Just when Nan Chen's side was making a decision, Qin Mu's side received a call from Liu Ruoxue.

"Are you busy?"

"It's already busy!"

Qin Mudao.

"Then I'll pick you up later, tonight is the charity party, behave well then!"

Liu Ruoxue said to Qin Mudao.

Qin Mu responded, and then hung up the phone.

In the past few days, Qi Xueqin has successfully worked in his company under his leadership, usually Qi Xueqin will manage the company, and most of the time, she is also studying for a doctorate.

The difficulty of obtaining a doctorate degree is not low now, so Qi Xueqin is also busy on weekdays.

Qin Mu also knew that this was her own decision, and she had nothing to say.

At about four o'clock in the afternoon, Liu Ruoxue's vehicle came to Qin Mu's downstairs.

Her vehicle stopped, and Liu Ruoxue's figure walked out of the car.

With long flowing hair and a beautiful body, just standing there makes many people unable to look away.

After Qin Mu knew that she had arrived, his figure walked downstairs.

When she saw Qin Mu, Liu Ruoxue had a bit of a smile on her face, and even took the initiative to open the car door for Qin Mu.

This move is also the envy of countless others.

The beauty of the fragrant car, and the beauty also took the initiative to open the door for Qin Mu, this treatment is really their dream.

Qin Mu smiled slightly: "You are pulling hatred for me!" "

Why not?"

Liu Ruoxue said angrily.

Qin Mu spread his hands and said that it didn't matter, and after the two got into the car, the vehicle quickly drove towards a hotel.

Xiang'er Washington Hotel, which is also a five-star hotel, is in this place today's charity gala.

On the way, Liu Ruoxue handed a document to Qin Mu.

"The person in charge of this charity gala, in addition to the vice president of the Red Cross, there are also some important officials of the magic capital, one of which is Xu Xiu, who is related to the University Town project!"

"He is the head of the urban planning department, and when the university town project is completed, the probability that he will handle it will be very high!"

"We have now obtained the consent of the three principals, this project belongs to the ten to nine, but if Xu Xiu can also stand on our side, then as long as this project appears, then even if the immortals come, they can't take it!"

Liu Ruoxue said to Qin Mudao.

Xu Xiu has a lot of power in urban planning, and he may not be able to decide which company to hand over to the university town project, but he can decide the direction of the university town.

The few pieces of land that Qin Mu was preparing to bid for, if nothing else, were the most suitable for the University Town project.


They are places where Starry Sky Enterprise has spent several years, and as long as it can be cut off, Starry Sky Enterprise's efforts for several years will be in vain.

"Under normal circumstances, Xu Xiu will definitely follow the meaning of the three principals, and then arrange it in combination with the needs of the construction company!"

"However, this project is a project that Starry Sky Enterprise has been preparing for a long time, and when the time comes, I will cut off my beard, maybe this guy Nan Chen will fight with me to break the net!"

"Although I'm not afraid of him, Xu Xiu's side can indeed have an impact on the University Town project!"

Qin Mu secretly analyzed in his heart.

The bigger the project, the more caution is required.

Take every step well so that accidents are not easy to occur.

"Then tonight, I'm going to be in the limelight!"

Qin Mu said with a smile.

"Whatever you want!"

Liu Ruoxue shrugged and said disapprovingly.

Because the main core personnel have already been dealt with, Xu Xiu's side is just worried that something will go wrong, so Liu Zhengguo is also relieved to hand over to Liu Ruoxue and Qin Mu.

The vehicle came to the parking lot of the hotel, and Qin Mu had already understood Xu Xiu's general information.

And just when Liu Ruoxue was about to enter the parking lot, several figures quickly stopped them at this time.


"Our young master is still parking inside, you guys are waiting here!"

The men at the head were obviously from the country of sticks, they acted domineeringly, and there was an undoubted taste in their eyes.

Liu Ruoxue's face changed.

The parking lot of the hotel is a public place, why are these people so domineering.

"How did you guys talk to Miss Liu, and it's Mr. Qin in the co-pilot!"

"These two are the figures of the Demon Capital, how can you be so presumptuous?"

A figure with several bodyguards walked towards this side, his eye was very good, and he could identify the two people in the car through the windshield at a glance.

Because he had seen the list of charity conventions.

In addition to what kind of car Liu Ruoxue usually drives, you only need to investigate a little to know.

Being able to easily recognize the two is not difficult at all.

Qin Mu and Liu Ruoxue's gazes were both looking ahead.

The young man at the head had some similarities in facial features to Nanfeng, but he had a confident smile on his face, and he looked more domineering and confident than Nanfeng!

Nan Chen!

Qin Mu and Liu Ruoxue immediately recognized each other's identities.

And when Qin Mu saw the other party, he could clearly feel that there was a kind of edge in Nan Chen's body that Nan Feng did not have.

Although they are two brothers, they can feel that Nan Chen is much better than Nan Feng.

It is really worthy of being the designated heir of the chaebol side lineage, and he is also the young owner of Starry Sky Enterprises.

Such a person is not simple!

"Young Master Nan, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

Liu Ruoxue's eyes looked towards each other, because Yunteng Group also had business in the country of sticks, and Liu Zhengguo and Liu Ruoxue had dealt with each other.

This young man who looks a little domineering at a glance, he is far more difficult to deal with than some old foxes in the mall.


He was smart and had some caution in his edge.

Compared to Nanfeng, he is definitely a figure at the level of a big brother.

"It's true that I haven't seen it for a long time, we should have been out of sight for a longer time, but it's a pity! My indisputable brother, who always likes to talk nonsense, had a few drinks before, and did not know what he was talking about!

"In order to express the friendship between the Stick Country and Shenzhou, I can only come over in person!"

"You know, our Starry Sky Enterprise has always regarded it as an honor to be able to cooperate with Shenzhou!"

Nan Chen's face seemed to have a look of hatred for iron and steel, if only from what he said, people who did not know thought that the previous things were all misunderstandings.

Their Starry Sky Enterprise is truly a people-oriented enterprise.

But Qin Mu and Liu Ruoxue are not ordinary people, and they know very well what is the situation of this kind of enterprise.

"It's still Mr. Nan Chen who is sensible, but they are all adults, even if they drink, they can't talk indiscriminately, otherwise, the impact on your Starry Sky Enterprise will still be great!"

Qin Mu said with a smile next to him.

However, when his eyes met Nan Chen, there seemed to be a spark faintly.

These two young people, who are also very good, finally met for the first time at this time.

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