Starship Troopers: I Become Stronger When I Kill Bugs

Chapter 77 Expedition Mission, Aliens?

Eight thirty the next morning.

All 372 members of the Tough Guy Unit assembled on the No. 2 boarding ground.

"This mission adopts the twelve-person team mode. I will tell you the mission content through the communicator after the transport ship departs."

"Now, everyone boards the ship, finds the transport ship you want to sit on, and the crew has already marked the assignment.


After Zarak finished speaking, everyone lined up to board the starship.

Arriving at the flight area on the left side of the starship, dozens of transport ships from the two factions parked here, and the information of the boarding team was painted on the body of each transport ship.

"Lieutenant Alves, our transport ship is over there!"

The team's scout Regan walked up to Aiwen and pointed to the location in front of the stone row.

[The Eleventh Squadron of the First Action Team of the Tough Guy Force]

Aiwen glanced at the paint lettering on the small transport ship, and led the team members over.

The task this time is quite a coincidence.

His team was formed only yesterday, and the mission is about to start today.

In other words, Sim's luck was as good as his. He had just reported to the Tough Guy Army, and he was able to kill insects the next day.

But he felt that this trip might not kill many insects.

From the fact that the mission adopts the team mode, it can be seen that there should not be too many bugs in the place they are going to, otherwise the whole team will definitely be arranged to act together.

"Fuck, I'm going to the planet of life!"

After boarding the boat, Aiwen's interest disappeared instantly.

The armaments department prepared one-piece armor for them, and it is estimated that they are going to a planet that is not shit.

"May I ask a question, sir."

At this moment, Machine Gunner McGee raised his hand and looked at Aiwen.

"Say." Aiwen nodded coldly, he has already started to take the cool boy route.

"I've heard a lot of stories about you these days, and I want to ask, did you really kill yourself in the worm's nest for two hours`々?"

When McGee asked, everyone's eyes focused on Aiwen.

Not only McGee was curious, they were also very curious.

During the training, many veterans in the army were talking about Aiwen, and they all talked about how good Aiwen was, but they, the newcomers, dared not ask Aiwen face to face.

Ocean Star Campaign?"

Aiwen rested her chin on her hands and shook her head calmly, "This is just a rumor, I only persisted for an hour, and then retreated.

Is this the rumor?

I scare the bugs out of their nests okay!

Hearing Aiwen's positive answer, everyone gasped and admired.

That's a worm's nest, and most people can't even stand it for a minute when they go in.

Commander Lance asked excitedly, "How did you do it, sir!"

"How did you do it?"

"Go all out, can't back down, add their support at the end."

Aiwen looked into Lance's eyes, spoke very seriously, and then lifted the weapon box next to the seat.

No matter what type of transport ship it is, the seats are not lined up together, and there are two armed boxes in the middle, one for weapons and the other for armor.

Everyone looked at it, and their eyes widened.

In Aiwen's weapon box, there are a hand-held Gatling, an 18-series rifle, and ten grenades.

These are all good, and everyone present can recite them.

The exaggeration is the ammunition brought by Aiwen.

A modified 5,000-round chain barrel, plus 20 rifle clips!

With this complete set, plus the one-piece armor, the load may have soared to a hundred kilograms!

In just a few seconds, everyone looked at Aiwen as if they had seen a ghost.

Carrying a 100-kilogram load is not difficult, but what is difficult is to spread the load evenly over the whole body, and then carry it to fight.

If these weapons are added to them...

They might not even be able to do a lap!

"Where do you think this is?"

"This is the tough guy army, and this is the gathering place for elite fighters!"

"I know that you were all elites in the original army, but here, you are just rookies."

"Set your mentality and do what you should do, if you don't want to leave in despair.

"Yes, sir!"

Seeing everyone's serious reactions, Ai Ai nodded slightly.

His grandma, it's so cool to be a leader!

He finally understood why the leaders had to talk for so long before giving lectures, because it was really refreshing during the lectures!


Ten minutes later, the transport ship shook slightly.

Aiwen opened the metal protective curtain on the bulkhead and found that the flight area of ​​the transport ship had been closed, and the starship should have set off.

"Attention all, and listen carefully to me."

Not long after, Zalak's voice also sounded in the communicator.

". "We are going to Tofeet this time, and the Federal Strategic Command has already regarded it as a strategic transit point for the ninth sector of the solar system.

"The Federation hopes that this transfer station can be established and put into operation as soon as possible. We will be one of the expeditionary forces that landed on the planet to investigate the H area of ​​the Tofit star.

"Tofit Star is a medium-lived planet, and the air quality belongs to the super-heavy pollution level, so put on your one-piece armor."

"You may also encounter primitive humanoid life and bugs on Tofeite."

"The bugs are killed directly, whether the original humanoid life is killed or not is determined by the commander of the guest team to judge the pros and cons of the development of the situation.

After saying these words, Zarak hung up the communication.

Aiwen frowned, and began to think in his heart.

Excessive air pollution means that the exercise tolerance of healthy people decreases sharply, and there are obvious symptoms of discomfort, which may lead to death.

The current conclusion reached by the Federation is that human beings can breathe in this air quality for an hour, and any more will cause disease and death.

This is good news, which means that even if there is an accident in the middle of the operation and the armor is damaged, they can survive until the rescue ship arrives.

And then there's primitive humanoid life...

This is the alien!

Aliens is the human beings on earth, and it is a general term for human-like life on the hypothetical alien planet.

Human-like people can be understood from the literal meaning. This kind of human-like life is very similar to humans on the earth, and they all have human organs such as main body, limbs and eyes.

Just because the living environment is different and the direction of evolution is also different, human life on alien planets must be very abstract in the eyes of humans on earth.

Of course, in the eyes of aliens, the human beings on earth are all ugly and slaves.

When he was a child, he heard his parents talk about aliens, but he didn't expect to have the opportunity to see it with his own eyes this time.

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