After the end of the track, the scene was quiet for a long time.

After a while, the sound of applause immediately sounded.

Some people who have practiced piano for decades have tears flashing in their eyes when they listen to this piano piece.

It's so nice!

It's so good!

They've never heard such a nice tune.

These people are different from those rich businessmen before, they really understand music, so when they hear Qin Mu's songs, they naturally feel deeply.

With a faint smile on his face, Qin Mu stood up, then bowed to the people present, and walked down.

At this time, many people came towards this side.

They all came here because they admired Qin Mu's musical talent.

And Qin Mu also responded politely.

And just when everyone was surrounding Qin Mu, a figure also came to Qin Mu.

This person was the middle-aged man who had come to greet him when Qin Mu and Xu Xiu came to the venue before.

With a pair of eyes, he looks quite Sven, and many people will have some good feelings at the first glance of him.

"I heard that Mr. Qin's piano skills are overwhelming before, and when I heard it today, it was really extraordinary, introduce myself, I am the organizer of this concert, and others call me Josen!"

The middle-aged man said with a smile.


Qin Mu responded politely.

"Mr. Qin, I didn't know your music level before, so I didn't dare to be presumptuous, but now that I know your piano skills, I don't know if Mr. Qin is interested in talking to me about something!"

Joson still has a smile on his face and an irresistible charm.


Qin Mu nodded.

Qiao Sen instructed, and then led Qin Mu towards the small bar on the side, and some people next to him were also interested, and they did not entangle when they saw this scene.

Josson's status at this concert is still very high.

"What does Mr. Qin like to drink?"

When he came to the small bar, Joson took the initiative to bartend.


Qin Mu said with a smile.

Jossen skillfully picked up some bottles and quickly bartened.

Almost a few minutes later, a red and blue cocktail was placed in front of Qin Mu.

Qin Mu glanced at the cocktail with a smile on his face, and then slowly picked him up.

"This glass is called Hero, and it was made in ancient Rome to celebrate the best warriors!"

"I feel that Mr. Qin is very suitable for this wine, a young hero, whether it is courage or ability, he is one of a million!"

Joson laughed.

"Thank you!"

Qin Mudao.

"Actually, this time to call Mr. Qin alone, there is also one thing I want to ask Mr. Qin for help!"

Johnson said.

"What's going on?"

Qin Mu asked.

"I'm going abroad in a while, I don't think I have time to maintain the music association, Mr. Qin has such a level of music, I believe that if you can join the music association, there will definitely be no objection!"

Johnson said with a smile.

"Let me join the Music Association!"

Qin Mu took a sip of the cocktail, this wine was a little choking, but it was still adaptable to Qin Mu.

"Yes, Mr. Qin may find this music association more troublesome, but I can tell you, if you can enter the music association!" With Mr. Qin's strength, he can definitely hold an important position in the association!

"You know, only the musical talents of the magic capital need to be recommended by the association to enter the international stage!"

"The gold content of this association is very heavy, and even if there are any artists under Mr. Qin's name who need to enter a higher stage, they can also be recommended through the association!"

"What do you think?"

Joson said with a smile.

Qin Mu nodded slightly.

"Sounds good!"

"If that's the case, then I'll agree to it as Mr. Qin!"

"If the benefits are really so much, there is no need for me to refuse!"

Qin Mu said with a smile.

"What I said is absolutely true, and I am about to leave the magic capital, and the position of the chairman of this association really needs a new person to take the stage!"

Johnson said.

Qin Mu nodded slightly, he knew that this kind of association might have some trivial matters, but Qin Mu could find someone to take care of, anyway, money was not a big deal for him.

Having such an identity will have a lot of benefits for his future development of the entertainment industry.

"But I have one more thing here, I hope Mr. Qin can help me!"

At this time, Johnson said again.

I don't know why Qin Mu felt a little fainting in his brain after drinking two sips of wine.

For a moment, there was a flicker in his eyes.

He knew his physical qualities, and ordinary liquor could not have caused him to react this way.

However, his face was the same as before, but his eyes became a little confused.

"There's something wrong with this wine! There is also a problem with this Joson in front of you! Thinking

so in his heart, Qin Mu did not make a statement, but calculated it, he wanted to see what Qiao Sen wanted to do.

"What's going on?"

"Well, a company of mine wants to develop a property, and he just took a fancy to a piece of land recently photographed by Yunteng Group!"

"I don't know if Mr. Qin is interested in selling that land to us, but don't worry, we are willing to pay a fifty percent premium for that land!"

Joson laughed.

"Fifty percent premium, which piece of land?"

Qin Mu was a little puzzled.

"It is a real estate company registered by Liu Ruoxue not long ago, I heard that you and Liu Ruoxue have a very close relationship, and in this company, you have a certain amount of equity, so I want to find you to sell this land!"

Johnson said.

"Is there such a thing? How did I not know?

Qin Mu asked with a puzzled look in his eyes.

"Mr. Qin must be too busy with work, you must not pay attention to this kind of small land, but Mr. Qin, as long as you can sell this land to me, I dare to promise you that in the future, the Magic Capital Music Association, you will be the boss, and the premium is fifty percent, which is a steady profit!"

"You should do my friend a favor, how do you think?"

Johnson asked.


Qin Mu nodded, looking really drunk.

Qiao Sen's eyes were ecstatic, and then he put a document in front of Qin Mu at this time.

"Mr. Qin, if you agree, then sign it!"

Looking at the document, Qin Mu's eyes turned left and right with a hint of confusion, and then really signed it.

Seeing Qin Mu finish signing, Qiao Sen's face was full of excitement.

"Mr. Qin, this is really thank you!"

After speaking, Qiao Sen put the document away, and at this time Qin Mu stretched out a hand and said.

"Wait, isn't the contract in duplicate? What about the one on my side? "

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