Qin Mu's figure hurriedly ran towards her.

Because this girl was relatively close to the lake, Qin Mu was really worried, she was Qi Xueqin and jumped down.

After all!

Women can't think about it, and sometimes they really do something stupid.

Qin Mu's figure is moving quickly, and his physique and speed are definitely not what ordinary people can imagine.

The girl walking slowly by the lake was thinking about something in her mind at this time.

She's a journalist and recently had some problems, and they're so tricky, she wanted to come out and take a break.

But because she thought about the problem a little intently, she didn't expect that she was so close to the lake, plus her figure was a little similar to Qi Xueqin.

It was precisely because of this that he was misunderstood by Qin Mu.

Her figure kept walking forward, and at this time, Qin Mu's figure had already reached a position that was only three or four meters away from him.

Because she thought about the problem, she didn't find Qin Mu either.

At this time, Qin Mu's figure suddenly rushed towards her, and in an instant, he came to the woman's side, hugged her, and then pulled her back fiercely.

When the woman was caught by Qin Mu, her face suddenly changed, she had learned some wolf prevention techniques before.

She really didn't expect that at this time, she would meet a satyr, and she was so daring.

She quickly turned around and wanted to kick Qin Mu fiercely with a move to provoke her Yin leg.

But suddenly, she found that Qin Mu's body was like steel, and every inch of skin on his body was hard and a little scary.


The other party's strength was very strong, and when she wanted to perform a move, he held his lifeblood almost instantly, and one hand stuck a certain acupuncture point on her body.

Qin Mu was also worried, what if Qi Xueqin struggled to jump and he didn't catch it?

I have to say that the super fighting technique is really powerful, and when he just approached this woman, more than ten means of subduing the other party already appeared in his mind.

As long as Qin Mu thought about it, he could almost knock this woman unconscious or kill in an instant.

This top-notch fighting technique is also equivalent to a killing technique.

Some military martial arts are derived from this aspect.

After coming to a safe distance, Qin Mufang let her go.

"Xueqin, you listen to my explanation!"

At this time, Qin Mu hurriedly said to her.

But the woman quickly turned around and wanted to give Qin Mu a look, but when she turned around, her eyes fell on Qin Mu.

Her whole person was stunned.


So handsome!

Today's Qin Mu is simply wearing a sportswear, and the muscles on his body are looming.


The sky was a little dark now, and the nearest street lamp was almost two or three meters away, and Qin Mu's face could be seen.

But it's a bit vague.

In this state, Qin Mu's appearance has increased by at least about thirty percent.

Qin Mu, who is even more handsome than Xiao Xianrou, has improved his appearance by about thirty percent with the blessing of the environment.

What a horrible thing this is.

Qiao Wentong, who has always felt that she is not very interested in men, couldn't stop trembling at this time, and she suddenly found it.

She's going to be in love!

Oh, my God!

Why is there such a handsome boy in this world, and the height of one meter eight, perfect body.

Such a boy, if it is a bad person!

That Qiao Wentong wanted to tell the other party!

I do!

When Qin Mu saw her, his whole person was slightly stunned.

Not Qi Xueqin!?

What's the situation?

Why not Qi Xueqin?

This is not right!

Before, Qin Mu thought that she was Qi Xueqin, so he rushed over.

But it wasn't Qi Xueqin!

This is a big misunderstanding.

"That, I'm sorry, I recognized the wrong person, I just saw you quite close to the lake!"

"I thought you were going to jump into the river!"


Qin Mu hurriedly apologized.

"Well, that's okay! I was really close to the lake just now! For

a moment, Qiao Wentong, whose appearance was righteous, had a blush on her face, and when her eyes saw Qin Mu, she was a little shy.

This scene!

If it is seen by someone familiar with Qiao Wentong, it is estimated that they will be stunned.


Who is Qiao Wentong!

The famous queen of high coldness on TV.

She was born with a high coldness.


This kind of person has no interest in men at all, and there were people in the TV station before, whether this guy is Lala.

But this time!

She actually showed Qin Mu a little girl's look.

This is indeed a bit unusual!

Qin Mu only felt a little embarrassed now.

I actually recognized the wrong person.

"That, I'm sorry, I just recognized the wrong person!"

After Qin Mu finished speaking, he immediately turned around, and then quickly wanted to leave here.

Qiao Wentong was slightly stunned!

What the heck!

After flirting with yourself, you want to leave?

Is this man sure there is no problem?

Qiao Wentong is a little skeptical of life!

She didn't understand what Qin Mu was doing.

Qin Mu fled a little in the desert, and his figure disappeared after a short while.

Qiao Wentong stomped her foot, with some angry look on her face.

That man!

Is he blind?

Such a beautiful girl himself did not blame her for being rude to herself, and he turned around and ran.

It's hard to do!

He sees that his back is beautiful, and he doesn't like it when he sees his face?

For the first time, Qiao Wentong doubted her appearance.


This is absolutely not normal!

But in her mind, when she thought of Qin Mu hugging herself just now, her heartbeat actually accelerated a little.

It's over!

Qiao Wentong, who has been single for twenty-three years and has no interest in men, is actually in love!

Qiao Wentong felt that her brain was a little buzzing.

If her girlfriend were here, she would probably be shocked.

Your high cold fan just fell?

It's completely unreasonable.

If Qiao Wentong's suitor was here, he should be quite surprised in his heart.

Because this transformation is really too big.

Qin Mu exhaled lightly, he felt that he was too embarrassed just now.

I actually recognized the wrong person.

His figure walked towards the outside of the park.

He didn't know where Qi Xueqin was now, but he just felt that he was misunderstood by his girlfriend, and he was really a little careless.

But he didn't expect that when he just came to the gate of the park, Qin Mu's eyes actually saw Qi Xueqin who was slowly walking towards this side.

Qi Xueqin's face was still a little bleak, and a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Qin Mu.

What Qin Mu didn't know was!

She saw all of the scenes just now.

Qin Mu is actually not the kind of boy who likes to stall horses everywhere.


The girl just now was quite beautiful, but after Qin Mu found out that he recognized the wrong person, he left quickly.

This actually surprised Qi Xueqin.

So she was also wondering if she had misunderstood Qin Mu.

"That! Just now..."

Qin Mu didn't know how to explain it.

"Let's go home first! When you get home, you're talking to me!

Qi Xueqin's beautiful eyes looked at Qin Mu, thought for a while, and then said slowly.

Qin Mu nodded, and a kind smile appeared on his face, because he didn't know why Qi Xueqin seemed to have changed something about him!

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