half an hour later.

Aiwen and the members of the nuclear bomb team followed Zarak out of the meeting room.

"My God, Alves!"

"You actually chatted with the general and the admiral for half an hour!"

"To be honest, this is the first time I've seen the general, and I'm nervous just standing."

Eugene of the nuke team was so excited that he was even sweating on his forehead.

"It's not chatting, but being asked for half an hour."

Aiwen waved his hands helplessly, feeling that he could finally relax.

Just now a general and two generals took turns to ask questions, and they were all about the wide range of psychic abilities he sensed during his actions.

The purpose of the three generals is very clear.

I just want to confirm whether the transport bug is carrying a smart bug that can use telepathy.

If there is, then one thing can be 100% sure.

Many planets are plagued by insects, all caused by intelligent insects.

The transport bugs were blocked by the star fleet on Ocean Star, and the smart bugs wanted to escape, so they used their ultra-long-range telepathy ability to launch an invasion of the Federation.

The purpose is to increase the pressure on the federal army and withdraw the interstellar fleet in the outer space of the ocean star.

Just one questioning turned a guess with high confidence into an absolute fact, which is certainly worthwhile for a general-level figure.

After a simple lunch, Aiwen returned to his guard tower.

"Alves, what did the major take you for?"

Seeing Aiwen come back, Rex leaned over, he had never been to the command center yet.

"I just reported the situation, and it has something to do with telepathy."

Aiwen didn't hide it, but she didn't say it too carefully, she just said the main reason.


"Speaking of which, this is a big deal!"

"That's a bug, bugs actually have telepathy, and it's even more powerful than humans!"

"Alves, do you think the telepathic ability you sensed was released by the starship bug?"

Hearing the telepathic ability, Rex suddenly became interested.

The ability of telepathy has only appeared in the past few decades, and only a very small number of people can awaken it, and the Federation is only in research.

It would be great if everyone could awaken in the future, he also wanted this kind of super power very much.

"I'm not sure if it's the transport bug, but the telepathic ability is related to the brain tissue of the organism."

"The bug that can only use large-scale telepathy may have a brain as big as a truck, so it is more powerful than humans."

Aiwen frowned and said meaningfully.

"I think what you said is too conservative. The starship bug's brain may be as big as a transport plane."

Rex pouted and shook his index finger, as if no one could understand better than me.


Aiwen spread his hands, he was talking about brain worms.

If it goes well, Rex should be able to see the brain worm in seven days or so, because the command center will not give the transport worm time to recuperate.

In this way, the two chatted one after another, even though they were not on the same channel at all.


Two days passed in a flash.

These two days Aiwen has been very easy, because there is no insect swarm to attack the base.

But maybe there won't be any more bugs in the future.

The information sent by Starfleet is that there are more than one million bugs on Ocean Star, but not much higher than one million.

The swarm of insects attacked the lakeshore defense line twice, and both times they returned in disastrous defeats.

So now the number of bugs on Ocean Planet has dropped sharply, and it is estimated that it will not exceed three to four hundred thousand.

And the remaining combat power of these insect swarms will definitely be arranged by the brain worms to guard around the transport worms to avoid being stolen a second time.

"Rex, I didn't sleep well last night, help me keep an eye on the meeting."


After boarding the sentry tower and saying hello to Rex, Aiwen used his helmet as a pillow and lay down directly on the ground.

Of course, he didn't really want to sleep.

He just wanted to be quiet for a while, because today is the life energy mall, a January activity day!

Refresh a product with a 10% discount and give a product as a gift!

Host: Aiwen Xia Alves

Age: 18

Status: Sergeant of the Tough Guy Army.

Attributes: Strength 21, Spirit 21, Speed ​​21, Stamina 21,

Skills: melee combat 8, gun use 9, starship driving 7, telepathy 9

Items: infantry armed *1, hemostatic needle *3

Life energy: 121080

Before opening the mall, he glanced at the panel first. Because of the investigations in the past two days, the balance has increased by another 5,000 to 120,000!

Very good, very confident!

First, open the mall, and then look at the 30% off activities on the homepage every day.

The price of fragmentation high-explosive mine is 140, the manta ray unmanned submersible aircraft is 14,000, and the vortex excitation engine is 2.45 million.

"Premium Grenade...."

"High-end diving drone...."

"The superluminal engine that I can't understand..."

Aiwen looked at the product introductions one by one, and none of them could be used.

But it can't be said that it can't be used. In fact, everything is pretty good, especially the hyperdrive, but he can't even afford a fraction of it.

The affordable grenades and diving machines were not worth his money.

So Aiwen entered the mall and looked at today's discounted products and free products.

Celebrate the 7-day long holiday of National Day and enjoy reading books! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP coupons!

Immediate recharge (activity time: October 1st to October 7th)

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