Half an hour later, the team went deep into the tree and vine forest.

When I got here, there were no trees and vines in front of me, and the road became unimpeded.

It's not that the vines are gone.

It is the tree vines that grow deep in the tree vine forest, which are much taller than the tree vines on the outside.

Each tree vine is more than ten meters high and more than one meter in diameter, which creates a distance between them, which is not as crowded as the surrounding small trees.

Their vine knots are still twisted, but the twisted position is no longer on the ground, but in the air.

Countless big trees and vines, countless vine knots.

Those rattan joints are connected together, like a parasol for the earth.

This caused the light below to be very dark, and only the young emperor's sunlight shot down through the gaps.

"Something's wrong..."

Aiwen frowned tightly, feeling a little uncomfortable in her head.

This was the feedback from his telepathic ability, but when he perceived it carefully, he didn't perceive anything.

He also felt this way when he was fighting before.

This is a situation where there is a strong killing emotion, but the killing emotion is not very obvious.

This means there are bugs nearby, but not many.

"The surrounding trees and vines are so densely packed, it is unlikely that bugs will get in. Could it be underground?"

"That's not right, the ground is full of roots of tree vines, if insects dig holes underneath, then the blue army of these giant trees has arrived.


Just when Aiwen was puzzled, a drop of blue sap fell from the sky and landed at his feet.

"There is nothing underground, nothing on the ground, so of course only the sky is left!"

"Idiot! The enemy is not only bugs!"

Aiwen suddenly realized, walked quickly to Zarak, and said in a low voice: "Sir, there is something wrong with the tree, it should be a Tophet star."

He remembered that the palms and soles of the Tofit star were like chicken feet, thick and sharp.

When they hide in the tree, they will hurt the bark more or less.

This results in a rapid outflow of blue sap, which then gathers into droplets and falls.

"Did you see it"?"

Zarak did not look up, but confirmed in a low voice.

"I didn't see it, but my telepathic ability responded, and there was sap dripping from it." Aiwen replied in a low voice.

Hearing this, Lak immediately paid attention to the situation on the ground.

There is indeed a lot of blue slime on the ground.

These vine trees will automatically ooze sap, and it is normal for the sap to drop from a high place to a low place. He discovered it when he first entered the tree and vine forest.

But there is a problem with the sap on the surrounding ground, they are too much.

According to the normal sap oozing of vine trees, when it oozes the second drop of sap, the first drop of sap that fell on the ground should be dried up.

So, there is indeed something wrong with the tree!

Thinking of this, Zarak narrowed his eyes slightly, and said slowly in the team channel: "Go ahead, don't look at the top of your head."

"I counted to five, and when I counted to one, they all fired overhead and carried out sweeping shots."

"Five, four, three..."

When Zarak was counting down, all members of the tough guy team were also ready, and their index fingers were all on the trigger.

When they first heard Zalak's voice, they still didn't react.

But when Zalak said not to look at the top of his head, everyone knew what Zalak meant.

Enemies are on giant vines!


"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

When Zalak counted down to one, more than 300 people in the tough guy unit moved in unison, instantly raised the muzzle of their guns to their heads, and pressed the trigger to shoot.

At this time Aiwen finally saw the situation above her head.

On those vine knots that densely form a big umbrella, there are many Tofit star people standing.

Because the vine knot nets are too dense, you can't see them hidden on it unless you look carefully.

They all held compression guns in their hands, and stretched down through the gaps in the rattan knots, as if they were looking for an opportunity to catch the tough guys all at once.

The old man was right!

The first to act is the strong, and the second to suffer!

Just because they haven't made a move for a long time, they are now preempted by the tough guys.

More than three hundred rifles fired in unison, smashing them into sieves in an instant, strange yellow blood flowed out, and rained directly on the heads of the tough guys.

Even the vine knots were smashed, and Tu Yibao fell down.

While attacking, Aiwen carefully checked the circle.

There are a lot of people from the Tofit star, dozens of them are standing on top of them alone, and I don’t know how many people have not seen it.

"Guys, I'm going to trunk them, don't hit me."

After hesitating for a while, Aiwen yelled in the team channel, and then grabbed a slightly thinner giant tree hide.

A height of more than ten meters is nothing to him, and the body of the giant tree vine is curved, and there are stepping points everywhere, and climbing the tree is as easy as climbing a ladder.

After a few steps and jumps, he had reached the highest tree crown.

Now he can see the scene on the vine knot net as long as he probes.

". "I wipe!"

After a quick probe, Aiwen almost exhaled.

The Vine Festival website is full of Tofeet stars.

All the people above the tough guys turned into corpses, and in the area that was not attacked, there were at least a hundred Tofite stars alive.

That's not all, there are many Tothians running from a distance.

Their feet are the claws of birds, which allow them to walk on rattan nets.

He can't count the total number, but what is certain is that there are at least 300 Tofite stars in his line of sight!

"Sir, we are going to expand the attack range!"

"More and more people from the Tofeite star are coming, and I can see at least 300 of them.

Seeing this, Aiwen quickly notified Zaraq.

"Spread out in small groups and kill all the Tofite Stars in sight!"

"Alves, you stay on top and shoot out all your ammunition (Zhao Nuo's)!"

Zarak quickly gave the order, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

The weapons of the Tofite stars are not lethal, they can only trap people and cannot kill people, so they are destined to fail to win this battle.

He has to thank these Tofeite stars for coming.

Because of their arrival, he got an important piece of information.

The tough guy unit is almost at the strategic area!

If these Tofite stars were not parasited by parasites, it means that the gathering place of Tofite star survivors is not far from here.

Otherwise, they won't stay here, and they won't run away after suffering a big loss.

By the same token, if they are parasitized by parasites, it means that the nest is not far away.

Whether it's the worm's nest or the survivor base of the Tofite Stars [are his goals.

Not to mention bugs, they have always been the sworn enemy of human beings.

And the Tophet Starman...

High-ranking federal officials want to make the Tofeite Stars a thing of the past!.

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