.

Aiwen laughed, kissed Carmen's forehead lightly, and urged: "Okay, let's go in."

"I will miss you very much, remember to leave me a message."

Carmen also knew that there was no longer any delay, so she immediately boarded the platform and dragged two suitcases into the suspension train.

A minute later, the levitating train disappeared in front of my eyes.

Aiwen put down her waving hand, feeling a little lost.

After standing there for a while, Aiwen turned on the communication light curtain of the watch and sent a message to Carmen.

【I will miss you too】

【Honey, I miss you already】

Almost at the same time as the text message was sent, the light curtain received a message from Carmen.

"feeling not bad."

After chatting with Carmen for a while, Aiwen turned off the communication light curtain and walked towards the platform to Raputara.


ps: For niche topics, I beg you all to vote for some flowers and comments, thank you! ! !

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