Qin Mu's domineering suddenly made the faces of everyone on the board change.

They had thought that after Qin Mu came to the conference room, he would explain to them why Wang Hao was fired.

Then calm their emotions well.

In this case, they can attack.

Because a company, if it wants to survive, it must be everyone's efforts.

Instead of explaining why he fired Wang Hao, Qin Mu showed his domineering side on the board of directors.

This also caught those present a little off guard.

The young man who looked a little thin looked at Qin Mu, to be honest, he had prepared a lot of words before, but Qin Mu's words directly blocked him.

Qin Mu is now the chairman, and even if he is bold, it is impossible to directly conflict with the chairman.

"I just expressed my opinion, and I didn't mean to instruct the chairman!" Although

he had relented, he could still hear some disbelief in his tone.

"I hope you understand that this company is my company, although the people present have more or less shares in their hands, but this company is now what

I say!" "

If you are not convinced, you can say it now, but I Qin Mu can't be merciful!" Qin

Mu's eyes swept away, and a domineering momentum appeared on his body.

For a moment, the faces of everyone present changed slightly, because they didn't expect Qin Mu to be so domineering.

"If the chairman is so domineering, then we people will naturally obey!" a

middle-aged man who looked like an old man stood up and smiled at Qin Mu.

Qin Mu looked indifferent, and then threw several proposals directly on the table.

"Before, you said that these investment projects were made by you

, right!" "

That's right!" Seeing

these investment materials, the thin young man's face was a little ugly.

These investments were arranged for him by Wang Wei, and he also knew that there were some problems with the document itself.

Unexpectedly, Qin Mu was directly thrown in front of him.


are also the old man of the company, that's what you do?"

Qin Mu looked at him and asked slowly.

"This is indeed my mistake at work!" the

emaciated young man's face was extremely ugly.

"Well, if you admit your mistake, then let's watch a set of live broadcasts now!"

said Qin Mu again.

At this time, Qin Mu turned on the LCD screen of the conference room, and the seal on the screen had already arrived at the hotel where Wang Wei was.

In the video, Wang Wei's face has a look of panic.

He didn't expect that Qin Mu's subordinates would find him so quickly.

I tell you, you are wrongfully imprisoned!" Wang

Wei's face had an angry look on him, and he rightfully scolded the seal and the others.

"Wang Wei, originally the boss didn't want to think too much about you, but I didn't expect you to be so ignorant of life and death, you probably thought what happened

in the company, the boss didn't know!" "I tell you, everything you do, the boss knows very well!"

"In addition, what you have done in the company over the years, we have already investigated!"

"You can take a look at this bill, it was sold to us by your most powerful subordinates, and it records what you have done in private during more than ten years in the company!"

After Qin Mu's authorization, his side quickly took action.

Wang Hao never thought that the company would be sold before, he thought that he could always sit back and relax.

But what he didn't expect was that Qin Mu suddenly landed in the air, and caught him off guard, and he couldn't dispose of a lot of evidence.


, these things were not easy to fully investigate for a while,

but he met such a top-level expert as the seal.

Even if you're not guilty, this guy can find some way to make you sin.

In addition, Wang Hao himself is dishonest, in this case, he is naturally killed by the seal.

In the video, Wang Hao saw the account book thrown out by the seal, and his whole face changed greatly, and he has not done some black things over the years.

It is precisely because of this that he was basically pinched to death by the seal.

"Take him away first, and leave the rest to the law enforcement team!"

said Seal in an indifferent tone.

"Wait, are you sent by Qin Mu, I have been working hard for this company for more than ten years!

But at this time, Qin Mu directly turned off the video.

The scene instantly fell into silence, and some people who had previously regarded Wang Hao as the boss had a feeling of trembling in their hearts at this time, and cold sweat continued to break out on their backs.

Wang Hao!

That's it.

It's only been a long time.


How about it

, do you have anything else you want to ask?"

Qin Mu's tone was indifferent, and he didn't give face to anyone present at all.

Everyone fell silent at this time.

After waiting for a while, seeing that no one spoke, Qin Mu's eyes looked towards the young man who had some disbelief with him before.

"Now let's talk about the projects you have invested in!" The

young man's face suddenly changed, and he knelt down on the spot.

Qin Mu can even stand up to people like Wang Hao, and he is not killed in minutes.

"Chairman, listen to me, these things are all things that Wang Hao asked me to do, it really has nothing to do with me, you know, he is powerful in the company, and I dare not listen to his orders!"

the young man hurriedly begged Qin Mu for mercy.

He has also done a lot of things with Wang Hao over the years, although these things are not as serious as Wang Hao, but if Qin Mu investigates, it is enough for him to drink a pot!"

"Didn't you just say that you are not satisfied, I am a chairman of the board, I need you to be satisfied in doing things, subordinates like you, do you feel that I may stay?"

asked Qin Mu rhetorically.

"Chairman, it's all my fault, you don't remember the villain, forgive me this time, I swear that I will definitely serve the company well in the future, and I will never dare to do anything to betray the company!"

Qin Mu's face was still indifferent.

"Bring them all down and hand them over to Quan Jin Law Firm to deal with!" When

the words fell, several security guards walked in and took the young people directly.

Originally, there were still some people in the conference room who were not convinced by Qin Mu.

As soon as they took office, they took Wang Hao away, and they were so domineering, but now, they don't even dare to make a sound!

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