Two days passed in a blink of an eye, and Qin Mu's luck in these two days was not very good, and he did not draw any skills, most of them were some houses or shops worth one or two hundred million.

This did not mean much to Qin Mu.

And Qi Xueqin has been taking exams every day these days, and according to her words, the progress is relatively smooth.

On this day, when Qin Mu had just finished washing, Liu Ruoxue's phone called.

"Qin Mu, the bidding meeting will begin immediately! Where are you now? "

At home!"

Qin Mudao.

"Then do we need to go straight there?"

Liu Ruoxue asked.

"No need, let your people bid, they should not have much money in their hands, and the company bidding this time, they don't know about the project in the university town, just think that Starry Sky Enterprise may invest in this land, so as long as we have enough money from here, this land must be ours!"

Qin Mu said confidently.


Liu Ruoxue responded, and then quickly hung up the phone.

At this time, Qin Mu was drinking coffee, sitting on a luxurious leather sofa looking at the laptop, Qi Xueqin left quickly because he still needed to deal with the affairs of Lei Ming Company.

Stretching his waist, Qin Mu's face had a somewhat leisurely look.

Almost two hours later, Liu Ruoxue's phone called.

"The auction was successful, a total of two plots of land, spent 4.6 billion!"

Liu Ruoxue responded.


There was a smile on Qin Mu's face, which was much lower than the price he had estimated before.

"I'll send you an electronic document back to the bidding form, you take a good look!"

Liu Ruoxue said again.



When Qin Mu was having a good ride here, on the other side, at this time in the Starry Sky Enterprise, Nan Chen was also drinking coffee, and his face had a somewhat confident look.

According to his plan, this time the plan of the college town, he will definitely have the victory.

But almost ten minutes later, a figure hurriedly rushed into his office, his face full of anxiety.

"What does panic look like? What happened?

Nan Chen scolded.

"Boss, it's not good, the two plots of land we are eyeing have been bought by other companies!"

The middle-aged man who came in hurriedly said to Nan Chen.

"Already bought by other companies ... What did you say! Nan

Chen didn't react at first, but after repeating the sentence, he quickly reacted, his face changed greatly, and he immediately stood up.

"I also just got the news, it seems that this time in addition to our company, there is another company that is very interested in these two plots of land, and finally won these two plots at a price that exceeded 70% of the market price!"

The middle-aged man explained that his forehead was full of sweat at this time, and his heart was extremely nervous.

Nan Chen's face became extremely gloomy.

"Bastard, it's simply a bastard, a premium of seventy percent, where did this run out of the bastard!"

The middle-aged man stood on the side and did not dare to say anything.

"Check for me, be sure to find out what is the situation of this company? Dare to snatch something in my Nan Chen's hand, he is impatient? "


The middle-aged man nodded, and then instructed his subordinates to inquire, such an investigation did not take much time, and when he saw the information of this company, the middle-aged man's face became a little strange.

"Boss, this company is just registered, and the registered legal person ... It's Liu Ruoxue! "

Liu Ruoxue!"

Nan Chen's eyes widened a little.

He never expected that it was Liu Ruoxue who competed with him.

"How is this possible? Why did Liu Ruoxue buy these two pieces of land?

"It's impossible, the project in the university town has not yet been implemented, and our chaebol has also spent a lot of effort to grasp this news, and it has been laid out for several years before it is ready to be implemented, how can Liu Ruoxue know!"

"This is absolutely impossible!"

Nan Chen couldn't believe that Liu Ruoxue would know about the plan for the university town.

Because for this plan, Nan Chen didn't know how much effort it took to have these news.


If she didn't know about the project in the university town, why Liu Ruoxue would buy these two pieces of land at a premium, it is difficult for her to have any other plans.

"Let me find a way to contact Liu Ruoxue and ask her to sell these two pieces of land to us, even if it is a markup on the original basis!"

Nan Chen thought for a while, and immediately went down to the opponent.

Only these two pieces of land in the magic capital meet the standards of a university town.

Without these two plots of land, the University Town project would not have fallen into his hands.


The middle-aged man nodded, and then left the office with a figure.

Nan Chen sat on the office chair, not knowing why after coming to the magic capital, he always had a feeling of being powerless.

"Liu Ruoxue! You're tougher than I thought! "


Liu Ruoxue had already held the tender documents for these two plots in his hand at this time, and there was some excitement in his eyes.

For projects with dozens of times more profit, she is still in contact with for the first time.


Once the university town is successfully built, it will be a piece of fragrant bread, and the annual rent is estimated to be no less than that of Financial Street.

This is equivalent to Yunteng Group's rent collection alone can reach billions of yuan every year in the future.

Because more profits are to be handed over to Qin Mu.

"Qin Mu, you are indeed a wizard!"

Liu Ruoxue said softly.

Jingle bell ~

phone ringing at this time.

Liu Ruoxue looked at the caller ID, with a little smile at the corner of her mouth, and then connected the phone.

"Hey, Miss Liu?"

"You are?"

Liu Ruoxue's face was indifferent, as if she didn't know who the other party was, and asked.

"I am the owner of Yinhai Real Estate Investment Company, I heard that Miss Liu's company auctioned two plots of land, I wonder if Miss Liu is interested in transferring these two plots to me?"

"The money aspect is good to say, mainly because our company intends to develop that place, although it can't make any money, but this is also a symbol of the strength of our company!"

The male voice on the other end of the phone sounded full of anger, as if he didn't know about the university town, but simply wanted to buy these two pieces of land.

Liu Ruoxue knew that he must have been arranged by the Starry Sky Enterprise.

Having been laid out in the magic capital for so long, their power in the magic capital is not small.

"I'm sorry, I have other uses for these two pieces of land, so I can't resell them to you!"

Liu Ruoxue directly refused.

"Miss Liu, don't worry, you also know that the location of these two plots of land is not very good, and we..." The

man on the other end of the phone still said, but before he finished speaking, Liu Ruoxue directly hung up the phone.

"Still trying to fool me now? Really when I'm a three-year-old? I don't know what kind of face Nan Chen is now!

Liu Ruoxue sneered, and the coldness on the corners of her mouth became more and more intense!

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