
A crisp voice sounded, only to see Qin Mu suddenly throw a ball directly.

He threw it with just the right amount of force, and it was a direct slam on the first shot.

All nine bottles were poured!

When this scene appeared, Yang Zhifeng and Shen Zirui's faces were a little stunned.

Qin Mu turned out to be so powerful!

To know!

Bowling to play a slam is a certain difficulty.

Even a professional player can't guarantee that he will reach a Grand Slam every time he concedes.

Qin Mu moved his wrist, and there was a slight smile on his face.

The system really deserves to be a system!

He had never bowled before.


His technique turned out to be so high that he hit a slam all of a sudden.

To know!

The system only taught him this technique, but there were some experiences that Qin Mu still needed to explore by himself.


Qin Mu's physical fitness is great, so he will be able to get started quickly.

Coming to the second platform, Qin Mu slowly threw the ball out, and it turned out to be another slam!

Yang Yunfeng and Shen Zirui's faces became even more ugly.

Their gazes fell on Qin Mu, and for a moment their eyes became a little alert.

This Qin Mu!

It won't be a pig and a tiger!

Qin Yue and Qi Xueqin next to them had a hint of surprise in their beautiful eyes.

Qin Mu turned out to be so powerful!

This really surprised them!

How did I not know before, Qin Mu can also play bowling.

You know, although this kind of sport is not a high-end sport, it is not affordable for ordinary people.

Because most of the rich people just play basketball and football.

Like bowling, it requires a special venue and a certain level of learning, which is simply not something that ordinary people will play.

There are people who have never played this kind of thing in their entire lives, just watched it on TV.

Because in some small eighteenth-tier counties, there is no bowling alley at all.

"Good luck!"

Qin Mu had a little smile on his face, and then he took out the ball again and came to the third table.

This time, Qin Mu did not have a slam, and just knocked down seven balls.

Because Qin Mu knew that fishing needed to put some bait.

If he throws everything in his hand at once, then the other party is likely not to play with him.

The real master knows to hide first, and after the other party is trapped, he will kill the other party.

This is also the usual method in casinos.

They're never afraid of you winning in a casino, because 90 percent of the money you win is basically bait, and it won't be long before these people come back to the casino.

Qin Mu is also spreading bait now.

In the next few balls, Qin Mu seemed to have played abnormally, and he actually played six balls, three goals, and seven balls in succession, which were extremely unstable results.

Yang Yunfeng and Shen Zirui, who were on the side, exhaled softly.

It seems that Qin Mu is not as powerful as they thought, and it is possible that he was really lucky just now.

Luck is really not a good thing!

Some novices are obviously not very good, but when they first start playing, they will be in a particularly good state!

This is a bit metaphysical in nature.

Qin Mu shook his hand, and there seemed to be a bit of pity on his face, as if he hadn't played well just now.

"Looks like you had good luck at first! But there are two slams, if you want to lose, you won't lose too much! Shen

Zirui's face had a little smile, he moved his arm, and soon it was his turn to hit.


Only heard a relatively crisp sound, the bowling ball in his hand was thrown, the results were not as good as Qin Mu, but in the eight bottles.

That's a pretty good mark.

Soon Shen Zirui walked to the second table, and then threw the bowling ball out.

Seven bottles!

The results are not good either!

But he was particularly steady, and the third and fourth goals turned out to be in seven or eight bottles.

It can be said that although this Shen Zirui is arrogant, he is indeed a bit horizontal in this area.

One by one, the balls kept falling, which made Shen Zirui a little regretful.

He didn't even play a slam.


"On bowling, if you open multiple tables, a slam is counted as ten balls!"

"Shen Zirui didn't have a slam, then he didn't lose another goal!"

At this time, Yang Zhifeng, who was standing next to him, changed his face.

Shen Zirui, who stood up, changed his face slightly when he saw the number on the scorer, because according to the number on the scorer, he was indeed one ball higher than Qin Mu.

But slams are equivalent to ten bottles according to the private rules of bowling, and two slams cannot be counted according to eighteen bottles, but twenty bottles.

In other words, Shen Zirui still lost a bottle to Qin Mu.

He lost in the opening round.

This is a bit of a shame for Shen Zirui.

"It looks like your luck isn't very good!"

Qin Mu didn't expect Shen Zirui to be such a dish.

To know!

When he played just now, he had deliberately lowered the score, and once hit a three-pointer.

In this case, Shen Zirui even lost to himself by a goal, which can only mean that although his strength is powerful, it is not particularly strong.

"It's just a loss! I'll win it back next!

Shen Zirui said indifferently.

Qin Mu shrugged, and this time he walked towards the bowling table again.

This time, Qin Mu's expression became a little more focused.

He roughly already knew Shen Zirui's strength.

So he controlled himself a little this time.

In the second round, Qin Mu scored 10 points, 8 points, 4 points, 6 points, 7 points, and 5 points.

This kind of performance is relatively poor.

There is no doubt that Qin Mu lost the second round.

This time, Qin Mu lost 7 points, that is, three and a half million.

Seeing the gap between the two, Yang Yunfeng's face had a slight smile, if nothing else, Qin Mu would lose at least tens of millions tonight.

For these rich second generations, this is also a big expense.

"It's really not interesting, just such a little money, I'm almost falling asleep!"

Qin Mu's face was full of nonchalance.

Yang Yunfeng's eyes flickered slightly, to be honest, he really looked like he was pursuing Qin Yue, but he also knew that Qin Yue was not very cold to him now.

If so, it would be nice if he could make a fortune tonight.

"It seems that Mr. Qin is rich!"

"If that's the case, how about I give money and raise here?"

Yang Yunfeng smiled slightly, and the conspiracy in his eyes was clear.

Qin Mu and the others all looked towards him, because they didn't expect that Yang Yunfeng would actually raise the note at this time!

"It seems that Young Master Yang feels that I will definitely lose!"

"Don't say that, I'm just giving Mr. Qin a little more color!"

"Doesn't Mr. Qin think that this amount of money is nothing?"

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