But Qin Mu has this kind of value, plus having a system, it is impossible for him to be those little fresh meat that sells off his appearance.


, with Qin Mu's current strength, he can set up a very strong entertainment company in the magic capital in minutes, and in the awesome artist, he only needs a word,

and the other party will obediently go over to work for him.

Worth hundreds of billions, looking at the entire Shenzhou, although there is no way to compete with the top chaebols, but in Shenzhou is also the top rich.

After all,

one or two hundred billion assets can already be entered into the rich list.

Qin Yue's beautiful eyes stared at Qi Xueqin, to be honest, she was a little surprised, it has only been a long time, this younger sibling of her has changed too much!

Anyway, his younger brother is not his husband, if he really has the ability to have three wives and four concubines, it is indeed his ability.


some billionaires in Shenzhou really have several wives.

There have been revelations before that there is a billionaire who has raised more than a hundred mistresses, and they are arranged in the same community.

It can also be seen that in this world, rich people can really do whatever they want.

"Forget it, this is your business, I can't manage much, how about how to go to the company event with me after eating?"

"I tell you, we are joining a large company, I heard that this time the new chairman of the group, Young Master Nanfeng, will also attend the event!"

Qin Yue seemed to be a little excited.

"You work for a Starry Sky Enterprise?"

Qin Mu's eyes glanced at her and asked a little surprised.

Qi Xueqin's eyes also looked at Qin Yue, although she didn't know much about Qin Mu's affairs, but after all, she was often by Qin Mu's side, and she seemed to faintly know that Qin Mu and Starry Sky Enterprise seemed to be a little unsympathetic.

Now Qin Yue actually works in the Starry Sky Enterprise.

This really surprised her a little.

"What starry sky enterprise, I joined the silverwood group, but this silverwood group has been acquired by the starry sky enterprise, you have to say, this belongs to the starry sky enterprise!"

Qin Yue said with a smile.

When she was in college, she studied foreign languages, and after graduating from university, she also attended classes in Suhang for a period of time.

It is precisely because of this that she still has some understanding of a company like Yinmu Group.

I have graduated from a prestigious university, so there is naturally no difficulty in entering the company.

"Sister, there is something I don't know if I should say or not!" Qin

Mu was silent for a moment, his eyes looking towards Qin Yue.

"What's going on?"

Qin Yue was a little strange, her big grinning personality, there were some things she really didn't realize.

"This Yinmu Group will change a lot next, and I now have some hatred with Starry Sky Enterprise, if nothing else, I will attack Starry Sky Enterprise

!" "So

!" Qin Mu was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "I hope you can leave this enterprise!"

Qin Yue was slightly stunned, but she had some worries in her heart, she knew that Qin Mu was very rich, and there seemed to be a lot of power in the magic capital.

But everyone knows that Starry Sky Enterprise is a top enterprise, and it has the support of the country behind it.

Such a company, how much energy it has, does not need to think at all.

Qin Mu actually had a grudge with this kind of enterprise.

"Qin Mu, you're not kidding me!"

Qin Yue couldn't help but ask.

"Do you think I'm going to joke with you about this kind of thing?"

asked Qin Mu rhetorically.

"But!" Qin

Yue's face had a bit of worry.

How powerful this enterprise is, don't you know, you actually want to wrestle with this kind of enterprise, are you sure?"

"Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion, and I am not so powerful in addition to the Starry Sky Enterprise!"

Qin Mu said with a smile.

This company looks very powerful, but it is a side of the national chaebol, and it is not a mainstream industry at all.

If Qin Mu couldn't do anything about this kind of enterprise, then he was really a fool.

Qin Yue's face was still a little worried, she took a deep breath, and she didn't know how to persuade Qin Mu for a while.

"Didn't you say that the company has a party, then Qi Xueqin and I will accompany you to see it!

"Qin Mu!"

Qin Yue hesitated.

"Don't worry, even if you don't go to work, can't I still support you?"

said Qin Mu again.

"I'm not worried about this, with my qualifications, even if Starry Sky Enterprise doesn't want me, I can find a job, and people like me can stay anywhere

!" "Even if you don't develop in the magic capital, it's nothing, there are still assets in the family!" "I'm

thinking, such a large enterprise, there must be a strong network, so no matter what strength you have, you must be careful!"

Qin Yuedao.

And when she said this, she had already decided to resign in her heart.

Although in the eyes of outsiders, it is a very fortunate thing to be able to enter this kind of hundreds of billions of enterprises.

But in Qin Yue's eyes, feelings are far more important than work.

Qin Mu is her younger brother who has watched her grow up since she was a child.

She naturally needs to cherish it.

"I see!" Qin

Mu nodded slightly.

"If that's the case, then after eating, let's go to the company together to take a look, don't worry, no matter what happens, the old lady will be standing behind you!"

said Qin Yue with a smile.

"Good!" Qin

Mu nodded, he was thinking about when he should give Qin Yue a thorough understanding, as long as she didn't tell her parents!

The time for breakfast passed quickly, Qin Mu's physical fitness was very good, even if he fought all night last night, he did not feel tired.

Qi Xueqin was indeed a little tired, but after she slept in the car for a while, she was full of vitality.

When he was about to come downstairs of the Yinmu Group, Qin Yue's mobile phone rang.

"Hey, Qin Yue, where are you now, the party is about to start, if you don't come to participate, the boss will be unhappy!"

came a pleasant female voice.

Because Qin Yue is a person with strong social skills, although she has just joined, she still has established friendships with several women in the company.

In addition

, discerning people can see that the clothes on Qin Yue's body are at least tens of thousands,

how can such a person be an ordinary person.

It is very likely that the children of rich families come to experience life

! People who are crawling in society have some reality, and they are naturally happy to be friends with such people!

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