Starship Troopers: I Become Stronger When I Kill Bugs

Chapter 85: Nima's Reconnaissance Mission Again!

After returning to the dormitory, Aiwen lay on the bed.

After going through many battles, he thought that there was nothing to be surprised about.

But today he found out he was wrong.

New planets, new battles, and new combat instructions.

New bugs, new humanoid life, new challenges.

For this world, he still knows too little.

His understanding of this world is based on the memories of his previous life, and those memories are stories based on Johnny's perspective, which are just the tip of the iceberg of this world.

The story he is experiencing is more exciting and more dangerous than the story seen from Johnny's perspective.

Although he no longer has the advantage of being a prophet, but as a wall hanging, he loves this world to death.


When he was overwhelmed with emotion, the communicator suddenly vibrated.

"Six Five Three" Aiwen quickly jumped out of bed, and rushed towards the door of the dormitory while looking at the communicator.


After running two steps, Aiwen smiled and stopped. This is Amy's request for a call, not a mission instruction.

"Hi, Amy."

Aiwen climbed onto the bed and switched the communication screen to the bed screen.

"Aiwen, I love you."

Seeing that the communication was connected, Amy relaxed and kissed on the screen.

"I miss you too." Aiwen also kissed on the screen, and then tapped the screen lightly.

What he thought was, it was horrible.

Why are two girlfriends like this, falling in love and getting tired of being together all day long.

But he can only follow along, the fish he raises must be appeased by himself.

"Is your mission going well?"

"There is something wrong with the atmosphere in the fortress, the starship troops and mobile troops have entered a state of combat readiness.

After a simple meet and greet, Amy got straight to the point.

"The mission in the morning went well, but there was indeed a major event on the planet Tofeet, and a new bug appeared."

"The new bugs are called parasites. They parasitize and control the Tophet Stars. Now we have two enemies."

Aiwen spoke very easily.

Amy froze for a moment, and then showed a sudden look.

In this way, the Tofeite star is a complete enemy star, and the fortress is likely to launch a large-scale cleanup, so it has entered a state of combat readiness.

"Amy, tell me about you, how is your new battleship?" Aiwen changed the subject.

"I've already applied. I'm going back to the Ancestral Star Transit Station tomorrow to bring my new girl. I heard that she's very capable."

Hearing about the new battleship, Amy showed an expectant expression on her face.

The new warship has just been built, and the technology used is the latest, stronger and more flexible than the previous one.

"Congratulations, when I go back, you can take me to meet her."

Seeing Amy's excited look, Aiwen laughed.

He found that Amy and Carmen were very similar. No matter how mature they were, they were still only eighteen years old, and girls couldn't hide their thoughts at all.

At eight o'clock the next morning, all members of the tough guy unit assembled in the flight area.

When the transport ship left the starship and flew towards the star Tofeet, Aiwen was very upset.

The command center still didn't decide to take the ruthless action.

The task to be performed today is the most boring investigation task.

However, the command center was much more cautious. It no longer sent out tactical troops in small groups, but in whole teams, with one team in charge of one area.

The tough guy team currently has more than 340 members.

If there is another swarm of insects on the scale of yesterday, more than three hundred people can completely shake the swarm and push it head-on.

Five minutes later, the medium-sized transport ship landed in the Tofit star I area.

Tofit Star I area is a hilly landform area.

In Aiwen's words, this place is like a shrunken version of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, composed of small mountain ranges one after another, which looks like Wave Mountain.

There are plants here, but the colors of the plants are all brown-green, which looks awkward.

"According to the command center, there are no Zerg infestation in this area."

"Our task is to determine whether there are any bugs here, and to find a safe area suitable for establishing outposts and bases.

"I give you the freedom to fire and kill all creatures except humans."

"start to act!"

Zarak's voice sounded in everyone's communicator......

After receiving the order, the large force quickly divided into 31 small teams and moved towards the hilly area.

"so cool!"

"Lieutenant Colonel Zarak is my idol, he gives people the feeling of a cold-blooded killer."

Detective Yves whispered.

He touched his left arm, as if wondering what it would be like to wear a robotic arm.

"How do you think the tough guys came to be?"

Aiwen's face was calm, and he was no stranger to this.

Every newcomer will become Zarak's fan in just a few days.

It was the same when he first joined. The old professor did have a special aura.

Even if there are countless bugs in front of him, all you can see from his face is confidence, and all you can feel from him is always a sense of security.

Then there is the golden sentence level.

The old professor can always inadvertently say something that makes you feel so cool.

Go all out and don't back down!

If we were destined to die, it might be now!

Generosity is today!

Do you hear it, your heart is roaring, if you hear it, follow me!

If the bug swarm cannot see the end, then we will go forward and kill them to the end!

It's obviously not auspicious words, but Zalak said it in a calm tone, but it always makes the people who hear it feel excited.

Aiwen feels that there must be a skill called [Leader's Heart] on the 1.6 column of Zarak's skills.

Leader's Heart:

Possess the ambition of never giving up, increase the fighting power of oneself by 100%, increase the fighting power of subordinates by 50%, and clear all negative emotions.

"Sir, is there a question?"

Seeing that Aiwen laughed inexplicably, Yi Tian said with a strange expression.


"Keep your eyes on scouting, Lieutenant Yves!"

"Yes, sir!"

Under Aiwen's cold drink, Eve shivered [and ran to the office to investigate.

Ten minutes later, the tough guys officially entered the hilly area.

Zarak ordered the team to stop at a hill and summoned all the team commanders. .

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