Qin Yue and the others looked at Brother Lei who was kneeling on the ground incredulously, and they didn't understand what the situation was.

Zhang Hu and his party were also frightened.

What is the situation?

Why did the good Lei Ge kneel on the ground.

"Lei, Brother Lei, what are you doing?"

Zhang Hu hurriedly walked over.

But when he just came to Brother Lei's side, Brother Lei gave him a kick directly.

"On your knees!"

Brother Lei said immediately.

Zhang Hu was not a fool, he knew that Brother Lei was obviously afraid of the young man in front of him.

Qin Yue and these people felt that they were about to become stupid!

What is the situation?

Why are all these good people on their knees?


From Brother Lei's eyes, it could be seen that he was really afraid of Qin Mu.

Qin Yue and the others couldn't believe it!

Qin Mu had such a great ability that he could make Zhang Hu and them afraid of this.


Qin Mu's eyes were indifferent and condescending, I don't know why it gave people a kingly temperament, and everyone present had a kind of respect and worship when they saw Qin Mu.

For girls, such a boy is like a male god in a TV series.

Born with a strong attraction.

Originally, Qin Mu gave them a very handsome feeling!

It became more handsome in this case.


Pretend in front of women!

Or pretend to be forced!

It really comes with its own flirtatious attributes.

The gangsters who were originally arrogant did not dare to make the slightest move when they saw this scene, because the scene in front of them made them feel a little frightened.

"Qin, Qin Ye! I didn't know you were here, otherwise, even if I was killed, I wouldn't dare to come here to make trouble!" Brother

Lei's heart was full of remorse, and he knew that he would not come to drink tonight!

It's good now!

The wine was not drunk, and it provoked such a behemoth!

This is Qin Mu, even Heavenly Master has to kneel on the ground to call for his father's existence, can he afford to provoke?

Zhang Hu knelt aside, originally he didn't know Qin Mu's identity, but when he heard the words Qin Ye, his face suddenly changed.

In today's magic capital, the words Qin Ye are very magical and representative.

Many people who mix on the road know what these two words symbolize.

That's a character who corners God.

I actually provoked this kind of character!

Zhang Hu's heart couldn't stop trembling.

He felt his back wet with cold sweat in an instant.

"Qin Ye, it's my eyes that don't recognize Mount Tai, it's all my fault, I deserve to die!"

At this time, Zhang Hu kowtowed repeatedly.

This is Qin Ye, he can't afford to provoke.

Dozens of punks present heard the name Qin Ye, and immediately knew that something big was wrong.


They all threw their weapons on the ground and knelt down.

The women present were a little confused.

Qin Mu's identity is so dick?

Qin Ye!

Oh, my God!

Is this the legendary big brother?

Whose youth has not been affected by the Confused Boy?

There are some TV series that have influenced a group of people to this day.

Therefore, when their eyes saw Qin Mu, there seemed to be little stars constantly flashing in their eyes, this Qin Mu is also too handsome!

Qin Yue was also taken aback by this battle, and originally thought that this matter would be difficult to solve.

Didn't expect that!

It was solved so easily.

Qin Ye?

Her beautiful eyes looked at Qin Mu.

This guy really did some unclean things, no wonder he was so rich.

As Qin Mu's cousin, she was a little worried in her heart.

If Qin Mu really messed around outside, it would be quite beautiful now.

Everywhere you go, someone will call you big brother.

But people are floating in the rivers and lakes, where can they not be knifed.



What trouble did Qin Mu encounter that could not be solved?

Taking a deep breath, Qin Yue felt the need to have a good chat with Qin Mu.

Qin Mu's eyes looked at these people present.

"My sister is here today, I don't want to get angry!"

"Also, you have been making trouble with us from beginning to end in this matter, but I didn't expect you to be righteous!"

"This really surprised me!"

"One person slapped himself ten times, and then the gang was disbanded, and this KTV, from tomorrow I will put it in order, if this situation will still occur!"

"You two, I won't let any of them go!"

Qin Mu's tone carried a hint of coldness.

All of a sudden, like death, these people were overwhelmed.

"Get out!"

Qin Mu directly scolded.


Zhang Hu and Brother Lei both kowtowed to Qin Mu one after another, and they were extremely afraid in their hearts.

It is estimated that this time when he goes back, Brother Lei should not let Zhang Hu go, because he almost killed him.

The group quickly left the box.

It was as if it hadn't happened.

Qin Mu exhaled lightly, he didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

People like Brother Lei are really not serious people, or people who wander in such places are definitely not normal people.

After everyone left, the eyes of the women in the box were constantly scanning Qin Mu's body.

Qin Mu felt a little strange, and he touched his face.

"What's wrong? Is there something on my face?

"No, it's not, it's just, all of a sudden, you are quite handsome!"

The girl closest to Qin Mu had a shy look on her face.

They're all people who can afford to make a joke.

Maybe there are some things that they haven't experienced in that aspect, but it doesn't mean they don't know about that aspect.

Qin Mu smiled slightly.

I didn't expect to be handsome, and there was such a bonus.

"Are you going to keep playing, or are you going to go home?"

Qin Mu asked again.

"Go back!"

"It's not too late!"

One of them said, the other girls all nodded, this kind of thing happened, in other words, no one was in the mood.

Qin Yue was still a little preoccupied.

She feels!

His own cousin really did not go on the right path.


Also mixed into a generation of bigwigs!

That's not a good thing!

The group quickly left the box, because of the previous matter, all the fees of this box were directly free.

After everyone walked out of the box, those women seemed to be more relaxed, because the previous environment was a little too depressing.

When they looked at Qin Mu, they didn't know why it seemed to be because of the previous incident.

They always have no way to ridicule each other as if they were rich people like before, because the other party is a person with status.


After chatting with each other for a while, they and Qin Mu also got acquainted with each other again.

Qin Mu this person is like this!

There are no shelves either!

Exactly because of this!

After getting acquainted with each other, they also let go a lot in front of Qin Mu.

One of the more outgoing girls looked at Qin Mu and couldn't help but ask.

"Qin Mu, are you really the kind of fool outside?"

"I see you were so majestic just now!"

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