Go forward about 100 meters.

The scene of the cave suddenly changed, and it became a little weird and disgusting.

Surrounded by strange dark blue mucous membranes, these mucous membranes spread out like veins of flesh and blood, covering the entire cave with an inner shell.

When walking into the cave, it was like entering the body of some giant.

Zarak didn't speak the whole time.

He has seen many caves like this. This is the old nest used by worms to hatch their eggs.


After coming here, Aiwen's telepathic ability was disobedient again, and it began to automatically feed back information to Anwen.

Not far ahead, Soldiers and Survivors!

After continuing to push forward for a hundred meters, Aiwen finally saw the vaguely sensed picture in his mind.

Here is a natural cave, surrounded by dark blue mucous membrane.

A large number of stalactites rose from the ground and connected to the roof of the cave, dividing the entire cave like a maze.

In the middle of the cave, lay several people. Those people lay motionless on the ground, covered with disgusting dark blue mucous membrane, like figurines.

Surrounding these few people, there were some soldiers and insects lying around. They formed a circle quietly, as if they were asleep.


Zarak's eyes lit up, and he gestured for the assaulter to charge.

The next moment, more than a dozen assaulters rushed out of the team, carrying their rifles and rushing towards the center of the cave.


Hearing the movement, the soldiers guarding the prisoners also woke up at this time.

After seeing many humans running into the cave, they were furious, and after a roar, they rushed up with their big claws open.

But they can't stop the assaulter's offensive at all.

Perhaps because they thought the lair was safe enough, the swarm did not deploy too much force here, but only left a dozen or so soldiers to guard the captives.

In just one face-to-face encounter, the assaulters killed the soldiers and insects in the cave in seconds.

"Everyone is alert!"

"Major Snape, see if it's your man."

Zarak led the team into the cave, and said to Amy Snape.

Amy Snape nodded, ran up to the people covered in mucous membranes, put on gloves and began to scratch the mucous membranes.

"Lunn! Dana!"

"Major Zarak, they are mine!"

With joy in her tone, Amy Snape and her subordinates dug out all the people wrapped in mucous membranes, and began emergency medical treatment.

Although the number of people is much smaller, this may be the best result, at least two deputy are alive.


Suddenly, there was a loud hissing sound from the front of the cave.

This is the sound of soldiers and insects. Judging from the intensity of the sound, there are quite a few of them and the distance is not far away.

"Our friends seem to have discovered that the food in the refrigerator has been stolen."

The master smiled and made a joke, not caring at all that this is the nest of bugs.

"Kill them, and they won't be angry."

"Go ahead and find an exit to leave here, Major Snape, and your people will be taken care of by you."

Zalak commanded the team to attack the approaching soldier swarm head-on, with the motorized infantry in front and the crew behind.

In this kind of cave with little room for movement, one hundred and fifty people is a very powerful force, and no amount of bugs can break through their defense line.


In just a few seconds, the swarm of soldiers and insects had rushed into the cave.

However, there were more than a hundred guns facing them, and all the soldiers and insects fell down as soon as they appeared, and everyone didn't even feel the slightest pressure.

"High alert, go to the cave on the right!"

After a wormhole was blocked by the corpses of soldiers and insects, Zarak ran with the team.

This cave is naturally formed, and there are many fork holes around it.

The direction he chose was the right side of the mountain, the area closest to the coastline, and he might be able to find a cave directly away from the mountain.

Even if there is no cave, you can measure the mountain and blast a way out.

During this advance, Aiwen quietly retreated to the tail of the team and stayed with the crew.

He knew that Zarak wanted to withdraw, so he had to implement the 'left behind' plan as soon as possible.

Zarak is a very rational veteran, not to mention that there are so many crew members around him now, and he will not take the risk of leading the team to rescue because of his falling behind.

That way he won't hurt his teammates.

In fact, he also thought about telling Zarak the news about the cerebrate, and catching the cerebrate alive in exchange for military merit.

But after the telepathic ability made frequent contributions, he found that this road was not going to work.

He thought at first that telepathy could not be located.

But today he knew he was wrong.

Although accurate positioning is not possible, fuzzy perception is still possible.

With the powerful telepathic ability of the cerebrum, it must be no problem to perceive that there are many humans nearby. More than 150 of them rushed over, and the cerebrum would definitely run away.

Therefore, we must fall behind and eat alone!

"Has your telepathic ability been rated?"

Thinking about it, Aiwen heard a clear voice of inquiry.

Looking back, Amy Snape walked beside him at some point.

Aiwen shook his head and said: "There is no grade, I am not interested in the strategic military academy, and I have never paid attention to the ability of telepathy."

The telepathy rating is a talent test provided by the Federation for high school students.

The minimum is level 1 and the highest is level 5.

It's not that the highest level of telepathy is only 5, but that the Federation currently only has this rating.

He actually wanted to test it at the beginning, but it was too troublesome to sign up and test, so he gave up, but Carl tested level 5 talent in his first year of high school.

"Not interested in the Strategic Military Academy?"

"Then do you know that as long as you graduate from the Strategic Military Academy, you can at least be called a Second Lieutenant, Sergeant Alves."

The corner of Amy Snape's mouth curved into a beautiful arc, and she looked at Aiwen's epaulets.

"Two years to become a second lieutenant?"

"Major Snape, I just graduated this year."

Aiwen shrugged, and when he said this, he still felt a little refreshed.

But when he thought that Amy Snape, who was the same age as him, was a major, his mentality suddenly became unbalanced.

Didn't she go to military school?

Even if he was conscripted into the army directly with the rank of second lieutenant, it would be impossible to climb to the rank of major within two months.

It's really outrageous!

"Then you must be a good fighter."

"If you want, I hope we can be friends, it will be my pleasure."

Amy Snape didn't take Aiwen lightly just because Aiwen had a lower rank than her.

Graduation season has only passed three months now, and if you want to climb from private or private to sergeant, you must have walked through the gates of hell several times along the way.

This kind of elite may become her help, and she has no reason not to make friends.

"Of course, it's also my honor."

Hearing Amy Snape's words, Aiwen was a little surprised.

But this is also normal. In the future, the "smartest woman in the Federation" will have absolutely nothing to say about EQ.

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