"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Same recipe, same result.

Within the range of Gatling's attack, all the Tofite stars were beaten to pieces, not even a better corpse was left.


At this moment, a piercing electric sound suddenly sounded from behind Aiwen.

Not only did he hear it with his ears, but even his telepathic ability gave him an early warning, which made him startled.

Without any hesitation.

Use the trick to roll the donkey!

In a blink of an eye, Aiwen jumped to the left, trying to avoid the attack from behind.


When he fell to the ground, the sound of electric current behind him exploded completely.

"Oh shit!"

Aiwen resisted the tingling pain and spasm on his back, gritted his teeth and turned over, raised his rifle and killed the special star who was sneaking up on him.

The gun line of the Tophet star is also very long. When "703" climbed up the rock wall, he was too busy cleaning his eyes, and didn't notice that there was also a Tofit star behind him.

Their voltage guns are indeed powerful enough.

He just got rubbed on his back, and he felt numb and unconscious. No wonder those teammates were knocked down by a single shot.

He found that he had guessed wrong earlier.

It's not that the Tofite star has no lethal weapon, and the voltage gun is a very powerful lethal weapon.

It's just that they were wearing one-piece armor, so they weren't directly killed by the voltage.

But even in one-piece armor, he is the only one in the entire army who can withstand a burst of voltage.

After trying it herself, Aiwen never wants to try it a second time.

He hunched over to lower his height, switching to his rifle and advancing carefully.

The tops of the mountains on both sides of the canyon are not smooth, but two very steep stone slopes, which are probably ^-shaped, and no one can stand on the highest point.

On the human-shaped slope, there are many natural wind-eroded grooves, which are as dense as the cracks of a comb.

The Tofite Stars had previously hid in these ditches, and then leaned forward to attack the tough guys in the canyon.

Now it's his turn.

These wind-eroded trenches became his cover, allowing him to avoid being hit by voltage guns.

"Alves, we are coming up, fire cover!"

"I rub it, because of gall!"

Sim's shout sounded from the communicator, and Aiwen couldn't help but laugh.

Sim, this guy, once he got serious, he stopped calling him officer, and he had to wear small shoes later.


With three crisp sounds in succession, Aiwen threw three grenades into the wind erosion ditch ahead.


As soon as the grenade exploded, Aiwen turned over the wind erosion ditch and carried out fire suppression.

In just a few seconds, his team members also climbed to the top of the mountain using hook bombs.

"Use a grenade!"

"Keep your eyes wide open and avoid their muzzles!"

"Yes, sir!"

Under the command of Aiwen, the team began to clear the top of the mountain.

They did not engage in direct fire with the Tofite Stars, but directly opened the way with grenades, blowing up the wind erosion ditch before rushing in.

The support of the team members made Aiwen a lot easier.

Previously, he had to be careful not to be hit by a voltage gun.

There is no need to be so cautious now, the firepower of the twelve rifles is pressed forward, and no Tofit star dares to stick out and shoot.

Soon, Aiwen's team cleared the top of the mountain.

The quantity does not match what I saw just now, it should be a batch that ran halfway.

"Clean up the battlefield and smash their backs." Aiwen ordered to the team members and started his rifle tour at the same time.

In the middle of refilling the gun, he glanced at the top of the mountain on the right.

When he attracted the attention of the enemy on the left mountain top, Zarak led people to rush off the right mountain top, and it seemed that it was almost done.

Without the advantage of the terrain, the Tofite Stars couldn't resist the human attack at all, and the battle was almost one-sided.

The fighting method of the Tofite star is the basic dodging and shooting.

Other than that, they don't know anything else, it's almost like playing a game against a human machine, or the level of parasite fighting that controls them is too low.

Five minutes later, the fight was over.

Many people were not relieved. The situation that was originally stalemate became an advantage after Aiwen climbed to the top of the mountain.

Those teammates who saw Aiwen climbing the rock wall before feel a little unbelievable now.

If the height exceeds 20 meters, if you change them, you must climb carefully for a few minutes.

Aiwen was so easy, he climbed up after a few strokes, and it seemed that it took less than 20 seconds, even though he was carrying a set of hand-held Gatling.

It was like running off the rock wall as a staircase.

"Clean up the battlefield, don't leave a single one alive, and recycle their weapons."

"The team on the top of the mountain is standing guard, and the team in the canyon checks the wounded to see how they are..."

At this time, Lak's voice came through the communicator.

"You all heard it, let's get to work."

Aiwen looked at the players and shrugged.

The voltage gun is much more powerful than the compression glue gun, and he has already stuffed several of them into the system space just now.

Although energy weapons are not effective against bugs, energy weapons are energy weapons after all, so it's good to keep such high-end goods for collection.

Half an hour later, the casualties came out.

Thanks to the insulation protection of the one-piece armor, the tough guy unit did not lose its personnel, but there were nearly a hundred wounded.

A total of ninety-six people were shot by voltage guns.

Of the ninety-six people, sixty-nine suffered injuries of various sizes.

The most serious injury is arrhythmia plus burns, and the lighter ones are burns or arrhythmia alone.

This kind of injury was not a minor injury hundreds of years ago, but now it is a matter of a dose of healing needles.

But the treatment needles can only save their lives. If they don't lie in the medical cabin, they will take two or three days to recover.

In other words, the combat power of the troops has declined.

These sixty-nine people will not be able to exert their full strength in the subsequent battle, and there is even the possibility that they will be hindered by their injuries.

After knowing the overall situation of the troops, Zalak's heart sank.

These parasites are so concerned about this area, and they set up ambushes one after another, which shows that the parasite's lair is not far from here.

If it was in the past, he would order the team to move on at 0.6.

But now that there are so many wounded in the team, continuing to operate may result in a large number of attrition.

As for the retreat.....

I'm afraid that as soon as they withdraw their front feet, the bugs will follow, because they know that the nest has been exposed.

"Peter, notify command center."

"Tell them we've found a bug nest, get the transport ship over to us and get ready, and we'll retreat right after we blow up the bug nest!"

After hesitating for a while, Zarak made up his mind.

The reason why the tough guy army is called the tough guy army is because the people in the tough guy army are all tough guys.

The next step for Tough Guy Force is simple.

Kill all the enemies on the way, kill all the way to the enemy's lair, and then retreat.

(Niche topics are really difficult, and the mentality of subscribing to watch is about to collapse. I only wrote five chapters of the seven chapters I talked about yesterday. Hey, adjust your mentality and code again.).

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