With the supply of ammunition, the tough guys fought even more fiercely.

Defensive warfare is actually the best way to fight, as long as you have enough ammunition, no matter how large the bug swarm is, you won't be afraid.

Among the more than 340 people, Aiwen was the happiest.

Because of the airdrop just now, when he used Gatling, he no longer needed to put on a show, just press the switch to death.

Don't ask, if you ask, you just licked the airdrop, and the bullets can't run out.

However, with the passage of time, the increase in life energy has dropped a lot.

Because the defense line is full of corpses of soldiers and insects, and those corpses of soldiers and insects surround the defense line, which looks like a biological wall.

This slowed down the attack of the soldiers and insects in the back. Before they could attack the defense line, they had to climb over the wall of insect corpses, and the speed was much slower.

But he is already very satisfied, the reconnaissance mission can be done as a combat mission, what else can he be dissatisfied with.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the tough guy team is lucky.

There were no locusts in the swarm, no tank beetles, no giant plasma worms, not even the cannon worms they had seen earlier.

Perhaps the Zerg only dropped soldiers and parasite eggs on the planet Tofit.

Oh....and cannon bugs.

The batch of cannon bugs they killed before should be the only cannon bug swarm on Tofit planet, otherwise there is no reason why the cannon bugs should not join the bug swarm.

But the truth is not important, what is important is that the current situation is very good.

Only the swarms of soldiers and insects are the best to deal with. You don't need any tactics, just stand still and shoot.

When the fighting time reached ten minutes, the plain had already quieted down.

The gunshots became scattered, without the rush before, and the sound of the insect swarm disappeared completely, only the hissing of soldiers and insects could be heard occasionally.

Aiwen thought for a while, and climbed up the pile of corpses.

There are too many soldiers and insects, so many that there are still corpses behind their corpses, and there is no way to see the situation in the distance through the gap.

"This is cowardly""?"

Seeing the scene on the plain, Aiwen couldn't get enough of it.

Both the bug swarm and the plain disappeared, and all that could be seen was densely packed corpses of bugs covering the entire plain.

The remaining swarms of soldiers and insects are retreating, and the speed of retreating is still very fast, obviously they are afraid of being beaten.

This is the virtue of soldiers and insects, and when the number is small, they will become soft-legged shrimps.

However, it can also be seen from here that there are no cerebrates on Tofit Star, otherwise the soldiers would not dare to retreat before the cerebrates died.

Host: Aiwen Xia Alves

Age: 18

Occupation: Lieutenant of Tough Guy Army

Attributes: Strength 33, Spirit 33, Speed ​​33, Stamina 33, Energy 0

Skills: melee combat 8, gun use 9, starship driving 7, telepathy 13

Items: Individual Combat Armor*1, Ammunition Source Supplementary Pack*1(10%)

Life energy: 273810

Looking at the balance, the life energy has increased by 20,000 more than before, which is very comfortable!

He remembered that when he set off, his life energy was 230,000, which means that he had brushed up to 40,000 life energy here.

The harvest is 40,000, the cost is 3,000, and the net profit is 30%.

The cost of 3,000 is the ammunition source replenishment package. He has replenished Gatling's ammunition three times since he set off.

If it wasn't for the airdrop of supplies in the middle, he would have to add one more time.

But this is not a big deal, an ammo source supplement pack only sells 10,000 life energy.

With his current balance, there is nothing he would be reluctant to buy for such a practical commodity, and he wouldn't feel distressed if he bought three or five at a time.

"Tough guys, don't stand still, clean up the battlefield.

"Don't touch the corpse of the soldier bug, let's turn over directly."

"Woodlow, you can land now, and help us deliver a takeaway home."

Zarak greeted the team members and the transport pilot.

He already knew the situation on the plain from the mouths of many scouts.

This wave of insects helped them a lot. Not only did they leave behind a large number of compression glue guns and voltage guns, but they also used insect corpses to help them build a protective wall.

If the actions later on do not go well, they can return here to hold their positions, and then board the transport ship to retreat.

It took about ten minutes to clean up the battlefield.

After sending the loot to the transport ship, the tough guys set off again, heading for the hills in front of the plain.

When they had just walked to the edge of the plain area and before they entered the hilly area, the scouts in the team discovered the tricks in the hilly area.

Hills refer to the gentle ups and downs of the landform, the slope body composed of various rock types, and the appearance looks like continuous stone waves.

And the hills in front of him seem to have been built into a fortress.

The height of the slightly protruding hills and high slopes has holes dug out at the bottom, and metal doors are repaired on the holes, which has the taste of a mountain air-raid shelter.

There are at least thirty metal doors on the bright side.

From this, it can be guessed that the interior and underground of the entire hilly area may have been hollowed out, and it was built as a base by the Tofi Time Stars.

But now, this is a worm's nest.

. "Speed ​​forward!"

Zarak's eyes were fixed, and he led the team to run towards the largest door. The passage behind that door must be the largest.

If it is normal, he will definitely choose the smallest channel.

Because when facing bugs, narrow space is a big advantage, and a machine gun can easily hold it, no matter how many bugs come, it is useless.

But it's different now, there must be people from the Tofit star in the mountain.

Their weapon attack range is not small, and it will be very troublesome to encounter them head-on.

So we had to choose a larger channel, so that all the fire could be fired, and high-intensity fire suppression could be carried out, so that the Tofite Stars didn't even dare to stretch out their hands.

Not long after, everyone rushed to the target metal door.

As soon as Zalak waved his hand, several members of the nuclear bomb team stepped forward and installed explosives on the metal door.

This door is now the entrance, and it will be the exit later.

Now it explodes to avoid being blocked when retreating.

As for whether it will be discovered by the bugs inside?

They must have discovered the tough guy army a long time ago, and they have fought for three rounds all the way here.

Moreover, there was too much movement in the last round, and the distance between the hills and the plain was not far away, and the battlefield on the plain could be seen at a glance.


After the explosion sounded, the metal door was directly blown down.

The machine gun team immediately pressed forward and aimed their guns at the large space behind the door.

"It's really a secret base..."

Aiwen took a closer look with her probe, and there was a tunnel built out of all metal behind the door.

Just by looking at the building materials, you can tell that this place is very important to the Tofite Stars. You must know that they use all stones to build their houses. .

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