"Why can't you help but smile every time you come in the morning, are you dreaming of something good every night?"

Qi Xueqin next to him looked at Qin Mu a little strangely.

He hasn't done this once or twice.

Qin Mu coughed, he didn't expect Qi Xueqin to wake up.

"I did think of something, didn't you say that you still have to take the exam today?" Then get ready, let's go take the exam!

Qin Mu changed the subject.


Qi Xueqin nodded, washed, and after eating breakfast, the two left the house, and on the way Qin Mu's mobile phone was dialed, it was Liu Ruoxue calling.

She had already made a full set of preparations there, but she didn't know how much money Starry Sky Enterprise would come up with to prepare for the plan, so she called Qin Mu.

And Qin Mu also quickly responded to her, because with god-level divination, Qin Mu knew a lot of things.

The celestial chaebol has always been more careful, so even if he set up a real estate company, he did not tell the other party in detail what the purpose of bidding for this land was.

Just tell the other party that this land is needed to develop the project, and the purpose is also to save money.


The funds prepared by their company should be two or three billion, plus the funds originally owned by the company, Liu Ruoxue only needs to prepare five billion yuan.

After talking to Liu Ruoxue about the situation, Liu Ruoxue also nodded slightly, and quickly hung up the phone.

At this time, Qin Mu had already driven to the gate of the school.

When Pagani Fengshen stopped, it attracted the attention of many people in an instant, and when Qin Mu and Liu Ruoxue stepped down from the car, many people present made one exclamation after another.

Because these two are so eye-catching.

"Mr. Qin!"

At this moment, a rather enthusiastic shout came.

Qin Mu's eyes looked not far away and found that Xu Xiu was actually here.

"Why are you here?"

There were some smiles on Qin Mu's face, and Qin Mu also noticed that behind Xu Xiu was a girl who looked a little shy and had eyes, and this girl's appearance was somewhat similar to Xu Xiu.

"My daughter also happened to be a Ph.D., this is your girlfriend?"

There was some excitement on Xu Xiu's face.

Since hearing Qin Mu's piano yesterday, in his heart, Qin Mu was simply a god-like existence.

Qin Mu nodded.


Qi Xueqin greeted Xu Xiu very warmly.


There was a little smile on Xu Xiu's face, but his eyes quickly returned to Qin Mu.

"I don't know if you have time, I just happened to have a music exchange meeting here, and your piano ability can definitely be outstanding!"

Xu Xiu hurriedly asked.

If he were a girl, it was estimated that he would fall in love with Qin Mu in a second.


Qin Mu hesitated.

"Don't rush to refuse, this concert is not only some music masters from the magic capital, but also some music lovers, in fact, I also know something about you and Nan Chen!"

"If you can attend this concert, some of the characters at the concert may help you!"

Xu Xiu said again at this time.

Qin Mu was slightly stunned.

"You may not know that after Starry Sky Enterprise entered the magic capital, it has always had its own plan, and Starry Sky Enterprise and Yinmu Group themselves are separate!"

"Therefore, the Silverwood Group has also been making some moves during this time!"

"I don't know about Starry Sky Enterprises, but I know very well that Silverwood Group has always wanted to build Skypark, and at the same time acquired some entertainment companies, if nothing else, they should want to develop in this aspect!"

"If you really want to fight someone like Nan Chen, at this concert, you can meet many bosses of entertainment companies, maybe it will help you a little!"

Xu Xiu said to Qin Mu.

Qin Mu's face changed slightly, to be honest, he really didn't expect that sending Qi Xueqin over to take the exam today, Xu Xiu would give him such important information.

"Thank you, then I attended this concert!"

Qin Mu said with a smile.

Xu Xiu also smiled, and then chatted with Qin Mu about some things related to music.

At this time, Qi Xueqin's figure walked inside.

Time is passing by minute by minute.

But almost an hour and a half passed, when Qi Xueqin came out of the examination room, a man who was about forty years old and wore a suit and leather shoes actually followed her all the time, with some smiles on the man's face, and his words seemed to be teasing Qi Xueqin.

"What's the situation?"

Qin Mu's figure quickly walked towards Qi Xueqin.

After seeing Qin Mu, Qi Xueqin's face was obviously relaxed.

"I don't know either, and since I came out of the examination room, I have been following me!"

Qi Xueqin said.

The man's eyes narrowed slightly when he saw Qin Mu.

"Mr. Qin."

"You know me?"

Qin Mu was a little surprised.

"Of course, you are also the first person who can make Silverwood Group suffer such a big loss!"

There was a sneer at the corner of the man's mouth.

Qin Mu also noticed at this time that the man seemed to be a Japanese man, because his accent was a little strange, and there was a very obvious Japanese logo on his suit.

"People from the Silverwood Group?"

Qin Mu asked.

"That's right, I'm the executive chairman of Silverwood Group, Miyamoto Yamada!"

"Actually, I should also thank you, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have changed from a deputy general manager to my current general manager!"

Miyamoto Yamada said with a sneer, the indifference in his eyes was self-evident, and he also had a more arrogant temperament.

"If Kamimura were here now, I guess I would be angry with you!"

Qin Mu said with a slight smile.

"I'm different from Nanfeng, the whole company knows that I don't deal with Uemura, which is why I can become the executive chairman, in addition, we Silverwood Group is not so easy to provoke!"

"If Uemura planted a heel on you, it is impossible for him to appear on me!"

Miyamoto Yamada said with a cold snort.

Qin Mu shrugged his shoulders and did not continue to entangle with him, and at this time, Xu Xiu's figure walked over, and his gaze towards Miyamoto Yamada obviously had some hostility.

When Miyamoto Yamada's eyes saw Xu Xiu, he was obviously a little surprised.

Because he knows very well that Xu Xiu is an urban planning officer, his authority is not small, and some of the projects he has in his hands also need Xu Xiu's help.

"Mr. Xu!"

"Don't call me Mr. Xu, I'm not familiar with you!"

"Mr. Qin, this guy was quite arrogant just now! But it doesn't matter, I Xu Xiu has always been clear about public and private, you are my mentor, he actually spoke ill of you, that is, he was not bad at me, the project developed by such a company must not be very much, when the time comes, I will go back and let my subordinates take a good look! "

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