Not long after Nanfeng's figure left, because Qin Mu's live broadcast was turned off, Liu Ruoxue's side also quickly knew the situation here.

Her call came directly.

"Qin Mu, you kid can, you can actually make such a show, I thought what were you going to do, but I didn't expect to directly give the Starry Sky Enterprise a critical hit!"

said Liu Ruoxue with a smile.

"It's not because they're stupid, I really thought I would be stupidly reprimanded by him, and I came here to teach him a lesson!"

"Good, give you a thumbs up, this time the fox tail of the

Starry Sky Enterprise is exposed!" "Before I was still thinking, how to use local power to bring some pressure to the Starry Sky Enterprise

!" "Your hand is equivalent to letting Nanfeng lift a stone and hit his own feet, I am contacting some officials here, I believe it will be much easier!"

For some local managers in Shenzhou, their ideological education is absolutely passable.

There are also countless patriotic managers.

Before this kind of thing did not occur in Starry Sky Group, they were in line with Shenzhou's friendship with other countries, and for some foreign companies, the policy was relaxed!

This is equivalent to hitting Shenzhou in the face, and it is estimated that some patriots will also teach some lessons to Starry Sky Enterprises.

As for how to deal with the next thing, it depends on how capable Starry Sky Enterprise is.

And just when Qin Mu hung up Liu Ruoxue's phone.

This incident spread quickly on the Internet in Shenzhou.

For a while, countless netizens began to boycott madly.

There are indeed many keyboard warriors on the Internet, and there are more cute people.

Such things will naturally be consistent with the outside world.

"My impression of the country of sticks before was not bad, but I didn't expect that the country of sticks turned out to be such a country

!" "Two words, garbage!" "Saying that they are garbage is praising them, this kind of people don't want to face!"

Our Shenzhou is a country of etiquette, so we take care of many outsiders, but what we didn't expect was that the people

of the stick country actually looked at us like this!" "Even if it is good for a dog, he will wag his tail at us!"

"Over the years, the economy of the stick country has continued to be low, if it is not for our Shenzhou to give certain support from time to time, in terms of their stick country, what is the economic level in the world?"

"It seems that our Shenzhou is still a little too good for their stick country!" "

Strongly boycott Starry Sky Enterprise!"


Countless netizens kept leaving messages, about what Nanfeng said before, almost every time a post appeared, thousands of people replied.

In addition to what Nanfeng said, it really stung the people of Shenzhou a little.

There is also the promotion of Yunteng Group behind it.

A company that controls a lot of the Internet's resources, if they want to do something, it is naturally very easy.


Nanfeng's figure had returned to the company's office at this time, and his face was full of anger when he saw the overwhelming remarks on the Internet.

He slammed on the desk, and the anger on his face almost made his expression a little distorted.

"Bastard, it's simply a bastard, this Qin Mu actually hurt me so much!"

Nanfeng almost roared and scolded.

That's when his phone rang.

Nanfeng didn't want to take it, but when he picked it up, it turned out to be from the side of the stick country.


!" "Nanfeng, are you stupid? What have you done? Can you still be stupid? What kind of things can be done, what things can't be done, don't you know yet?" "

What kind of place is Shenzhou, the people there are typical people who are stupid and have a lot of money, as long as you coax it, they will naturally pay for it!"

"But you directly put these unwritten things on the table, do you think we have made too much money?" As

soon as the phone was connected, there were roaring voices over there, and you could hear that the man on the other end of the phone was very angry.

Nanfeng knew that it was the chairman of Starry Sky Enterprises who called

, he was just the chairman of the magic capital,

and this person was also a person of considerable status in their chaebol.

Nanfeng called him Uncle.

In Nanfeng's memory, Uncle has always been a relatively strict person who does not like to talk very much.

This time I said so much to myself, I was obviously angry.

"Uncle, I will handle this matter well, don't worry, but it's just some public opinion, and it can be easily suppressed!"

"You'd better handle this matter well

!" "You know, Celestial Chaebol, there are at least seven branches like us, and there are also main personnel

!" "If we can't bring benefits to the chaebol, don't say you, even if it's me, there will be great trouble, and even your brother Nan Chen has heard about this!"

He will fly over tomorrow night!" "

This time he passes, you must listen to his opinion

!" "In business, there is still a big gap between you and him!"

the uncle said earnestly on the phone.

Nan Feng's heart was very unpleasant, and his brother actually wanted to come over.

You know, the chaebols of the country of sticks look happy on the outside, but in fact, the various battles inside are quite fierce.

A celestial phenomenon group has more than a dozen para-factions, and some para-factions are simply impossible to make money, and there are only seven that can really bring benefits to celestial phenomena.

The higher the income you can create, the more support you will receive next year.

Therefore, every side party is trying its best to make the economy.

This time the Starry Sky Enterprise settled in Shenzhou, which is a hope for people in the South Wind faction.

Therefore, no one in their group hoped that anything would go wrong with this.

Nanfeng is also full of confidence this time.

But I didn't expect that I had only been here for a few days, not only did I not handle things well, but I also made such a thing.

What's more, his brother is coming tomorrow night.

Nanfeng's brother is a much more powerful person than Nanfeng, after he comes here, will he still have the ability to control the future Starry Sky Enterprise?

The fist was slightly clenched, and Nanfeng's heart was a little unwilling, and Qin Mu's figure appeared in his mind.

"Qin Mu, you are a bastard, if I don't let you be discredited, my Nanfeng's name will be written upside down!"

said Nanfeng through gritted teeth.


Qin Mu didn't care about these at all, because he was a person who opened his heads, and this South Wind could not be his opponent even if he had three heads and six arms.

And at this time, Qin Mu's figure slowly walked down from the high platform, he was smiling, still like a male god, as if he had an indescribable charm!

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