To be honest, the shock in their hearts is difficult to describe in words.

They all knew that Qin Mu was very powerful, and he had a good force in the Devil Capital.

But what they didn't expect was.

Qin Mu could actually make Shen Zirui bow to him so easily.

To know!

Since they came in, they all knew what kind of personality Shen Zirui was.

Such a man, to put it nicely, he is a little evil.

That's not nice!

He's a mad dog.

There are no principles and no bottom line.

Such people are troublesome.

At least provoke him, as long as it is a person, it will feel very troublesome.

Because those who have come into contact with him know that this kind of person does not have many rules for doing things.

What people are most afraid of is not those who talk about rules and principles.

What I am afraid of is this kind of guy who has no rules and still has a certain amount of power on his hands.

Such a guy, unless he wants to fight with him, will not provoke him most of the time.

It is precisely because of this that Shen Zirui can mix in their circle, because the rich second generation who is more powerful than him is not very willing to provoke him.

There are still people in the circle who call him Evil Shao.

How could such a person be so easy for ordinary people to make him soft.

"I didn't expect it! Qin Shao still has this kind of ability, but if he is willing to gamble and lose, I Yang Zhifeng can still afford to lose 50 million!

Yang Zhifeng had a bit of a smile on his face, giving people the feeling that he was really a person who kept his promises.

But just now, many people saw his face.

How could such a person easily keep his word.

If it weren't for Shen Zirui's sudden change, he would definitely not have been able to take out these 50 million today.

Qin Mu directly burst out the bank card, and Yang Zhifeng quickly transferred money to Qin Mu.

An hour directly earned a hundred million.

Such a means is estimated to be the envy of the richest man in the world.

Because they are rich though!

But if you want to be like Qin Mu, you can earn one or two hundred million by playing, which is also a difficult thing.

Qin Mu's mood was quite good.

He turned around and looked at Qin Yue and Qi Xueqin with a little smile on his face.

"What a bumper harvest today! Take you shopping in the evening! "Good


Qin Yue and Qi Xueqin both nodded, this feeling of killing big households, they still liked it.

Yang Yunfeng's heart was particularly uncomfortable.


This is almost equivalent to his company's net income for half a year.

Although he can afford it, but take money to spend on his love rival, and the other party also takes money to soak the woman he likes, what is this called!

And then there was a few more words with each other.

Because they came late, plus the bet between each other just now, it took a lot of time, and now that the game is over, it has already arrived for dinner.

There are not any luxurious restaurants around, and there are many other sports not only for bowling, but also for bowling alleys.

Qi Xueqin and Qin Yue also felt a little hungry now.

There was a little smile on Qin Mu's face, and he immediately led them towards the restaurant on the third floor.

This bowling alley has a lot of luxury, many sports, and even a place to stay.

Even KTV, bar counters and other places are available.

When Qin Mu and them came to the restaurant on the third floor, Yang Zhitao and Shen Zirui also came to the restaurant.

Although something very unpleasant happened just now.

But Yang Zhitao is like this, although he is very unhappy with a person in his heart, he will hide his thoughts and look as if nothing has happened.

Another point was that he and Nie Chen actually wanted to know what method Qin Mu had used just now to make Shen Zirui so afraid of him.

This really surprised them.

People like Shen Zirui, Qin Mu can easily subdue, this is not a means that ordinary people will have.

"Mr. Qin, the bet is a bet, where will there be so many things between men, and we are all willing to gamble and lose, do we want to eat together?"

Yang Zhitao speaks very beautifully, and he is worthy of being a person who has made a fortune in business on his own.

This kind of heart is indeed not comparable to ordinary people.

Just lost 50 million, I can't wait to strangle Qin Mu, and I can still pretend like this.

It also has to be said that many ordinary people are ordinary people after all, because most people do not know how to endure and disguise.

Even if a person like Yang Zhitao does not have the support given to him by his family, he can mix very well.

Because his kind of mind is something that many people can't have.

Qin Mu looked at him, he naturally knew that a person like Yang Zhitao could not be so honest.

But he wouldn't say it directly, and when he saw the Shen family's secrets before, he also had an idea in his heart.

This Shen family!

It is available.

Because although the Shen family seems to be only a few hundred million assets, some things in his private are more complicated.

One more thing!

Qin Mu now has a lot of companies in his hands, but he doesn't really have his own power.

A lot of times it's just taking advantage of the situation.

Therefore, in Qin Mu's opinion, if he wants to become stronger, he must have his own independent forces.


He can last long!

Exhaling lightly, Qin Mu's face had some gentleness.

"No problem!"

Yang Yunfeng saw that he agreed, and there was also some smile on his face, to be honest, on the one hand, he wanted to have a meal with Qin Mu and them, and have more contact with this kind of person to get to know him.

On the other hand, he also found someone to secretly investigate Qin Mu.

He wanted to see what Qin Mu was capable of.


Several people came to the private room, and in this process, Shen Zirui's eyes have always been a little gloomy, and when his eyes inadvertently saw Qin Mu, there was a trace of fierceness in the depths of his eyes.

If it weren't for the fear that Qin Mu would say something just now, he would probably have made a move on Qin Mu at the first time!

For a person like him, anything can be done.


In his heart, he wondered where Qin Mu got the news from.

He could conclude that there were some things he did very hidden, and even the Heavenly King Laozi did not know about these things.


Qin Mu actually knew.

This made him a little scared!

That's right!

This rich young man, who had always been unafraid of heaven and earth, now had some trepidation in front of Qin Mu.

If this were known by others, it is estimated that they would be shocked in their hearts.

After Qin Mu asked Qi Xueqin and Qin Yue to order some dishes, his figure walked outside, and he wanted to smoke a cigarette.

When he just came to the door of the toilet, a figure quickly followed, and the eyes of this figure were a little cold.

Directly brought Qin Mu into the toilet, and there was a bit of cruelty in his eyes.

"You don't know if you are alive or dead, where did you get that news?"

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