Originally, Qin Mu thought that these old antiques should be difficult to handle.

Because their character is like this, many things are more pedantic.

But what I didn't expect was that in less than two or three hours, Liu Zhengguo had already handled everything clearly.

For Liu Zhengguo, Qin Mu's understanding was much higher than before.

After three rounds of drinking, these people present also dispersed.

Sitting in a Rolls-Royce car.

Qin Mu gave Liu Zhengguo a thumbs up.

"Or Liu always has the ability!"

"Little meaning!"

There was some smile on Liu Jung-guo's face.

"Dad, I didn't expect that you are such a smiling person, usually so majestic in the company, I didn't expect to be so open in the wine market!"

Liu Ruobing didn't seem to expect that Liu Zhengguo still had this side.

"What's this!"

Yoo Jung-guk shrugged.

"You girl is living in such good conditions, do you know how many things I went through when I started my business in college?"

Liu Ruobing's beautiful eyes glanced at Liu Zhengguo, and there seemed to be a little strange in his heart.

Qin Mu also knew a little about Liu Zhengguo.

Although the deeds of Liu Zhengguo are circulating on the Internet, it seems to be a little legendary.

But Qin Mu knew.

Can grow from nothing to hundreds of billions worth of dollars.

The hardships that Liu Zhengguo has endured are certainly not what ordinary people can imagine.

Although twenty years ago was when the Internet was just emerging.


No matter what the era, there will be competition, and Yunteng Group can always keep moving forward, which also shows Liu Zhengguo's ability.

"Brother Qin, I still have to thank you today, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't know when I can break through with this bit of my worth!"

Liu Zhengguo looked at Qin Mu with a bit of gratitude.

He knew that if Qin Mu hadn't told him about this this time, he would never have imagined that such a big industry would appear in the Demon Capital.

"President Liu is too modest, if it weren't for President Liu's horse, I wouldn't be sure in my heart, because this plate is too big, I may not be able to eat it!"

Qin Mu said with a smile.

This is why he found Liu Zhengguo, the entire market is very large, full of hundreds of billions.

If it was Qin Mu alone, there would definitely be a big mistake.

And there is!

If a person eats too full, it is easy to attract the attention of some red-eyed dogs.

To know!

Human nature is like that.

If you don't have enough strength, you will eat such a large industry, and it will be easily attacked by others.

How many billionaire bosses are framed by villains in the end.

Qin Mu still doesn't want to get too involved in the mall, what he needs is to be a behind-the-scenes boss and make more money, but there are not too many risks.

This is also in line with the setting of Shenhao's system.

It's strong enough, but it's low-key enough.

You don't need to deal with so many disputes on weekdays.

"This time the project is still the same as before, Mr. Qin, you take the big head, we people can take a small head!"

At this time, Liu Zhengguo faced Qin Mudao.

"You also need to make a lot of efforts in this project in the future, and if the big head gives it to me, the impact on you is not small!"

Qin Mu said seriously.

"It's okay, I don't pay much attention to these, plus I believe that Mr. Qin's development in the future will definitely exceed my imagination!" Even to the point of the chaebol of the stick country!

"If I can follow behind Mr. Qin, it is estimated that my life will be enough!"

Liu Zhengguo said quite cheerfully.

He could see that Qin Mu was definitely not an ordinary person, because even a boss of his level did not know about the project in the university town.

Qin Mu could know that this was enough to show that Qin Mu's identity and information channels were far stronger than him.

Other than that!

Qin Mu already had a higher value than him at such an age, which really made him breathe!

And there is!

In the face of such a behemoth as the Starry Sky Enterprise, Qin Mu did not have a trace of fear, which showed that there must be some funding behind Qin Mu.

Liu Zhengguo knew that there were some very ancient families in this land of Shenzhou, and they had unimaginable capital chains in their hands.

Even the richest man in Shenzhou, Papa Ma, was also a younger brother in front of them.


The major shareholder of Yunteng Group is actually a company of the state, and Liu Zhengguo's hands are only a few percent of the shares, plus his investment in other industries, and now it is only worth hundreds of billions.

But that company belongs to the major shareholder of Yunteng Group, their company's market value is as high as ten trillion yuan, and they never appear in the public eye.

This also illustrates.

In this world, many really rich people are actually hidden.

The existence of some rich and hostile countries is simply unknown to outsiders.

A rich man like Liu Zhengguo, exposed to the public eye, is nothing.

Qin Mu's face had a bit of a smile on it, he really didn't expect Liu Zhengguo to value him so much.

Liu Ruobing's beautiful eyes also scanned Qin Mu's body, she knew Liu Zhengguo, he rarely valued a person so much.

Some of Qin Mu's strength really surprised Liu Ruobing.


This man is already famous and has a master, otherwise, Liu Ruobing really can't help but snatch Qin Mu over.

"If this is the case, then follow your ideas, what business will be in the future, I will definitely contact you as soon as possible, in addition!" Regarding some of the remaining shares of Yunteng Company, my side also wants to buy him! "

Qin Mu does not hold many shares of Yunteng Group now, in addition, the largest shareholder of Yunteng Group is abroad.

This point is also what Qin Mu cares more about.

The dignified Yunteng Group has been making money in Shenzhou, but most of the money is actually handed over to foreign companies, which is equivalent to many people in Shenzhou working for foreign companies.

This was something that Qin Mu didn't like, so Qin Mu still hoped to be able to buy the equity of Yunteng Company back.

"It's a bit difficult to do, because this is a hen that lays golden eggs, and whoever catches it in his hand will not be willing to put it down!"

Liu Zhengguo thought for a while, and then said seriously.

He also does not want the equity of his company to fall into foreign companies, you must know that the money Yunteng Group makes from the Internet every year is an astronomical amount, but most of these people are given to foreign companies, and Liu Zhengguo has no way.

Because, as long as it is a Shenzhou person, who does not want Shenzhou's money to stay in Shenzhou, instead of being earned by foreign companies again and again!

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