Qi Xueqin and Liu Ruoxue looked towards Qin Yue, to be honest, they both felt that Qin Yue was a little too cute.

Qin Yue pouted, seemingly helpless, she touched her little belly and looked at everyone who had finished eating.

"Let's play a game! Whoever loses washes the dishes! There

was some smile on Qin Yue's face.

Qin Mu originally planned to wash the bowl directly after eating, but he didn't expect Qin Yue to say such a thing.

"Okay! What game do you want to play? "

All three in the room had some interest.

Liu Ruoxue was originally quite busy, but she suddenly thought that she had been working hard for the company for so many years, and she had no personal time of her own.

Today's work has been roughly handled, and she has just eaten, she also wants to see what Qin Yue thinks.

"It's very simple, touch the turtle, who is the turtle at the end, who washes the dishes, how?"

Qin Yue said with a smile.

"No problem!"

Qin Mu said with a slight smile.

"Wait, how boring it is to just play like this and it's over!"

"It's better like this, we play ten, whoever loses performs a talent, or answers each other's questions!"

"Who loses the most, who washes the dishes!"

Qi Xueqin suddenly said next to him.

She and Qin Yue had just woken up, so they were now very energetic.

"No problem!"

Qin Mu said without care.

The two people next to him also nodded.

Just washing the dishes is a little too boring!

Add these things and it's much more interesting!


After playing the game, it was almost ten o'clock, and when the time came to wash the dishes, it was simply torture.

Several people sat with each other, Qin Mu walked aside and took the cards, and the various things in the room were quite complete.

After Qin Mu shuffled the cards, he began to deal cards to everyone.

At this moment, a systematic sound sounded in Qin Mu's mind.

"Ding! He is issuing system tasks to the host, and wins the final victory in the game of touching the turtle, and after the game is over, he will get the management right of the Holy Flame Olly Sports Square!

Qin Mu was slightly stunned!

He naturally knew what place this Flame Orly Sports Square was.

It is a well-known gymnasium in the magic capital, which was built by the state.

Many times, relatively large sports will be held in this stadium, and some of the top traffic stars before are also held in this when they hold concerts.

There was a slight smile at the corner of Qin Mu's mouth.

He knew that this gymnasium was national, and the system naturally could not give it to him.


You can't get a sports hall, but you can have management rights, and the annual profit is also considerable.


A stadium is basically where you can get in touch with the best sports stars.

With the management of this gymnasium, Qin Mu's power in the magic capital has invisibly become bigger again.

This system!

It's really not an ordinary power!

"Then let's play cards, don't play if we lose!"

Qin Mu said with a slight smile, and then after he simply shuffled the cards, he dealt cards to everyone.

The rules of the game of touching turtles are relatively simple.

Combine two or three decks of cards and pick any card.

All other cards are discarded in pairs.

Qin Mu often played this game when he was a child.

The four of them sat at the dining table with excitement on their faces.

Cards are dropped on the table, and four people are drawing each other's cards.

Qin Mu's luck was not bad, and it didn't take long to finish the cards in his hand.

Be the first player to get out of it.

The remaining three girls are constantly playing cards.

But their luck was not so good.

Repeatedly pumped the turtle in the opponent's hand.

And what everyone didn't expect was that the first to lose was Liu Ruoxue.

The eyes of the three people present were all looking at her.

"Hahaha, Mr. Liu looks like you don't have much technology in this game!"

Qin Mu quipped.

"No way, I can't tell if that card is a turtle!"

"Then I accept the punishment!"

Liu Ruoxue said a little helplessly.

"Is it a show or a truth?"

Qin Yue asked immediately.

"I don't have much talent, so be honest!"

Liu Ruoxue thought about it and asked.

"Okay, then I'll ask!"

"By what! Wasn't Qin Mu the first to win? It stands to reason that it should be Qin Mu to ask!

Qi Xueqin said next to him.

"Ouch, how can someone like my brother know what questions to ask! Then let me ask you, Qin Mu, are you willing to give this opportunity to your sister?

Qin Yue looked familiar and looked at Qin Mu and asked.

"You ask!"

For his sister, Qin Mu was also a little helpless, as if this guy could always eat himself to death.

"Then I asked!"

"What's your closest move with the opposite sex before?"

Qin Yue looked mean.

When this question was asked, Liu Ruoxue's face instantly turned red.

This Qin Yue, he really dares to ask any question!

Qi Xueqin was also a little embarrassed.

If we talk about the most intimate thing between men and women, it is, of course....

But how can this kind of thing be so embarrassed to say in such a place?


Liu Ruoxue said after her complexion recovered.

Qin Yue and Qi Xueqin were both slightly stunned.


"Mr. Liu, you're not kidding! You haven't been in a relationship until now?

Qin Yue asked a little confused.


Liu Ruoxue shook her head.

"I have been studying in an aristocratic school since I was a child, and my parents disciplined me very strictly during my studies, and it was impossible to have too much contact with the opposite sex!"

"When I was young, my father saw me because I had a few more words with boys, and he reprimanded me when he came back!"

"When I graduated from college, I went straight back to my father's company and started as a child!"

"And at that time, I always had a suitor by my side!"

"This guy is extremely domineering and doesn't let other boys touch me too much, and I've always hated him!"

"So until now, I haven't been in love, and even, there are very few friends of the opposite sex who have a good relationship!"

Liu Ruoxue answered truthfully.

"I didn't expect it! You are so beautiful, you have never been in love!

Qin Yue sighed, as if he couldn't believe it.

"You said this as if you had talked about it!"

Qin Mu gave her a blank look and said.

Qin Yue's face instantly blushed, she had always liked a boy before, but that boy had never liked her.

It is precisely because of this that Qin Yue has been single for four years of college.

After graduating, she traveled around with her sisters, and now she has ended up on a blind date.

Speaking up!

Leftover women!

Sometimes that's all that's left!

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