
The machine gun team started running when they heard a loud explosion on the way they came.

The nuke team went off!

There was no need for Duncan to remind them again, everyone pulled out all their strength and retreated at full speed.

However, Aiwen has plenty of spare energy, and his physique has surpassed the peak of human beings.

When everyone was running around, he could turn back and hit a few shuttles with ease, so as to collect more life energy.


It seemed that it was hurt by the nuclear bomb team, and the transport bug started to move at this moment.

Maybe it was just a slight tremor, but it was like an earthquake in its belly, and the trembling machine gun team was stumbling around.

"Speed ​​up, it's about to take off!"

When the rear team arrived at the transport Wormtail, there was only Zarak left.

Zarak waved his hands and shouted at the crowd.

Beside him, the original wall of insect flesh disappeared, replaced by a hole with a diameter of more than ten meters, surrounded by pieces of meat.


Seeing that the team did not reduce the number of members, Zarak breathed a sigh of relief, and jumped out of the hole first.

Aiwen was the last one. When he jumped out of the hole, he found that the transport bug had already left the ground, almost five meters above the ground.

Fortunately, they ran fast, otherwise they would have been pulled away by transport bugs.

But now is not the time to relax.

Coming out of the belly of the transporting insects means that they have to face a large number of migratory locusts again.

"Ninth Squad Tenth Squad, long-range fire cover!"

"Retreat to the broken rock area, the transport ship will arrive within five minutes!"

"After arriving at the bunker, the nuclear bomb team immediately detonated the explosives on the transport bug!"

Accompanied by Zarak's roar, everyone retreated towards the broken rock area blasted by the original flight team.

As soon as they ran, everyone felt that something was wrong.

The same road, this time walking is easier than last time.

The swarm of black migrating locusts followed the transport worm when it took off, and surrounded the transport worm, without any intention of attacking the tough guy troops.

Maybe it's because they think that protecting transport bugs is more important than killing people.

But it just so happens that the current situation is very favorable for the tough guys, and the ten teams successfully converged in the broken rock area.

"Find a good cover and detonate in five seconds!"

"Five, four, three..."

Hearing the countdown of the nuclear bomb team, everyone hiding behind the rock-crushing bunker all raised their heads to look at the transport worm that had been lifted nearly 100 meters into the air.


A deafening roar sounded from the sky.

Under everyone's extremely refreshing eyes, many large holes burst open on the lower left abdomen and the tail of the transport worm.

The explosion also caused a burst of yellow and green rain of flesh and blood, crashing to the ground.

This whole picture is as if an invisible giant hand grabbed the transport bug and squeezed the tail of the transport bug.

"Eat the dynamite, you bastard!"

"It's a freak, it can grow to such a big size!"

"Oh Shet, it looks like it's going to fall!"

When the show was halfway through, everyone's expressions changed.

The vitality of Arachnis worms is very strong.

Speaking of flying insects like transport insects, locusts can continue to fly as long as their heads and wings are still there, even if their tails and limbs disappear.

The same is true for transport bugs from the current point of view.

Even though the tail and belly were all blasted, there was no sign of death.

But maybe it was because they blew up the 'fuel ball' in the transport bug's belly, and the transport bug couldn't fly anymore.

The energy injection slot on its left abdomen flickered twice before going dark.

Then its body swung up, trembling and falling to the ground.


Zarak roared and waved his hands frantically.

With the size of transport worms, they will disappear as soon as they fall, and they will be crushed into meat slag in an instant.


Before running a few steps, a strong wind suddenly blew up all around, blowing everyone to this side.

Everyone looked up and their eyes widened.

The energy jet tank for transporting bugs is no longer working, but it still has wings!

From its back on the left and right sides, there are two pairs of four giant wings protruding from the sky, which look like dragonfly wings.

The two pairs of wings just flapped, and the huge body of the transport worm stopped falling, and disappeared from everyone's eyes almost like a flash.

Taking a closer look, it flew to the depths of the valley area.

The black migratory locusts also followed in groups, obviously wanting to fulfill their duties as 'guards with swords', and even 'rebels' like them didn't bother to take care of them.


"It's still multifunctional!"

Aiwen licked his lips, he remembered that there was also this kind of starship in the mall, it seemed to be called a powered bionic starship.

A mere eighteen million, he...he will always be able to afford it in his life!

"Okay, don't be dumbfounded."

"Nuclear squad, go dynamite the locust's nest."

"Everyone else is on alert. The evacuation plane is about to arrive. I don't want any more casualties."

Zarak greeted and began to arrange the aftermath.

He knew that the sea star insect hunting operation was not far from the end.

After the explosion just now, there were more than a dozen wounds on the transport worm with a diameter of more than ten meters.

Before transporting the insects to heal those wounds, it can't go to space, can't go to the sea, and can only stay on land.

And the mobile force's net is about to be launched against it.

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