Qi Xueqin's face became even more rosy at this time.

She didn't expect that Qin Mu could say such love words at such a time.


Qi Xueqinmei glanced at Qin Mu, and seemed a little embarrassed, her eyes slowly closed.

When Qin Mu saw this scene, even a fool knew what to do.

A slight smile.

The lips of the two collided.

It was as if time froze in this second.


Fast forward to the next morning.

Qi Xueqin slept with Qin Mu last night.

This woman, who was called the pure school flower in the school, finally became his woman last night, and a feeling of pride in Qin Mu's heart was born.

When Qi Xueqin woke up from the bed, she saw Qin Mu next to her, and her pretty face was a little embarrassed.

Qin Mu also opened his eyes in confusion at this time.

At this time, a systematic voice in his mind came at this time.

"Ding! If the host has not been checked in, is it detected? "

Sign in!"

Qin Mu said silently.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully obtaining the historical information of the chaebol of the stick country! A

system sounded.

In an instant, a lot of information kept pouring into Qin Mu's mind.

Qin Mu's whole person was slightly stunned.

The chaebol history of the country of sticks.

All clear!

The dwarf state is a country with black states, and the state allows their existence.

Because when they accept the members of the organization, they are also maintaining the order of the country.

In the country of sticks, there are four major chaebols, because the land area of the country of sticks is not small.

The entire country has a population of tens of millions, and in addition to the local government, the most powerful are these major chaebols.

They control almost most of the economic lifeline of the stick nation.

Even if the country wants to do anything against them, there is nothing they can do, because at least half of the people in the committee are supported by the chaebols.


The country of sticks is a country deeply influenced by the chaebols.

After Qin Mu was in the whole person for more than ten seconds, there was a slight smile at the corner of his mouth for a while, he really didn't expect that the system would give him this kind of thing.

Only by knowing oneself and knowing the other can one survive a hundred battles.

If you master this kind of thing, you only need to use it, and it can still have some impact on the chaebol.

"What are you thinking stupidly there?"

Qi Xueqin's eyes looked at Qin Mu, a little strange.

"Nothing, think of something happy, get up quickly! My sister should be coming up soon! Qin

Mu said.

Qin Yue obviously drank too much last night, so she arranged for her to sleep downstairs, and as for her girlfriends, it was impossible to always stay at Qin Mu's home like Qin Yue.

So two days ago, they said goodbye to Qin Mu and moved outside.

Qin Yue and Qin Mu have a very good relationship, naturally they don't need to move away so quickly.

If Qin Yue wanted to, Qin Mu could give the house directly to him.

When the two were getting dressed and walking out of the bedroom, Qin Yue happened to be knocking on the door outside.

Come and rub early!

This sister of her own!

What a slacker.

Opening the door, Qin Mu went directly to wash.

But Qin Yue's eyes swept over Qin Mu and Qi Xueqin, and Qi Xueqin was walking towards the kitchen at this time, although Qi Xueqin's physical fitness was okay.

But it's still a little awkward when walking.

For a moment, Qin Yue seemed to have discovered a new continent.

"Dude, you can!"

She whispered beside Qin Mu.

"What can this do! It's all adults!

Qin Mu was helpless.

However, Qin Yue's face still had a bad smile, it was estimated that she was making up her brain, how long would it take for the old Qin family to produce a big fat boy.

Noticing Qin Yue's gaze, Qi Xueqin's face was still a little shy.

After all, it is a girl, the first time she is owned by a boy, it is certainly impossible not to be shy in her heart.

It didn't take long for breakfast to be made, and Qin Mu finished washing, and at this time his mobile phone rang.

Qin Mu connected the mobile phone, and it was Liu Ruoxue who called.

"Did you eat early?"

Liu Ruoxue asked on the other end of the phone.


Qin Mudao.

"Then get ready, I'll go downstairs to your house right away, I made an appointment with that economics expert to play ball today!"

"He hates being late, you hurry up!"

Liu Ruoxue Road.

"Okay, come right away!"

Qin Mu said directly.

After saying that, he simply ate a few bites, and then said to Qi Xueqin and Qin Yue, and his figure left.

Because they knew that Qin Mu also had a job, they didn't care too much.

When she came downstairs in the community, Liu Ruoxue had already arrived.

Because Liu Ruoxue drove over, Qin Mu didn't drive another car, and after getting into the car, they drove directly towards the Holy Flame Olly Sports Hall.

Before arriving at the Holy Flame Olly Stadium, a phone call came at this time.

Qin Mu connected the phone.

It was the voice of a strange man.

"Hello, is it Mr. Qin Mu?"

"Yes, you are?"

"I am the supervisor of Flame Ollie, I explained it before, and now the management of Flame Ollie is in your hands, I don't know if it's true?"

The supervisor seemed a little incredulous that such a huge institution could be transferred.

"That's right!"

"So, when do you have time to come over, and I will report to you about the situation in the museum?"

The supervisor asked Qin Mu.

"I will go there to play this morning, but I need to accompany a customer, you come to me at about ten o'clock, my name is Qin Mu!"

Qin Mu said directly.


The supervisor agreed, and he was a little scared in his heart.

Such a large group was actually transferred.

To be honest, if it were not for personal experience, I would not believe it, because this kind of sports gym, that is, laying eggs roosters, belongs to state institutions, and every year lying down can pick up money.

Who would want to transfer!

Qin Mu, who can have a system, is like opening and hanging.

Liu Ruoxue didn't care about Qin Mu's call, and she couldn't have imagined that this sports hall turned out to be Qin Mu's.

Because such a sports hall, which belongs to the landmark building of the magic capital, is basically impossible to transfer, unless the premium is a lot, how can it be sold.


So much premium to buy the management of such a sports hall!

To be honest, it's a bit of a loss.

Because he is a fixed profit, and when there is some big sports event, there is also a possibility to lose money.

Ordinary rich people are not very likely to buy him, and ordinary people can't buy him at all.

The vehicle came to the door of the sports hall, and after Liu Ruoxue stopped the car, she walked towards the sports hall with Qin Mu...

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