Qin Mu's eyes looked towards Nanfeng.

This guy is really a bad comer.

And at this time, Nanfeng's eyes also fell on Qin Mu.

"You are Qin Mu!" "It doesn't seem to be anything special, I really don't know why you can own the shares of Financial Street, and there are so many top companies in Shenzhou

!" "This is my business card, if you have an idea, you can call me, I can guarantee that your assets can double in the next three years!"


put a business card in front of Qin Mu


His eyes were full of defiance, as if he gave Qin Mu his business card to Qin Mu as a reward for Qin Mu.

Qin Mu didn't lift his fingers, but just looked at Nanfeng, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Now the people of the country of sticks, do their heads grow on the waistband of their trousers?" "

What do you mean, do you know who you are talking to?" Nan

Feng's face was a little ugly, he didn't expect Qin Mu to dare to talk to him like this.

Don't you think you're a brainwreck, or do you mean you can't understand people at all?" Qin

Mu looked at him as if looking at a fool.

Liu Ruoxue and Tang Si next to them changed their faces, they didn't expect Qin Mu to be so bold.

The man in front of him is Nanfeng, a young owner of the chaebol family, and the executive chairman of Starry Sky Enterprises.

This time in the magic capital, he can basically represent the Starry Sky Enterprise.

Qin Mu directly clashed with him at this time, which was simply too daring.

I didn't expect you to be so bold, it seems that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, young people like you are always a little tender!" In

Nanfeng's opinion, Qin Mu was like a child who couldn't hold his breath, and there was no need to think too much about him.

Qin Mu just glanced at him coldly, this South Wind really thought highly of himself.

But in his eyes, what is so great about such a guy.

With a system, he only needs to be given enough time, and what he can do is definitely not something that Nanfeng can imagine.

"I found that you were really spoiled in the country of the stick, and if you were like this, then trouble you to get out of here, otherwise, I will find someone to blast you out!"

said Qin Mu indifferently.

Although you have money, don't you forget that behind me is a chaebol of the country of sticks, and this is the land of the state, unless there are special circumstances, who has the right to drive me away?"

asked Nan Feng.

Liu Ruoxue and Tang Si didn't know what to say at this time, Nanfeng was indeed right, if Nanfeng was just an ordinary person, maybe Qin Mu could find a relationship to drive him out.

But Nanfeng is not an ordinary person, even if Qin Mu has a lot of energy, it is impossible for the owner of this gymnasium to come forward.

It was not a wise decision to offend the Starry Sky Enterprise for the sake of Qin Mu's battle of will.

"I'm sorry, I really have this right, if you don't roll, I will have a way to let you roll!"

said Qin Mu indifferently.

At this time, his mobile phone rang just right.

Connect your phone.

On the other end of the phone was a gentle voice.

"Hey, Mr. Qin, I'm Supervisor Zhang, have you already arrived?" "

It's already here, in the tennis table, you bring a few security guards over, here are a few dogs that don't have long eyes, they don't look comfortable, trouble to get them out!"

After speaking, Qin Mu hung up the phone.

There was a sneer on the corner of Nanfeng's mouth.

This guy is quite good at acting.

You know, even if he knows some people, but his identity is here, who will dare to throw him out at that time?

And just when he had this thought in his heart, not long after, a middle-aged man in his forties quickly walked towards this side with a few people.

The security guards behind him were all carefully selected by him.

Today is the first day of the new boss, and he naturally needs to perform well.

When he came to Qin Mu and his group, Supervisor Zhang's eyes looked at Qin Mu with a hint of respect.


. Qin!"

he looked at Qin Mu and shouted respectfully.

"It's just these few, who have been making noise in front of me just now, and drive them all out!"

"Understood!" Supervisor

Zhang nodded, and his eyes immediately looked towards the south wind and several people.

"You guys, you dare to make trouble in our gymnasium, now let me leave immediately, otherwise, we will directly drive you out!"

"What kind of person are you, dare you drive me out?" Nan

Feng's face was a little ugly, and he looked at Supervisor Zhang and scolded.

If you don't want to be thrown out in embarrassment, then

be honest, otherwise, you will suffer

!" said Supervisor Zhang's face was slightly cold, and he said unceremoniously.

"It's ridiculous, I'm

the boss of the Starry Sky Enterprise, and you dare to drive me away with a small supervisor and call your boss to me!" "I can tell you that behind the Starry Sky Enterprise is the chaebol of the country of sticks, if you drive me away, you will bear the consequences!"

Nan Feng snorted coldly, and there was obviously some anger in his eyes.

This supervisor, who does not know whether he is dead or alive, is really very bold, and dares to be so rampant in front of himself.

"No need, our boss said, he doesn't want to see you, trouble you to leave, and our gymnasium won't welcome you in the future

!" "If you are not convinced, you can go to the embassy to report us, but I am sure that the embassy will not accept it!"

said Director Zhang unceremoniously.

Qin Mu and his group just looked at them indifferently, as if looking at a monkey.

They were still so arrogant just now, but they really didn't look ordinary embarrassed at this time.


Nan Feng's fists clenched, and he was about to take out his phone.

"Don't be arrogant, I'll find someone to contact your boss now, a dog like you is definitely seeking his own death!" Qin

Mu shook his head slightly.

Should I call you naïve, or are you stupid, I told you before, I'm the owner of this gymnasium, why don't you believe it?"

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