Everyone stared at Sim and Aiwen intently.

After Da Laohei was killed in seconds, they admired Aiwen who dared to stand up and fight Sim.

No one thought Aiwen would win, not even Johnny who knew Aiwen's fighting ability well.

But they all think that Aiwen can last a few more tricks.

Those who dare to go up must have two brushes, after all, no one wants to be beaten in vain.

"Fighting techniques in the Eastern Theater?" Seeing Aiwen's gesture, Sim became a little more serious, took two steps back, and clenched his fists.

"Fighting techniques in the Gutai Life Zone of the Eastern Theater Command, sir."

Aiwen responded, and slowly approached Sim.

His strength is very strong, so he likes to use strong fighting techniques such as Baji and Muay Thai, which allows him to give full play to his advantages.

Play is a wave of flow!

"Very well, let me see your skills."

Sim laughed. The fighting skills in Gutai's life area were very hard to practice, and he felt that there was going to be a tough guy in his class.

Aiwen didn't speak.

After probing around, he rushed forward, his left arm clenched into a fist in his side, and his right elbow crossed towards Sim.

Sim didn't resist, and just turned sideways to avoid it.

But the moment Sim dodged away, Aiwen flicked his right elbow, and his forearm was like a whip with a hammer attached to Sim's face.

Sim leaned back slightly to avoid Aiwen's fist, and his right fist went straight to Aiwen's abdomen.

But before being hit, Aiwen's left fist also moved.


There was a crisp punching sound, and Aiwen and Sim each took a step back.

At this time, only Aiwen was left with a calm face.

Sim shook his right palm, his face changed, he felt that Aiwen's strength was stronger than his, and even the bones were much harder than ordinary people.

"Boy, you are very good!"

Sim boasted, and then took the initiative to attack, he couldn't lose to a recruit!

Facing Sim's swift and fierce free-strike attack, Aiwen only attacked but not defended.

There is no doubt that the combat level of the recruit instructor is higher than him.

Playing skills can get twice the result with half the effort, and playing with injuries can get twice the result with half the effort. Anyway, he resists, and it will always be the opponent who can't hold on.

Sim also didn't want to be treated as a softie by the recruits, so he no longer dodged it, but chose to confront it head-on.

For a moment, the two started a violent confrontation.

It's almost a situation where you punch me and I punch you back.

"Come on, Aiwen!"

"Aiwen, kill him!"

Watching the fierce struggle between recruits and instructors during the same period, the ranks of recruits boiled immediately.

After old A and Johnny called out Aiwen's name, cheers for Aiwen sounded in the queue.

They fought head-on for about a minute.

After another punch in the stomach, Sim took a step back, teeth bared.


Unexpectedly, there are recruits of this level in the third class!

Now he only felt pain all over his body, especially his abdomen and limbs, which were hit the most times. If he continued to beat like this, he would definitely lose.

Without giving Sim a chance to rest, Aiwen changed to Baji and rushed up again.

"Oh, Shit!"

Facing Aiwen's fierce and swift offensive, Sim felt so miserable that he could only grit his teeth and persevere.

He understood now.

He fell into the trap of the recruit in front of him, and he shouldn't have confronted him head-on in the first place.

It's all right now, it's too late to play tricks, because his limbs are sore and his reaction ability has begun to decline.

"My hand seems to be cramping, sir!"

After more than a dozen rounds, at the end of a fist exchange, Aiwen rubbed the arm hit by Sim, gritted his teeth and took a few steps back.

To be honest, he didn't try his best.

He used all his melee combat ability, but he still left two points in his strength.

His purpose is to let the instructor know that he is excellent, not to embarrass the instructor, sometimes fake games are essential.

As Aiwen retreated, the cheers and cheers from the recruit queue died away.

Instructor Sim was not easy to mess with at first glance, and no one wanted to mess with him.

"If you can't hold on, you will be included!"

"By the way, what's your name?"

Sim secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and waved at Aiwen.

He could feel that this recruit had a strong physique, and the hand cramps might just be an excuse.

The corner of Aiwen's mouth raised, and he said loudly: "Aiwen Xia Alves, sir!"

Sim nodded, and continued to shout to the queue: "I finally saw a tough guy, who is next?"


The queue was completely silent, and no one dared to stand up.

Even a hunk like Aiwen has surrendered, who wants to go up and get beaten?

"I'm disappointed I only have one tough guy on my team."

After waiting for a while and seeing that no one responded, Sim relaxed completely, and picked up the coat and folder on the ground.

After a mocking sentence, Sim pointed at Aiwen and said, "Alves!"

"Yes, sir!"

Aiwen replied, waiting for Sim's order.

Sim hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "From now on, you will be the monitor, and you should be glad that your colleagues are all sweethearts."

"Yes, sir!"

Aiwen's eyes lit up, and he answered louder.

Sure enough, no matter what world you are in, you need sophistication. Those who are capable and know how to measure will always be the ones who eat the most.


ps: For niche topics, I beg you all to vote for some flowers and comments, thank you! ! !

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