Starship Troopers: I Become Stronger When I Kill Bugs

Chapter 65 I Will Attack In Mecha Form!

"Sedatives, paralytics, sleeping capsules..."

Aiwen wandered around the life energy mall, and finally bought a small quick-acting tranquilizer.

It takes effect within one minute, allowing people to enter a calm sleep state unconsciously, and the drug effect lasts for 2 to 3 hours depending on the user's weight.

This thing is used on Amy.

If she was awake all the time, then Aiwen would not be able to find the cerebrate.

"Alves, how's the situation?"

Just when Aiwen was about to give Amy an injection, Zalak's voice rang through the communicator.

"Amy, communicator."

Hearing Aiwen's words, Amy immediately understood and helped Aiwen press the communicator.

"Sir, we are fine."

"The way back was blocked by bugs, but it's not a big problem. We have already shaken off the bugs and are looking for an exit from the mountain."

Aiwen tried to speak lightly to avoid Zarak leading the team to fight against the bug swarm.

"Very well, don't force yourself, try to find a safe place to hide."

"We are preparing to evacuate, and after sending the crew away, we will bring you out of here."

"Understood, sir."

After finishing the call, Aiwen didn't plan to dawdle any longer.

With a rub of his fingers, the miniature quick-acting tranquilizer he just bought appeared between his fingers in an instant, and then pierced Amy's outer elbow through Amy's crew uniform.

This tranquilizer cost him 500 life energy, and the emphasis was on concealment and unconsciousness.

Produced by the system, it is indeed a high-quality product.

After a while, Amy closed her eyes in a trance, and she didn't even feel that she was sleepy or dizzy.

"Very good, let's get started!"

Aiwen turned around and ran towards the double-storey cave where she came.

Zarak is going to send off the crew, and he should be leading the team out of the mountain now.

As long as he hides Amy in a safe place, the whole mountain will be his, and he can do whatever he wants without worrying about being seen.

At full speed, Aiwen returned to the double-layered cave in less than a minute.


It took another 200 life energy, and after a small-scale explosion, Amy was blocked in the cave by Aiwen.

"Set off!"

With a smile on Aiwen's face, he quickly returned to the upper cave.


"I will attack in mecha form!"

Aiwen yelled a line from the movie, and then released the individual combat mecha from the storage compartment.

This mecha is a heavy-duty combat mecha, with a shoulder width of more than two meters and a height of about three meters. It looks very intimidating.

This kind of big guy won't feel crowded in the cave at all.

Because the adult soldier insects are also more than three meters tall, they will dig all the caves they want to go to to a width and height of more than five or six meters.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Aiwen tried to operate the mecha.

It's not as difficult as he thought. There are sensory systems around the limbs and brain wave sensors behind the head. There is no problem with moving, and the movements are very flexible.

Except that the front is naked like an old-fashioned tractor, this mech has no shortcomings.

"Beautiful, so beautiful!"

After getting familiar with it for a short while, Aiwen manipulated the mecha and quickly ran towards the west of the mountainside.

The caves in the west are all dug up steeply, and the terrain is getting higher and higher. It seems that Cerebral Worms don't like humidity, or feel that the center of the mountain is more secure.


Just after crossing two caves, the roadblock came.

In a large natural cave, soldiers and insects were gathered, and the number seemed to be nearly a hundred.

"I don't need you to lead the way, see you in the next life!"

Aiwen sneered, and controlled the two heavy machine guns in the hands of the mecha, attacking the swarm.

There are three ways to find cerebrates.

One is to be beaten up by the soldier worm, then knocked out and snatched the weapon, and dragged in front of the brain worm.

The second is to throw away the weapon yourself, so that the soldiers on the road will not attack you, but will drive you to the brain worms.

The third is to kill all the way!

Anyway, the more soldiers and worms there are, the more likely it is a hiding place for brain worms!

He chose three, and the mechas are all activated, who wants to play the trick of being submissive? Just hit hard!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The moment the two heavy machine guns fired, there were continuous crackling sounds in the cave.

The heavy machine gun assembled by this individual combat mech uses all-metal casing steel armor-piercing tracer bullets. Each bullet weighs one or two, which is equivalent to a larger Barrett bullet.

When this kind of bullet hits a soldier worm, it can directly blast a big hole, then penetrate several soldier worms, and finally leave a small hole in the ground.

"Kill a soldier bug, gain 10 life energy."

"Kill a soldier bug..."

With the mech, Aiwen can finally check the system's prompt bar while fighting.

It wasn't the first time he had experienced the soaring life energy, but this time he had a special feeling. It should be the first time he had switched on the armor.

Nearly a hundred soldiers and insects, under the powerful firepower of individual combat mechs, did not last even a minute.


Looking at the corpses of soldiers and insects all over the ground, Aiwen nodded in satisfaction, and manipulated the mech to kick away the corpses of soldiers and insects blocking the road, and entered the next cave.

next moment!

"Damn it!" Aiwen exclaimed, goosebumps all over her body.

The cave has a large space, it looks similar to an underground tunnel, straight and long repaired by soldiers and insects, this is a real insect nest!

The worm nest is much more disgusting than the 'captive hole' I saw earlier.

The cave walls here are covered with purple mucous membranes, and there are many wriggling black blood vessels growing on the mucous membranes, and the ground is lined with large and small insect eggs.

The big ones were one meter high, and the small ones were only as big as a grain of rice. They were densely packed and covered the whole place, leaving him with no place to stay.

If this is seen by people with trypophobia, they will probably be trembling and untenable.

After taking two glances, Aiwen was taken aback for a moment, and then became excited.

This is great news!

Since worm eggs appear here, it means that there is not only a brain worm in this mountain, but also a queen!

But before going to the big bugs, he had to get rid of the little bugs first.


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