But they didn't know that after the wealth reached Qin Mu's level, hundreds of thousands, millions in essence, there was no big difference.

Sweeping one store after another, Qin Mu's clothes and Qi Xueqin's clothes, bags and jewelry actually cost millions in the end.

This money can already buy a house in a relatively remote place in the magic capital.

Qi Xueqin's eyes had water mist appearing, and he was very moved when he looked at Qin Mu.

She was not with Qin Mu because of Qin Mu's money.

But seeing his man so generous to himself, to be honest, no girl will not be moved.

Isn't my money your money?"

said Qin Mu with a bit of a smile on his face, pinched her nose with his hand, and said with a smile.

"Aren't people moved?"

Qi Xueqin wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and then said.

"This is moving, then there are not a few moments when you will be moved in the future!"

said Qin Mu with a smile.

Qi Xueqin hit Qin Mu.


two of them walked around ten o'clock, and the mall was ready to close before leaving, walking all the way home, and they didn't take anything in their hands, those clothes and bags, tomorrow the clerk will find someone to deliver them, and there is no need for Qin Mu to take them home specifically.

Take Qi Xueqin home.

The two made out for a while, and after taking a shower, they went back to their rooms to applaud their love.

It seems to be influenced by the mall thing.

Qi Xueqin seems to be working extra hard tonight!

... Early the next morning, when Qin Mu woke up from his bed, a systematic sound came from his mind.

"Ding! has detected that the host has not signed in, do you sign in?" "

Sign in

!" "Ding! "Congratulations to the host for successfully obtaining 79% of the equity of Tianli Investment Company!" A

system voice came.

Qin Mu was slightly stunned, Tianli

Investment Company!

That is a well-known investment company in the magic capital.

The asset value of this company is about ten billion, and because it is an investment company, it has many industries in the magic capital.

Some small and medium-sized companies that have developed well are basically invested by him.

It is precisely because of this that the power and foundation of this company in the magic capital are quite good.

Being able to get seventy-nine percent of the shares of this company is equivalent to Qin Mu making billions early in the morning.


, the fact that this company can stand tall in the magic capital shows that they have a certain degree of resources in themselves, and if these resources are mastered well, it is easy to make some of Qin Mu's business more smooth.

"The Leiming Technology Company I opened actually needs a certain degree of resources

!" "If you can make Tianli Investment Company adjust its direction, as well as resource integration, plus the support of Yunteng Group, then the development scale of Leiming Technology Company can definitely go to a higher level

!" "Also, there are many financial talents in this investment company, and with their help, it will be much more convenient to show their strength in the magic capital in the future!"

Qin Mu is very clear that the basic salary of some investment companies is not high, but once the project you invest in can make money, then you can get dividends.

It is precisely because of this that such investment companies can easily attract some talents.

Because by taking the company's money to invest, they can make money when the project is profitable.

On the one hand, you can show your strength, and on the other hand, you can maintain your life.

This is something that many financial experts like to do.

"What are you thinking?"

at this time, Qi Xueqin also woke up from sleep, looked at Qin Mu a little strangely, and asked.

"It's okay, I just thought of a good project!" said

Qin Mu with a smile.

"Okay, I'll go make you breakfast!" Qi

Xueqin stretched her waist, and the perfect curve of her body was revealed at once.

Xiao Qin Mu couldn't bear it again!

"What, I don't think I really want to eat in the morning!" "

Then what do you want to eat?"

Qi Xueqin wondered.


After almost an hour passed, Qin Mufang left the bedroom satisfied, and after simply eating something, Qin Mu drove directly away.

After getting the shares of Tianli Investment Company, he naturally needed to take a look.

This kind of company that specializes in making money through investment is still very profitable for Qin Mu, and Qin Mu also wants to see what the investment talents in this company look like.

"Ding! Get

the system task!" "Integrate the talent resources of Tianli Investment Company, remove some unnecessary bed bugs, and complete the task to get a copy of the economic financial report of the magic capital!" The

system voice sounded at this time.

It's really sleepy that someone sent pillows.

Every system task always comes in such a timely manner.

Qin Mu is still quite grateful for this system, because many times once he has a need, the system will always come as promised.

And the system issued this kind of task this time, which can show that the investment company should not be so clean this day.

After all, it is a ten-billion-level company, plus so many investment talents.

If they were all clean, Qin Mu didn't believe it either.


It was on Qin Mu's side on his way to Tianli Investment Company.

At this time, inside the investment company in Tianli.

"Director Wang, I heard that the equity of Tianli Investment Company was sold?"

a figure hurriedly walked towards an office, and in the office there was also a woman with heavy makeup and a woman who looked to be in her thirties, and walked out a little disheveled.

Sitting at his desk, the extremely fat man who looked to be about forty years old tidied up his clothes.

It can be seen that it should have just finished.

Early in the morning, he came to the office and had to say that this supervisor Wang was a little unscrupulous in working in the company.

"I also just received the news, I didn't expect that the shares of investing in this kind of company in Tian Li would be sold, this person who bought the shares, it should not be simple, what did you investigate there?"

Wang Hao's eyes looked at the man who walked in and asked.

"Some information has been investigated, the new boss's name is Qin Mu, the boss of Financial Street, this guy has acquired a lot of shares in enterprises during this time, it looks like there will be some big moves!"

the man said respectfully.

"If that's the case, then clean up some information in the company, and then I will personally meet the new boss

!" "This guy can actually have such a large industry in the magic capital, maybe it will be of great benefit to the development of our company

!" "And during this time, he has been acquiring the industry of the magic capital, maybe it is an opportunity for us!" There

was a hint of thought in Wang Hao's eyes.

The development of Tianli Investment Company has reached a bottleneck.

It is extremely difficult to break through.

And Wang Hao, although they have long been worth hundreds of millions, how can people like them be satisfied.

Qin Mu had been buying all kinds of industries during this time, which really showed his strength.

Such a person is likely to make a big move in the next step.


Hao naturally wanted to get on this big ship.

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